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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Anent the lattes, have you tried them with skim milk and no additional flavorings? It might take a little to become accustomed to them, but milk has natural sugars in it which (proper) steaming brings out--lattes are quite sweet on their own. I love a skim latte. I consider it a (mostly) healthy treat.
  2. Okay, I know you are being funny, but it still bugged me, so fixed! You, sir, totally have me pegged.
  3. ^ I have. It tasted sweet at first, but then filled my mouth with the most bitter taste I've ever encountered. And the taste persisted even after rinsing with water, brushing my teeth, drinking some milk, eating of bread, gargling with salt water..... for 20 minutes! Ew! I'd rather just get fatter.
  4. And now for something less offensive than an abortion apparatus:
  5. Yeah, ^ pretty much. Only I described it as "Dances with Wolves" meets "Final Fantasy," but it is a rehash of a very familiar plot line. Still, the effects are amazing and, in themselves, make it worth watching. And yet, for all the repetition of the plot, how is it that we haven't learned those lessons yet? More grammar griping: In the original paragraph on "Pocahontas," there was a very poor sentence in that the listed items were not consistent in their grammatical content (parts of speech): "Furthermore she teaches him how to hunt, grow crops, and of her culture." It's okay because it's intelligible, but it would be better if, 1) a comma appeared after "furthermore," 2) the list either consisted entirely of verbs, verb-object combinations, or objects, and not a jumble thereof. As it is, it has one verb, one verb-object, and one object. It's not a nice sentence. It sounds even more awkward in the rewrite. But what I really mean to say is the grammar mistake in this topic title is really getting my panties all in a bunch. Will someone PLEASE fix it? Please? Please? Change "seen" to "saw." Thanks.
  6. I feel good. I got some exercise this morning. Still, I think my mood would be even better if I were not two weeks now without my med. I cry frequently and without warning and get frighteningly angry over the stupidest stuff. I hope the exercise and other self care helps offset it.
  7. Yay! Sleepovers Battle Royale style. I like. So, what's their version of "five minutes in the closet?"
  8. The one, though, with the bridge....isn't that technically two sheets of paper? I mean, even if it started as one, once split like that, it is now two. Anyway, those are simply amazing. I don't know if anyone can be too creative, but some people are talented in a way that makes me feel dull and a dullard in comparison. Just wow.
  9. Summer of 2008, my ex-husband found me on facebook. Everyone who knew him whom I showed his letter was of the belief that he was fishing to see if I was still interested in him, especially as he was newly divorced (a second time). Instead, I took that opportunity to, very calmly, iterate the list of past grievances for which I would require of him allocution if not apology ere I'd accept him as even a tertiary member of my friendship circle. It wasn't vengeance, truly, but it was hugely satisfying--for all the time that he and I were together, I bit my tongue, for the most part, and did not stick up for myself for (the very realistic) fear of physical, financial, psychological, and sexual retribution. Then that he had no power over me, I could tell him plainly what was what. I did. It was liberating.
  10. Sorry. I had to make a few insertions in the above text. A spelling error and the omission of a few punctuation marks irked me. Back on topic. I think this is very interesting. I may be one of the very few people in the world that believes in bureaucracy--that it does good and necessary work, but I have often thought that the rigidity of the rules that govern it, ironically most especially the ones that are supposed to guarantee equal treatment and uniform high quality response, are the very same ones that, instead, cripple what would otherwise be a highly effective system for the very reason that wherever accountability surpasses autonomy, the employee gives up. I've seen this at work in both public and private sector workplaces. I am very glad Pink's book examines this issue. I hope that it opens up discussion of alternative methods of supervision. However, I hope that it doesn't contribute to decreases in wages coetaneous to the expectation of more uncompensated output, at least pertaining to those with only part-time positions or already logging 40 plus hours per week. As George W. put it, we are still trying very hard to "put food on [our] family." Thanks for the post. I'll check out the book.
  11. I've gained back everything I'd lost. This is not good. I'm trying now to figure out a sustainable habit of diet and exercise that will hopefully allow me to drop that recent accrual prior to my wedding. But it means that I will have to get up off of my ass. Drat. I like being stationary.
  12. I know a myomassologist who gives lavender bath salts to all his clients for the highly recommended detox bath post-session. (Massage can release chemicals stored in muscle tissue into the bloodstream; supposedly hot baths with bath salts help expurgate those toxins. Anent the validity of such claims, I have no fucking idea: I just do what I'm told.)
  13. I have one request. It's a grammar request. This topic has been bothering me since it went up. Will someone please be so kind to change the topic from 'what is the last movie you seen' to 'what is the last movie you saw?' It's "you have seen" or "you saw," but not any jumble thereof. Thank you.
  14. It's a deal! Sex for puppies!

  15. Well, I'm going from the assumption, based on recent studies, that a woman's libido is pretty much equal to a man's, and that it pretty much hits fever pitch late 20's, early 30's, with another spike just post-menopause. Yet, women tend to be more inhibited due to cultural norms. So, though there are many more hetero women, many of whom may strongly desire to have sex with a man even if they must pay for it, but on the condition that it be very discreet, bonus points if he's good looking, fewer women WILL pay for heterosexual sex (as a percentage of all heterosexual women) than will gay/bi/bi-curious men (as a percentage of all gay/bi/bi-curious men). To restate, but less confusingly: there are far more heterosexual women than gay males, but of all heterosexual women, only a small percentage do I expect will pay for sex. On the other hand, though there are vastly fewer gay/bi/bi-curious men in the world than women, I expect a higher percentage of those would be willing to pay for sexual encounters. Together, the, say, 2.5 percent of heterosexual women who will pay for sex will approximate in number the 10 percent of gay/bi/bi-curious men who will. [Those numbers are made up for the purpose of demonstration and do not reflect any real estimates of behavior in these groups.] But why would I estimate the female numbers so high in comparison to your assumption? The times are a-changin' and more women (and men) are defying the societal norms. Yay!
  16. Actually, I think the customer demographic will be split about evenly between gay or bi males and hetero females.
  17. I detest Wal-mart, but I agree with Spook here. In no way is Wal-mart an isolated culprit in this practice AND, generally, Wal-mart does donate its ex-stock for the tax write-off. There are still many valid reasons to hate Wal-mart and its ilk.
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