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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Shi- I missed your birthday! I am so sorry! I hope it was a splendid occasion, something even more festive than what, apparently, was your Christmas Eve.
  2. Good to hear from you! I am glad that the Navy is treating you well. Please keep feeding our sailors, but not too much, and doing what you can to spread awareness/acceptance of alternative lifestyles. Yay for Michiko!
  3. Where did the 'a's go? Why were they dropped in "year" (yer), "real" (reil), and "easy" (ezi)? Then, why does 'i' replace 'y' in some places and not others? The article doesn't say. And there is an '!' at the end of "where" in the fourth paragraph. Sorry. I really am an asshole. Er. Ashol. Yep. Zat's me. I don't mynd changes so long as zey ar konsistent.
  4. Desperately trying not to be so persnickety about spelling and grammar. I am sure people would just prefer that I not correct them. But, oh, the language I love is languishing for want of care by its wanton, purported native, speakers. Drat. I must take a chill pill. I must. It will be okay. Civilization will not erode...much. Edit to add: But it really gets my dander up when so-called educational sites can't even quote something properly. The omitted comma in, "I'll get you my pretty," drastically changes the meaning of the phrase. What is her "pretty" that she is getting it for "you?" It should be, "I'll get you, my pretty." DAMN YOU, WEBKINZ, DAMN YOU and the gazillion other errors I've encountered in just a few short hours there and elsewhere. Like TNT (yes, Turner Network Television) for offering films with the enticement "more movie, less commercials;" it's FEWER commercials, drat it! 'Commercials' is an enumerative noun. Okay, I need yoga or alcohol or Valium or something.
  5. Mildly jealous of, but mostly happy for, the above individual. I'm sure I'll get mine this year too.
  6. I give you very, very late wishes for a happy birthday. Because of lateness, you are refunded cost of shipping and handling in full. Enjoy.
  7. Though it be very belated, I send you happy birthday wishes. To be redeemed on any un-birthday of your choice. And hugs.
  8. I am so slow in responding. Is she gone already? Just when I was going to say "welcome?" Oh well, welcome anyway.
  9. Don't panic yet. Please hang in there. Many hugs to you.
  10. Okay, okay, I really like the basic premise, but, really, though, are they serious about "penile/vaginal intercourse" as having "the greatest benefits?" About that, I'm skeptical. Not to say that I don't enjoy it, because I do, but unless they can isolate some specific factor or factors that make/s "penile/vaginal intercourse" more beneficial than other forms of sex and sex play, I don't see how this singular study should be an endorsement of heterosexual penile/vaginal intercourse above all else. Not to say that IS what the article is saying, but the same data in the wrong hands can become some ludicrous argument against same-sex love and that is just fucked up.
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