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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. You do not need a membership to Costco to get prescriptions at Costco. It is likely the same case at Sam's Club. [i know, because Spook told me, that membership can not be required for liquor purchases by law. I wonder if it is the same per prescriptions?] Anyway, again, you do NOT need a Costco membership to get your prescriptions from Costco. Just tell the people at the door that you are there for the pharmacy. Let them know at the pharmacy that your meds are not covered by insurance. You will probably have to sign a form stating that you allow Costco pharmacy to substitute generics when available and will not sue them for doing so, but you should be able to get your scrips on their discount program. I've been using Costco for my scrip for about 18 months now, and I am quite satisfied with them. My med, the generic for Prozac, cost me only $7.11 for 30 days there. It even recently went down to $5.23. (I know, what's up with those numbers?) Your med will likely cost much more, but you should still see some savings over other stores.
  2. Blah. Unmotivated, uninspired, not quite sickly, but not in peak condition either. Maybe it will all start looking up after some coffee.
  3. Just woke up. Yeah, I know it's noon. I'm having coffee and raisin bran.
  4. Hello. My name is Doug. I just met you and I love you. Squirrel.

  5. I do too. Wait, you aren't talking about the dress, are you? Good, cuz I'm not either.
  6. Is that...is that Hugh Lorrie....the doctor/experimenter who died on the phone in the hallway?
  7. Nuh-uh. She's too Botoxed and silicone-injected to close her mouth. When that woman talks dirty, she sounds like Elmer Fudd. You can have her.
  8. Always use pen for crosswords and letters; it makes one choose one's words more carefully.
  9. I am really sorry for those who had a terrible year last year. I know how that can be. I had a terrible run from 1996 to 2001. I'm not even sure how I survived 1998, 1999, or 2001, but I did. Really, the last three months of 2008 were worse than anything I experienced in 2009, though losing my job last March was a pretty difficult thing and being broke is not much fun. I will also miss Trixie's Coffee House. Yet, overall, 2009 has been a year of blessings: Spook asked me to marry him, I have been given a second chance to be a part of my daughter's life, I have gained many happy additions to my circle of friends, my best friends were married, a few other friends also married this past year, other friends of mine had a daughter, and I think I have had more days of bliss last year than in many other years prior combined. For everyone, those for whom 2009 sucked shit through a swizzle stick and regurgitated it into their open mouths, and those for whom 2009 brought great joys, may 2010 be better than anything you've yet known.
  10. I resolve that this year I will... -make an effort every day to let those I love know how much I appreciate them, -do something kind for someone, anyone, as frequently as the opportunity presents itself without expecting reciprocation, -love and trust myself more deeply and treat myself with respect, -get married! (I don't want a fancy ordeal; I just want a small, quiet, meaningful ceremony that seals the deal.) -challenge myself to do something each day that is a little out of my comfort zone, -see at least one sunrise each month, -be silly, -be a little bit more conscientious re: timeliness and neatness.
  11. So glad to hear that your dad is doing so well. I am keeping your family in my thoughts. *hugs*
  12. Um, why not just get a fuck-doll then? They just take it and keep on taking it.
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