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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Wow. Six pages already. What gets me is that we, generally a tolerant bunch regarding religion, politics, fringe culture, and the arts, could find something like smoking so divisive and the hot button topic that suddenly divides us on just about every other issue. Can't we just get back to having some kinky sex to an awesome soundtrack and move along?
  2. Dude. The word is 'masturbate.' Master Bate is tired of you calling out his name to no effect. Otherwise, carry on. Rip that shit up, girl.
  3. *hugs* I hope everything is alright for your family. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
  4. I think you are misunderstanding the numbers. They are percentages as opposed to the whole population. You are in the 47th percentile for Openness, of which creativity is just one facet. That is, of the entire population, 53% of people are more open than are you, 47% are as open or are less open than you. In any one facet, you may far exceed the norms in the population. Likely you are a highly creative person that is perhaps also a creature of habit? Plus, this is a crude, short, rough little test to see where you self-rate in response to a few questions. Of course it isn't going to reflect the full spectrum of who you are and what you are capable of, so don't sweat it. (Although, I think I probably am near the 71st percentile for neuroticism; my generalized anxiety disorder diagnosis is no joke!)
  5. How Open, Conscientious, Extroverted, Agreeable, and Neurotic are you? Find out HERE. My results? I'm a O95-C8-E27-A87-N71 Big Five!
  6. I read a book* this past weekend that had some interesting items in it which may be of some use to the organizers of this event. Psychologist Arthur Aron devised a series of 36 questions to increase acquaintanceship and intimacy in relative strangers. The questions start relatively innocuously and increase in intensity. He devised the questions to get to what is considered the second and third tiers of acquaintanceship: personal concerns and identity claims. Not all of the questions were given in the book* I read, but may be somewhere on the net. Aron calls them the "sharing game." The professional text in which the "sharing game" is described is: Aron, A., Melinat, E., Aron, E. N., Vallone, R. D., & Bator, R. J. (1997). The experimental generation of interpersonal closeness: A procedure and some preliminary findings. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 363-377. Also, in Snoop, Gosling touted the OCEAN method of identifying traits as one that is highly competitive (and pretty much preferred in the field now) to Myers-Briggs. A 120 question test utilizing this method should be available at drj.virtualave.net. More webpages with information on OCEAN (also known as the Big Five) is listed in Snoop's notes: http://darkwing.ugor...ay/bigfive.html and http://www.personal....criptions.html. *Snoop. Gosling, Sam, Ph.D., 2008. Basic Books. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ISBN 978-0-465-02781-1. TEST NOT AT drj.virtualave-blahblah blah. Try this website instead.
  7. The days are getting longer now, and that's a relief. More personally, I'm shocked at my own behavior. It seems I am highly uncomfortable with the prospect of success. I never expected imminent happiness would depress me; this issue needs resolution soon. I feel determined that I will NOT be my own worst enemy this time.
  8. It was a good movie night! Never mind that in both films, DeLongis' bit was over within the first ten minutes, "Wild Bill" and "Fearless" were worth the watch!
  9. Like my grandfather who died of congestive heart failure six months after my grandmother died? Yep.
  10. That's because, though completed with the help of his studio, it was Miyazaki's son, I believe, who was responsible for the film. I loved it. I'm trying to remember the last film I saw at home. All I can recall at this moment is watching "Princess 9."
  11. If you have many gaps, it might be a better idea to do a functional versus chronological resume.
  12. As prior work experience? Only if it is related to the job for which you are applying. Otherwise, go ahead, reference it in a cover letter, or mention it as avocational interests/hobbies.
  13. Yes, the dearth of trash receptacles contributes to the mess. I think I understand WHY (because they don't want pitchers and returnables thrown out or lit cigarettes to ignite trash), but it creates its own set of problems.
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