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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. THAT would be fine with me. No, I was referencing murder/suicide.
  2. Actually, I was operating him. I had hold of his controller.
  3. Welcome, jcheeka. We don't just idly post in the events/concerts thread. Most of us post things we plan to attend ourselves. If something meets your interest, invite yourself along, and, please, don't be shy about asking to meet up/hang out at said events. If you are feeling shy about it, though, the weekly DGN night at City is likely the easiest place to meet us.
  4. Well, that can be arranged with certainty, but that sounds a bit icky.
  5. Oh yeah? Wasn't it rocket scientist types that aided in the creation of nuclear weapons? Aren't some of the most notorious of the genius musicians also known womanizers, gamblers, and curmudgeons? And don't even get me started on the reps of lawyers. Next to those losers, honey, you are an angel. Now, pick your chin up and show 'em what building the future really takes.
  6. I prefer slightly younger men, myself. But my dad married a man twenty years his senior. His love is great for this man, but I feel badly for him that he will end up nursing his partner for the next few years and then may be alone in the last part of his own life.
  7. If it's any consolation, you are crushed on majorly. But, yeah, please put yourself first. You deserve to have your dreams come true.
  8. You could always be lazy and buy it on-line.
  9. Why don't you buy a nice comfy chair in preparation for a future girlfriend who will gladly share that side table laden with snacks while you watch DVD's together? Or, even better, get a loveseat so you can snuggle. It could happen. She's not going to want to sit in your lap all the time.
  10. You Passed 8th Grade Math Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?
  11. It's all fun and games until someone loses an 'i.'

  12. Oooh! You should really watch that Thanksgiving bloodbath, too. Think eternal said it was called "BloodFreak." Best serial murder by turkey-headed monster ever.
  13. Call Az, too. You know he's east side and would be glad to help.
  14. It's taking some time to completely register, but my heart and my life was just handed back to me yesterday. Now I really start to live fully, and I am so glad, too, that I will have Spook beside me. To decode: I will soon be able to reestablish contact with my daughter whom was adopted in-family by my ex in-laws. In the meantime, I am able to learn about her, receive photos of her, and develop amicable relations with her adoptive parents.
  15. How about ones that never make sense? Like the Kia ad with the guy in the hamster suit. What are they trying to say? "Come on, all ye rats in the rat race, get ye a more expensive hamster ball." I don't get it.
  16. I agree. I think it is relatively common for the aged to become violent. I think age-related illnesses or disorders are often the cause, much more than perhaps the general public is aware. Alzheimer's (though not apparently affecting your grandfather in that way), Parkinson's (late stage with dementia), strokes, and other disorders can manifest paranoia and tendencies toward violence in the elderly. Both of my grandmothers were so afflicted. Fortunately, my maternal grandmother (who suffered from dementia brought on by late stage Parkinson's and believed the last six months of her life that she was being held hostage in a bank by conspiring church officials) was too weak to act on her impulses. She had moments of clarity toward the very end and became highly affectionate in those moments, but was primarily verbally abusive and physically resistant until major changes in her medication. My paternal grandmother had Alzheimer's and suffered Sundowner Syndrome. She became easily and unreasonably agitated in the late afternoon and early evening, highly paranoid, and sometimes physically threatening. She would break things, run away, act out as if she were fending off a violent attacker, and frequently accused other patients of intending her harm. The rest of the time, she was sweet and friendly, adoring of soft, cuddly things living or stuffed, and told jokes.
  17. The contact with the adoptive mother of my daughter went far better than expected yesterday, and today I have pictures of my little girl! Yay!
  18. I think you are wonderful, Hille. Much cuddles and many kisses to you!
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