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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Oh yeah. I should eat something. Off to obtain the Cheerios. Yesh.
  2. Maybe I am a pessimistic curmudgeon after all, but all I could think of is some American fundamentalist "Christian" fucktards incapable from distinguishing religion from politics, one sect from another, terrorism from justice, and taking this to its worst possible conclusion in the name of "turnabout is fair play." But, yes, that is a beautiful building and I sincerely hope it stays that way.
  3. What? He wants to put...boots on her feet! What were you thinking? Put that id in check, will ya?
  4. Thanx, sweetie. Update: had e-mail reply via facebook from ex-mother-in-law/adoptive mother of my daughter and tone was cordial. Hoping to proceed via phone convo on Monday. Wish me luck.
  5. Yes! Yesss! Yay! Oh thank you. Ha ha! Totally made my day.
  6. And now there is snus, and there still exists that nasty gum. Yet, I still kind of agree with the licensing option. Only, I don't know why it can't be costly to deter overuse. I only hope that outdoor ashtrays and butt cans will become more common. I hate looking at a pile of butts in various stages of decay.
  7. Sad. But a small percentage of the aging population do suffer from conditions that impair their sense of judgment, especially their ability to check impulses. These conditions can also negatively affect mood. I think it is possible that the crime emerged out of such kind of impairment in Lundquist. It is unfortunate that Ms. Lundquist wasn't evaluated prior to the violent event and that Ms. Barrow was so kind and forgiving. It's very unfortunate, very sad. I feel very badly for both families. But I don't know if I would prosecute for murder 1 without first giving Ms. Lundquist a thorough psychological evaluation plus check for recent stroke activity.
  8. Generally freaking out. I thought it was time, finally, to, despite my mortal dread, contact my ex's family in the hopes of reconnecting with my daughter. But I have such negative memories of my past relationship that my fears are generating such anxiety in me as to actually give me shakes, aches, spasms, and gastrointestinal hell. Still I will persevere. Because she's worth it. Edit to add: Erp.
  9. The way I see it, faith and science are like oil and vinegar. You might end up with a really good salad dressing, but they still don't mix.
  10. Oh shi--SLOGO! I NEED YOU TO MAKE ME A DEMOTIVATIONAL POSTER NAO! It will read, "Spook: he wants to put more than words in Eevee's mouth." Ha ha ha.
  11. *hugs* You and I are in similar situations. Hang in there. We'll make it out okay.
  12. Nuh-uh, sweetie. You would look anemic. You are gorgeous as-is.
  13. Well, I know you are beyond reform, but I prefer "fiancee" with two e's (even though the accent is missing). And re: silly--it's not a bad thing!

  14. Which would suggest, if fewer than 50% of people are smokers, that as many as 40% of people may be scared out of bars by cigarette smoke or other factors. Or it might just be that smokers are more likely to go bars. I don't know. I am not fond of the ban. I suppose that local governments will make oodles in tickets on those in non-compliance, but overall, I think that will have a negative impact on businesses. However, I think that the feasibility of maintaining truly segregated smoking and non-smoking areas makes non-smoking zones more of a joke than a reality. I've been to only one or two places of business that supplied smoking closets or rooms or other closed off ventilated areas, but it seems I was the only smoker content to use such a provision. Because of the real health risks involved to asthmatics and other persons with compromised lungs, I can understand, where the two sides seem to be at an impasse, how legislation would favor the non-smokers. I just hope that a reasonable compromise is in our future.
  15. Answer: it stopped me from eating and fit with my oral fixation, k? Plus, as someone with chronic depression/anxiety issues, it worked as a mood stabilizer. And, once upon a time, I thought it looked cool. Also, at key points of my sexual development, the cigarette smoke smell was permanently linked in my memory positively, so I sometimes find the odor arousing. Lastly, after you've been doing it a while, it tastes good. I've also quit this past summer excepting moments of weakness at City and at camp-outs where I am waaaaaaaay drunk. And that's my honest answer.
  16. Hello and welcome, you happy tuber. If I am not mistaken, your name is "glad carrot" and not "glad car rot," but I can be content to have the virtual company of metal oxidation too. But I think it is the former and that you have carved out a niche for yourself making pirate videos of folks like NIN, yes? Your name just seemed too familiar and I's googled it. Heh, sorry for the stalks.
  17. Yeah, well, I just read something about you having the company of Ripley, and, while I love you too, I will let it go on record, I has a jealous.
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