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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. I just love that he's greater than the infinite set of numbers [30, 31, 32....] in one thread and declares "IF I get old" in the title of another, suggesting there's a possibility he won't. My new theory: Msterbeau was created before the inception of time and is the only true immortal amongst us.
  2. They have to say "not connected" until they have evidence. And I believe evidentiary rules require them to investigate that way to eliminate bias until such time that evidence is substantial enough to prosecute them that way in court. That said, that might be part of the reason that murder has not been added to the charge at this time. Police might hope to prove a pattern of slayings and since they cannot charge the same people twice with the same murder, they may want to make sure, regardless of if they can link the murders, that they will get a conviction on that murder charge. Maybe they are hoping for new or additional evidence to come to light in the next few days.
  3. I don't think it should be a kid-friendly show. At least, not for small children. For one, it's on at 11 p.m. For another, it's the American Music Awards, and while a small segment of the music may be intended for the teeny-boppers and pre-teens, I would say that the vast majority of the commercial audience is older and the themes are more mature. The videos, as shown on MTV and VH1, reflect this, as would likely the performers' live performances in concert. So why should the award show present performances incongruent with the fans' expectations? While I can understand limiting some aspects of the performance to be within FCC guidelines, I can't see making further incursions into the musicians' creative license as legitimate. Not while simultaneous to that broadcast there are grisly, horrifying murders depicted on other channels. Not while the news is sensationalizing the basest parts of human nature in highly edited video clips. Not while violence is glorified everywhere else can I get my dander up over someone having a little fun simulating sexual play on stage. And if it is new to your barely pubescent youngster, now is the perfect opportunity to explain precisely what your values are and why and answer honestly their questions.
  4. Yeah, but I wasn't feeling her, you know? It was like one of those things.
  5. No, I know, love. Your mom forwarded it. I know that you are never quite content with the powers in office. You've already pulled out your hair over this, and I don't think it's coming back. I don't mean you any ill will, nor do I intend to make distortions of your political ideology. I'm just poking you gently in the ribs, I hope.
  6. I find that article extremely annoying. I still don't know the story. Instead of telling you what went on in plain English, the reporter made frequent vague references using pronouns that insufficiently linked to lists of ambiguously titled articles, posts, and twitters. This link worked much better for me.
  7. I agree with you. I think too that unwanted, uncared for, poorly educated, and insubstantially provided for children are a waste of resources. If a child is born, he or she deserves a full complement of our resources. We need to plan our children according to our collective ability to provide for them. I'm not advocating any laws prohibiting individual fecundity, here, but I support sex education, financial planning education, and the maximization of fertility control treatments to those who desire them so that people can, of their own accord, make the best decisions regarding potential offspring. So, I find the "destroys future generations" to be a distinct and important disanalogy to the 'U.S. Seal should be a condom' premise. As for the rest of the sentiments portrayed, I can not bitch too much. It's all that whining and crying when our opponent's team wins the pennant sort of ballyhooing. I've been doing it for about 10 years now, and was only able to rest up my tear ducts and larynx and let regrow my hair in this last year. I suppose we will be able to trade places again sometime in the next decade.
  8. ??? I thought "30 +" represented the ray (in geometric terms) of all values larger than or inclusive of thirty, ad infinitum. Are you saying you are older/greater than infinity?
  9. Hello! Welcome to the board! Hope to see you post soon.

  10. Administrations come and go, but the same shit flies. Stick with the eagle. Although, I'm pretty partial to the turkey too. Also, I hardly think family planning destroys the next generation. Rather, it allows parents the opportunity to make preparations to maximize the survival of the offspring they do desire.
  11. Unless you are on DGN, in which case, never discuss politics unless joking, sex without being in earnest, or religion without cursing. Amen.
  12. Or a quadrangle, or a pentagon, or a hexagon, or any sort of polygon, really, so long as we can all conceivably fit into one hot tub.
  13. Well, whether I do or not, please, kick my ass! Kick it, slap it, spank it, flog it.
  14. Oh, I see. So you would look the female counterpart to this? Raev, if you got a labret piercing (I'm thinking you mean tongue post), you would have to get rid of those wonderful chinny hairs if anyone was to see it.
  15. I don't even understand what the idea was behind this. There's just too much going on, and all of it conflicts. Let's see: Hawaiian beach scene leotard that maybe goes with the sea urchin-looking over the penis bit, a utility belt with something dangling off of it, a leopard print balconnette brassiere with two partially deflated pseudo-tits with monster nipples, some sort of sea creature windsock, some shopping and a small Pepsi, the worst wig in human history, clown make-up, and finally some really trashed thigh high stockings with built-in suspenders. OH! I get it. It's Brittany Spears.
  16. Scary? That's wonderful. Her usual get up terrifies me. Imagine, a monster parading around as the perfect housewife. It's, it's, it's too plausible.
  17. Uh, Meg? I think Spook and I would really rather have Marc's Christmas present for our honeymoon. Yeah. Only, Scott can keep the car for himself. I'm all about that "redhead," beer, and bacon. Wow.
  18. Oh Spook! I would like these for my birthday, please. Boots with a built-in crop holder. Yesh.
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