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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Have you considered something like Gabriel's costume from "Constantine?"
  2. Oh, doesn't Edy's or Breyer's now make Girl Scout cookie ice cream? I could have sworn I saw a print ad for Samoa and Thin Mint ICE CREAMS. I've been avoiding the frozen aisles (or rushing past them quickly) ever since lest I espy them.
  3. When it's been months since you've shaved because you don't have money for things like razors. And you steal your toilet paper from public restrooms.
  4. When the shit hits the fan? lol. I like the rain too.
  5. My daughter was a product of rape. I had dissociative events quite frequently in the two years following. I was terrified that I would do something to her. Unfortunately, letting the parents of my rapist (ex-husband) adopt her seemed my best option. [No one except my ex-husband and I knew about the rape and I was still too beholden to him to leave him for reasons that seem inexplicable to me now, but, anyway.] Yes, I think it's a terrible thing, and no, it wouldn't excuse her, but I wonder if she felt trapped in an abusive relationship and helpless to get help because here illegally. Normally, US born children are prized as they have rights to American citizenship and can serve as an anchor for the family. It would have to be a pretty extreme psychological circumstance to drive her that far.
  6. I didn't feel anything that registered to me as an earthquake. I did have an incident, though, right about lunch (1ish) when my knees felt weak and I thought I was fainting. Shortly there after, I saw myself shaking and attributed it to low blood sugar. I didn't really think anything of it until Spook said that he had the same sensation about the same time. But, no, I didn't know it was an earthquake. I didn't register the earth moving by sight or feel in any conscious way. I thought it was all me behaving badly.
  7. Read ALL of my first post. It's because it's not enough. The work and the wages aren't there to allow a reasonable standard of living without there being an increase in government benefits. Ultimately, the best solution is to grow businesses wherein workers are fairly compensated and more Americans have jobs with fair compensation, but until we get there, help has to come from somewhere.
  8. That's why I think more communities should be forced to allow people to breed rabbits and chickens for meat. And goats. Goats will also mow your lawns and provide you with instant compost. A pygmy goat can yield up to two quarts of milk in one day and the kids are tasty. Oh, and welfare recipients on arable land should be taught how to grow food on their land organically. But if they don't own this land, it's problematic. Many landlords won't allow their renters to build gardens. Subdivisions and condo communities can prohibit it too. I, myself, am trying to convert our home (rented from the in-laws) to organic. Once I have the lawn and flower beds established, I will have to convince both his parents and the subdivision association to allow me to grow food. It's so stupid. Farms is in the sub name, but there are restrictions on growing food.
  9. I'm not going to suggest that assistance can't be abused, but I don't think it is the real issue here. Even if all that money spent on pop or otherwise ill-directed were recovered, it wouldn't be enough to help everyone in need of help. The real issue is, in my opinion, that the wage scale and taxes have been far too slanted in favor of the already rich. As I've argued before, economic, political, and social stability hinges on the effectiveness of that systems leveling mechanisms. When all the wealth is concentrated at the very top, the situation becomes volatile. THAT's when setbacks that normally could be compensated for collapse a system. Please read the article below. To me, these are the bloodsuckers. Please pay careful attention to the parts I put in color text. I'm not making this up. This is the way it is. http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/wealth.html (retrieved August 23, 2011) </h2>
  10. I found another and fed it a carpenter ant. They look gross and these particular ones are huge (about 3/4 of an inch long body, even longer with the legs), but their chelicerae (fangs) are yet too tiny to penetrate human flesh. Found on a website--mine are at least as pretty as this!
  11. I wish I had a camera! There is a large and beautiful brown spider with a funnel web on our porch. I'm fairly confident that it is a grass spider because of the prominent spinnerets. I could have misidentified it as a wolf spider, but it doesn't fit the description as neatly. I can't help myself: I keep feeding it. It didn't like my offerings of Japanese beetle or sow bug yesterday, but today's gift of a grasshopper (easily its size) went over swimmingly. Yay!
  12. One package of ramen feeds six. You go to diners for the bottomless cup of coffee and stay until they kick you out (having pocketed as many creamers and butters as you can for use in your store brand box mac and cheese) so that you can be warm because your apartment isn't.
  13. Check the events forum. Some talented DJs have started up on-going nights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at other venues. If you pm those DJs, I'm sure they would be happy to provide you with directions. Post in the topic if you need a ride, etc.
  14. Past favorites of mine, in ascending order: Hirsute Ceramicist, 2010 (Hairy Potter, get it?) Strawberry Tiger, 2009 (Spook was my tamer) Ash Wednesday, 2001 (the day after Mardi Gras--my makeup was smeared, I had the ash cross on my forehead, an empty gin bottle in my bathrobe, wore a torn full slip with an evening wear skirt and fuzzy slippers) Mimi (for work)/Zombie 2008 (for friends' house/passing out candy)/Bureaucratic Nightmare (combination of the two for City Club---I had a paper trail tail, was wrapped in red tape, and wore a name tag "Phyllis Auden Triplicutt) I need something fun, scary, and punny for this year, but I'm drawing blanks right now.
  15. Here, we totally agree. Pajama in public wearers oughtn't be offended by the classification of "fashion violation" since they obviously don't give a rat's ass about fashion which is based upon two parts: 1) the way people feel and react to what you are wearing, and 2) the inherent aesthetic of what you are wearing. If anything, it's anti-fashion. More punk than punk. Kudos to you if that's what you are trying to pull off, but more likely, you are trying not to pull on any pants that would make you look decent because that would require washing them first.
  16. STump, your days are numbered. You may have defeated me today, but you are not long for this world; I WILL PREVAIL.
  17. Spook and I have, like, three extra bedrooms (only one of the three is finished right now, though), and lots of general flop space, plus Spook makes awesome pancakes, so, like, if Nyxiin, or Torn, or really any DGNer with a really long ride really rather just crash at our place, we can do that.
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