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Everything posted by GOTHIKA

  1. hmm, heading to a bar tonight;stober's bar!
  2. still unemployed here in lansing.......sigh...........

  4. im in lansing, mi! good to be home again!

  5. 3 more days until I go in, get my uniform & feel the workforce pain of being employed once again.....GAWD IM SO EXCITED!!!!!

  6. no shooting has happen here
  7. yo, rev whats happening

  8. i dont know if anyone likes anime music; but my favorite repeat songs to listen to are "Arranca En Fa" by Limi-T21, "Beethoven virus" by diana, and "xepher" by tatsh!
  9. I will try since my bday is on a saturday. got a question; what program can i use to resize my new pictures?
  10. Hello everyone! to those that remember me; its jasmine (GOTHIKA)! I have moved to houston, tx sept. 2010 and its now march 2011. I wanted to share my life experiences here with everyone that i miss back home. I can say this; texas did NOT get any snow this winter; just a lot of sun and high 80 degrees weather. I am still having trouble remembering roads and highways here unlike back in detroit, i knew where to go. I have made new friends, lost a friend, fell in love again, fights, police and as always still seeking employment while going for my ged. There is a lot of bars in downtown houston; which is very awesome at night. I do miss my home back in the city to where I can catch the woodward bus downtown and walk to cityclub! Sometime in may, i will be visiting detroit one more time on my 24th bday (may 21, 2011 saturday) to visit my family, friends and my daughter! I will be moving again in june to austin with my bf and his friend. I have experience so much down here and i have to say im happy that i did move. So if anyone wants to know more about my adventures or have any questions, hit me up! Here is some new pictures of me!
  11. I am throwing a party for my bff, xenoterracide! he's leaving for texas soon & i want to see who is interested in attending his "getting the hell out of michigan" party! you can contact him at his profile page which has his emaill address! we will give you the address on where to meet, how to get there & the food will be discounted off the menu price! either contact me through email or him asap! time is running out, so i need to know how many ppl are coming so i can reserve the many tables. He will be leaving before oct.4th its a 3 day drive so i need to know before the end of september, Thx!
  12. im staying single for as long as i live; i cant stand the pain and suffering love brings to me.
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