Ok, my take on Star Trek?
I thought I'd have a bigger problem with the changes in the storyline, but now that I see how JJ Abrams did it; now that I see how he explained the big changes in things like the ship, the characters, the organizations, the planets, etc., I can easily get past that, and I love it. Now, I admit I don't want to see a new series based on that, but I do like that formula. A new series with that kind of energy, with that kind of attitude: THAT I can handle.
Terminator: Redemption?
It took me a couple of days to really get a handle on the storyline. I saw it on the annaversary of a very hard day for me, so that took a lot of the wind out of my sails and enjoyment out of the movie, right off the bat. Then, there were the little things that weren't explained in the movie. Such as why Skynet was doing anything it was doing, in the first place. Maybe it was explained, and I didn't catch it, but I had to make a lot of suppositions about the movie.
In any event, I loved 'em both, and I'll be back. Furthermore, after only paying $4 bucks to see Terminator, that helped a whole lot! Paying 4 smackers to see a sneak preview is always a bonus (unless the movie sucks, which they didn't)!