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Everything posted by candyman

  1. First of all you pay for your stupidity and I don't give a shit if it was a non-violent crime it is still something you should pay for if you are actually guilty. Secondly, this whole thing is a game and if you get caught that sucks for you even if you and your buddies don't think its wrong. If we kept our prisons like they were before we would not have this problem. Stupid human rights groups ruining it for everyone...bullshit we are all equal!
  2. North Korea doesn't stand a chance in a fight so there is no reason to be nervous. Their nukes are kinda high tech but they are not up to our standards...even though that is still deadly they will never launch one for real. Why? Well, they are trying to do what Key West did a while back...declare war and then surrender...which would then require us to provide aid to them. Besides the nuked they have NOTHING to fight with. All of their vehicles are cold war era and they are extremely close to being scrapyard material because of the lack of parts and maintenance. China was the only reason that they survived the first war and now...well, China is even going so far as to threaten action against North Korea! With the weapons and vehicles that they have and the lack of an buddy like China...they are fucked. In short...Japan is more likely to be destroyed by Godzilla than the National Paper Tiger of North Korea.
  3. Yeah it is bad enough in peace time from the stories I hear...moving from Ft. Gordon to there would SUCK! And I am not even including the whole war part of the deal...
  4. China would not take the side of North Korea...ties they have made in the past few years would make that move the same as cutting off their own balls. Things have changed... And yeah I hope this does NOT grow into anything worse...I REALLY don't want to get deployed to Korea...UGH!
  5. Oh and to add further insult to the French...even a my 6 year old nephew know that if you cheap out when buying shit...this shit is going to prove why its cheap. They bought a cheap flight and they got a cheap flight...oh they are so great for "protesting" that...
  6. It doesn't really matter what airline it is really. First of all you are looking at air travel where you need to expect the worst and you should probably assume that people will be rude and the whole thing won't be fun. Second, there are going to be delays and there are endless causes and alot of them are stupid... Its air travel and even if the airline isn't good at all I think the French went overboard on this one...the are the human equivalent at monkeys throwing poop around when something doesn't go their way...like people wearing traditional Muslim clothing or something not going perfect at the airport. I think this story makes them look even worse than before...children act more civilized than those people!
  7. I fail to see how what happened is considered awesome or anything like that. I mean really? How many times do airlines screw up, piss off the passengers, and then there is a huge standoff in the boarding area and on the plane because half of the people want to leave and the others don't...hmmm? I see it almost every time I go to the damn airport. This story just highlights a handful of the large percentage of whiny little bitches in the airports...just get off, buy a Cinnabon, and wait like everyone else. Oh and before we go praising France didn't they go ahead and ban the Burqa...oh yeah they did...and their immigration laws are kinda racist if you look into them. But...it not America so the must be better huh...
  8. Yeah well the government signed a contract that sealed us into wasting millions of dollars on AIDS in Africa and other shit...also that crap where we provide aid to countries in need of it after a disaster. It is both a shame and something to be praised depending on the situation. However, it is often the shame part because of the contract to the UN that certain people signed...not going to mention names but Obama...sorry I just had to. Anyways...I am just wondering how you equate us sending billions in foreign aid to other countries to corporate greed? I mean, if it were greed you think that they would be keeping the money for themselves right? And the corporations are not making the government do this...the government screwed the pooch all by themselves which makes the fact that they need a nanny all the more true. Is it just the fact that you mention corporate greed in almost every single post or is there really a link? Just wondering...
  9. Just a boot knife but I have been considering a pistol...I use them alot but don't own one yet. I have taken enough Combatives lessons to take care of myself in most situations anyways...
  10. candyman


    Are we talking small robotic items or something on a vehicle? For the basics I would hit the books or look it up on the internet if you are going to tinker. Getting the basics from me or someone else on line might not be the best way to do it. I could help you set up shop air in person but the translation on the web isn't always the best. If you are going for small robotic items I would suggest small electrical motors as long as weight for the moving parts is low.
  11. Get the parents involved? Now you are just asking too much of people. Seriously...the only problem solver people see today is having the government take care of it with some sort of bill or something... And the Native Americans...well that is a whole different story that involves different standards from a different time and not an education problem. Well, it actually does involve and education problem in a way...they were not educated on the effects of diseases brought from Europe so they spread like crazy and might have killed more of the Native Americans than the crazy white people that came over here from Europe..."we" didn't really do shit to start with. However, that is one of the many theories...and they sadly all involve a loss of life and property no matter how you look at it.
  12. I am not going to say you are wrong but...tell me what he did with all of the WMD's he had and used against the Kurds and Iran? It was a pretty nasty arsenal and from the shitty trials that didn't work I hardly think that he just turned around and changed his tune... Just saying...shitbags don't end their shitbaggery it usually just get worse... I mean...the man pretty much got away with a big attempt at genocide in my eyes and nobody balked except for Canada...
  13. I am not saying it like you are being abrasive or anything...just that you should already know the answer. I will only say one thing on here...not because I am trying to be a cock. Have you looked at the conditions that exist in high schools today? They mess with things to make them "safe" and "helpful" for kids...which is about as good as arming someone with a dull pencil and sending them to attack a large bear. The kids are getting horrible educations...its been going on for a while so in turn the results are horrible. We are getting waves of fresh recruits that can really only tell you what is healthy for you and how bad the environment is...other that that they can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.
  14. Why would you start an argument like this? You assume everyone has the same education level as you do? Ok so since that is the way you think I can call you a complete idiot if you can't follow along with the thesis that I made for college where I built my engine and went over the dyno curves and all of the airflow data. You can call people stupid of ignorant or whatever the hell you want to call them...but is it their fault or is it because of people like YOU. People who would much rather tear the living shit out the the person for messing something up rather than taking them aside to find out just why the think this way...cuz you know they either know better and are hateful or maybe they were raised in the wrong situation and need some help from others which you are obviously too smart to give them. I am sorry but I have seen too many threads like this to react any other way. People have their moments...especially when you are online with emotions...so ignore them or teach them but don't add fuel to the fire.
  15. So...I can buy a bag of chips, a drink, and a very crappy pack of cigarettes...hmmm You can say that the little things count but this is merely a drop in the bucket...every single president has done something here or there it doesn't really matter. Once you fix something you get credit...anyone can try to fix something. I tried to put your wheel back on but only torqued it down to 10 on each wheel nut...sorry about the accident. Everyone tries and they either fail or succeeds so lets just wait and see if he can manage to fix anything more than a little extra cash that will maybe feed someone for one meal and THEN we can give him more credit than other presidents.
  16. We are rewarding those that do or did nothing, we are punishing those that didn't know any better or were not told otherwise, we are throwing others under the bus to protect ourselves...and we apologize to other people for things that we were not even a part of yet we don't help them. Nobody even wants to get their hands dirty anymore. Nobody will admit when they are wrong and point the finger even before people start asking. People don't tell you how you are supposed to act in a certain setting or tell you what to say yet they still call you a "sexist pig" or a "racist" when you merely made an innocent mistake or were taken out of context. It explains why we get so many soldiers in here that turn into shitbags...yes we DID just tell you to get in the front leaning rest because you fucked up...WE SAW IT! These new kids think that they are entitled to everything no matter what their rank is... In short...yeah we need to take a few steps backwards...actually we need to turn around and sprint back towards the middle before we disappear completely up our own assholes...
  17. Yeah we should be worried about the soda thing...and all of the small things like that. Those are the little things that allow us to work up to the bigger problem IF we can take care of all the little bullshit. It doesn't matter who is in office...every government spends way too much money anyways. It has been going on since the government came into being if you had not noticed. If they don't spend the money on one stupid thing they spend it on another. One thing may be good to you but stupid to someone else or it could even be the other way around...but in the end it is probably stupid. And whoever posted that thing about the ship being built and not asked for...yeah it was. No ship in the Navy has ever just been built without a request. The only exception is when the Navy took over vessels in a time of war and...well those were already built. Once they commission a ship it takes a while for it to be built because they have to put in bids and such. It is a weird process for commissioning a ship but chances are it was requested. It was probably in the process of being built already but that is how the shipyards operate. Sure it could be a stupid use of money...but ships don't just pop out of nowhere for no reason especially is just one representative requests it.
  18. Children should not be used in this argument. They have become a damn human shield for people to get their stupid bills to pass..."Oh but what about the children?" WHO GIVES A SHIT!?!?! They are not the only people affected by this...adults drink soda too. The issue is people that are poor buying things they don't need with money given to them by someone else. I love soda but damn if I had to choose what to buy because of a budget then I would not get it...especially if they money was given to me by someone else. And damn right we can stereotype here. Someone mentioned us stereotyping all poor people as fat and lazy. Well, those are not my thoughts or words but if we put restrictions on the food stamps and cards that they use that still let them eat but only HEALTHY food then what is the harm? You fix the people that ARE fat and lazy and they people that were not will continue on their way no harm no foul. I am not "against" poor people but damn...if restrictions on frivolous items or unnecessary food items is going to hurt the people that are abusing the system then what they hell is the harm? Seriously! HOW?
  19. Yeah the purpose of food stamps is not to get you what you WANT but to get you what you NEED until you can get back on your feet. If you keep using food stamps to buy what you want I question your NEED for the damn stamps in the first place.
  20. I kinda meant the way that they don't blend in with crap and have other horrible design issues but yeah...when you get bored in formation you set yourself on fire just trying to "un-fuzzy" your whole damn uniform. I just wash it with all the patches on so that they don't come off without a fight...saves so time and effort...
  21. Dude...they don't get it. Seriously, we live this crap every day and we HAVE to know it well so no shit we are going to understand it better as far as how it applies to us and affects us. Try to put a civilian through a briefing on this crap and see if they understand...if they manage to stay awake during the death by powerpoint. This whole argument is people not understanding. No I am not going to call them ignorant...they just don't know because they are not part of the machine. If they knew all of the regulations, procedures, SOP's and all the other bullshit then I think they would. The military thinks differently...so its harder to understand. Just give them a break...they probably think that our ACU's are quality uniforms too! Edited because of a lack of sleep so I could work overtime for Uncle Sam which doesn't really count on my weak little paycheck at all. The lack of sleep is also because of the free dental work I had to get...and boy oh boy can you tell its free! THANK YOU TAXPAYERS! You really do pamper us way too much...
  22. I like candy? Certainly not a drug thing...only seen the movie once...yeah its the candy and I have the dental records to prove it.
  23. Sometimes you have to look at what things contain a little differently. There are things that are ok for us to consume in certain doses but would kill us in others. Some "poisons" can be combined to for something that is not bad at all unless you consume too much. That being said...its still fucking weird. Well, at least I know that I will always have something to eat in my car...may not be fresh but hell its "food" right?
  24. They made fun of my small ears and the dark rings around my eyes...now people think my eyes are creepy...whatever...
  25. Right before I knocked someone out...and it looks alot better than the gas chamber photos.
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