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Everything posted by candyman

  1. Oh yeah they are advising...but people don't have to listen to them and they often don't. For instance our new gear that we are supposed to get has been changed once again. EVERYONE was supposed to get the new update...now its only certain units that deploy and not even all of them will get it. New armor that protects better with quick release systems built into it combined with a tactical vest that evenly distributes ammo and makes it easier to reach is needed by ALL of the troops on deployment. It is not the way I would run it...its the way that worked alot better when one political body did not hold all the reigns. Yes they do have to make decisions and yes outside sources are needed for advisement. However, its gotten to the point of stupidity now. What we do for PT should be up to us unless we are under TRADOC command...and even then we need the PT to make the soldiers stronger so some elbow room should be left. They are pulling UCMJ on Sgts that make their troops do flutter kicks! All I am saying is that we need the positions back where the person could meet the REQUESTS of congress while still allowing their forces to be effective. We are taking alot of the bite out of our forces because of the lack of training and how they can use it.
  2. I know that. I just get a little pissed when people talk down to me...you know telling me about documents that exist like I don't know what the hell they are. Whats wrong with mentioning WW2? It was in reference to how things have been handled. Yes there have been many more changes since then but there were major overhauls made then that affected many of the ones we have today. I don't think that I know everything. But when it comes to my chosen field I have to know alot about it. If I don't then its easy to get lost in the ranks and its just asking for UCMJ to bite you in the ass. Yeah I chose this job and I knew that people would just me shit for choosing the job...but damn sometimes people take the whole thing where soldiers have to be idiots WAY too far. I sometimes wonder if college was even worth the time and effort because age still seems to be the deciding factor...
  3. I know that much dude. But the command structure has changed alot since WW2. While Congress has always been able to give commands they have not always been able to give the same commands as they do today. They have mandated what kinds of ammunition we need...how do they know? They keep changing the PT workouts to "better" ones and now more people are scoring lower on their PT tests. They call cease fires and the most moronic times when a push is necessary. The American people "know" so much about the war because we a treating it like a basketball game. Lots of breaks for media coverage. They way we keep treating conflicts hell no we will never win. It will just develop into a quagmire that will fester into a clusterfuck and then we will attach a permanent base. Its really stupid to have the ability to cover all of the bases but not to use that. Congress can make decisions sure...but when it comes to the tactical decisions they need to back off because they are treating the whole war thing as sort of a game that all the other countries are watching. You don't have to talk to me like I am a fucking 2 year old...since we are kinda on the topic of rank my WO and OCS packets are already in the works and I don't even have NCO status yet...I guess the must be rewarding me for being a complete retard huh?
  4. How do you factor the military into all of this? I mean those of us in the active Army and such that know how to survive because that is what we train for. I mean, some of us may join the chaos...others would obey orders and the expending of ammunition would begin. Just wondering...I like to think that we are needed here in the states and that would be one situation where a deployment to a combat zone wouldn't have me packing up and leaving.
  5. HAHAH...I saw the UN mentioned in the same article as the words "rapid and thoughtful response"...it should really say "disappeared completely up its own asshole" But you they need to fix shit...they gave a really big stick to the wrong people with no restrictions at all...or common sense
  6. Well as far as the advisor comment we are going far beyond that. The plans we have heard of for the permanent duty station are pretty elaborate to say the least. Manning that with merely advisors would not work. They want to include a sort of "basic training" section for the local forces too. No matter what people say it NOT going to be a jumping point for invading Iran or deterring any actions by them...totally not true. Also, we are not sending more troops into South Korea...but if that is in my orders I am going to flip shit. WE did not embarrass ourselves...the people that hold the leash on the military did all that by themselves. The combination of a "suit" controlled military and the horrible sanity vacuum that is the UN did that...and they did that for every other conflict that "we" fucked up. Until we get someone in charge that has 5 stars on his uniforms we won't accomplish jack shit. They can get shit done because of the rank structure and mostly because of the people that make the important decisions on what to do, who will do it, and how they will do it. Or we could raise Pershing from the dead and have him take back his position...and get pissed at the shitty tank we named after him. Bottom line is we continue to let people not associated with the military AT ALL call all the shots...poorly aimed shots that is. We wouldn't have 8 different "pull outs" and a million cease fires if the military controlled itself. Hell, the politicians are telling me and the other soldiers that we can't do PT in the heat and that we can't do certain workouts that could hurt people...its complete bullshit. I should not have to workout in secret...
  7. I was just wondering why a recent news story like the troops leaving Iraq hasn't popped up in almost any online forum. Has everyone just stopped caring that much or are we just too used to hearing the same shit over and over again? Things are changing over there. I am just interested in hearing what people know or think about the situation. I mean, we are never leaving the place it is just changing from a deployment to a permanent duty station that with have moving FOB's to control the outlying areas. The "war" will be "over" once the duty station is finalized...kinda...that has to count for something right? So, what have you all heard? Opinions? Ideas for what we should name the new permanent base that will soon be built?
  8. Like I can't take another damn room and Class A inspection...especially when its 112 outside!
  9. I didn't really mean to say that they are not equal as far as MY opinion of them. My whole thing is that the equal that they end up with legally ends up either falling short or going way past the goal line. I don't have a problem with anyone unless that specific person pisses me off. That being said I do have a different view of anyone that is outside me circle. So, I sit here in my ACU's with a rifle on my right and combat gear on my left...everyone else is "different" unless they can prove otherwise...that does not make them less equal. This legal shit makes people that are "different" something else...they make them "special" instead of different. Shit every time I apply for a job I gotta check all of these bullshit boxes. Turns out that it really isn't so easy for a white dude to get a job after all even with 4 years of college and Master certification. Yeah, when these people that are "different" got their "equality" they somehow ended up with special little perks if you want to look at it that way. No I don't speak spanish but for some reason you now need to speak spanish to work on vehicles in a shop...damn we outsource WAY too much apparently. I am going to end up in one of these "special" groups sometime too. Once I leave the military I can check one of those boxes that can get me a better chance at the job I really am not that qualified for. I don't really agree with that but I can't change it. Fuck, we are not creating equality for anyone if we are giving them boxes to check. We are just creating a legal strongarm which just screws over a different group of people. Equal means you all go for the job and the people that are qualified for it receive the position. I would like to state again that I don't have anything against gay people at all. Two gay guys got chaptered out of the Army and they lived in my company area at the time. We knew about it but since they did the same things we did and made sure that the only difference between us and them was their sexual orientation we didn't give a shit. The person that turned them in was a prior service guy that took his Airborne pride to the max and lives the Army life the old school way. The soldiers next to me are from all different races and religious backgrounds...also some have different orientations if you want to put it that way...but we all pull the same shit here be it good or bad. You can be "different"...but why the fuck should your treatment be different than everyone else's? The whole equality thing kinda preaches out against that right?
  10. I don't care who compares someone to something or whatever they can think what they want. The part here that disturbs me is that talk about "equal rights" and all that shit. So people are flying the flag for the minorities here huh? The old argument where it doesn't matter what the person does or thinks they should be allowed to do it because its their basic human right to do it? BULLSHIT! If that were the case and if that was what you really believe then some of you would have had different arguments in past discussions. There have been a shit ton of cases where a minority group, considered so because of their actions, was tossed out into the streets (figuratively) because their actions were considered harmful to others as far as health wise, physically, mentally, or spiritually. Religious groups have been fucked sideways because of our awesome new standards. Example: Christians in the military now have restrictions on where and when they can worship and a chaplain has to have a hefty pair of balls to pray in the name of god in public. However, Muslims and other small groups can worship whenever and wherever...it doesn't matter if it is during mandatory training for things that they NEED to know in combat. Smokers, a minority group that is being taxed and banned into a corner, that is also non-smoking, because we are evil scum that want to kill children and bartenders. Once we ruled the world and could evil give you a respiratory illness aboard an airplane because studies show that 2nd hand smoke immediately deals a 1,000,000 hit points to your manna. Now, well we can't even have exclusive smokers bars or clubs because apparently the non-smoking public is so stupid that they can't use simple decision making when entering a privately owned business. Hell I don't give a flying fuck if gay people want to get married. Hell, they can even join the military and serve next to me for all I care. However, they will not meet the conditions that I set forth...we have to be EQUAL if they want that to happen. No, that will not happen. I am sorry but we shot for "equality" with a few things and ended up with the reciprocal to the problem. The "fix" for one group getting fucked over was just to fuck over the other group or just create more problems...we are using the same logic here.
  11. Well, SFC Cochran let my class sleep in until 1000 this morning and has given us a bunch of freedoms so I feel AWESOME! Now for that weekend pass...
  12. PT makes me sexy...and tired as hell...
  13. I don't know about his point but I can kinda see one in there. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." That is what I see in there. Maybe it is well intentioned but shit it will probably be just one more thing where the few turn the tide and make it a problem. I mean, if we are going to judge Christians and others by those standards why should those under Islam be any different? That video that was posted had some good points too. However, the part where he talked about people developing enmity towards a certain religious group...well...what the fuck is new with that? Seriously, pick a religion and then take a look at the piles of shit that has been thrown at the one you just picked. It was a great video that spread a healthy helping of shame but damn...don't hold me to standards that others do not have to follow. If they don't want elements of my religion around or someone else's religion around why can't I feel the same way. Add a tragic accident connected to the religion in question and you have even more reason to be opposed to it. Just saying...he talks about this being one more step. Someone has to tell that asshole that we have already taken too many steps for this to be a surprise. So its not a Mosque...its has association to something that irks people so hell yes there is going to be some talk. The Muslims can go cry me a river...hell they can cry everyone else a damn river too. What? They are the only people to be persecuted? They are the only people that have an opposing force trying to purge elements of their society and religion out of someplace? Fuck this shit is getting annoying. And if anyone cares I serve next to a bearded Muslim in my platoon and he thinks people are overreacting the the reactions... Edit to add: A little more to the rant here but more power to them if they want to build something. I don't care what they are building but as long as it has a religious element as a part of it expect some static hooah? Grow a pair of balls, drink water and drive on.
  14. is all about the PT...

  15. Like someone in my platoon needs to DIE because he got 1Lt pissed at us and we got smoked for 3 hours...
  16. Im thinking that the Army needs to hurry up and get rid of this damn velcro already so we stop sticking to each other in formation.
  17. Another movie in a long line of briefs...it was about STD's and had alot of pictures. Disgusting but slightly less depressing than the EFP brief that shows us how we will die.
  18. I feel like I AM DONE WITH BASIC TRAINING! HOOAH! Now for 11 weeks of AIT and then hopefully Airborne school to do the shuffle. All in all I feel awesome...
  19. Serious question here. How many places of worship does ANY religion really need? I mean it kinda ties in with me saying that there are better options for what to build in that area. There has to be a perfectly good alternative in the area where they could fit...or some place already built that could be rented or bought. Shit, if you have to go nut to butt just to avoid a bunch of costs and controversy why not do it? Or how about these people proposing the building build a nice non-religious park that would beautify the area, bring a bit of nature back, and provide a place for homeless people to sleep?
  20. I love candy! I don't care what it is right now I will eat it. For all of you bitching about bad tasting candy try spending 10 weeks with NO CANDY watching Drill Sergeants eat all kinds of it in front of you. However, in keeping with the theme here I am going to go with the pickle flavored rock candy I had at a fair once. I love pickles but damn that shit was nasty...
  21. Single...for the next three years is my prediction too. The Army is like the anti-relationship organization I always dreamed of! Where are the hot girls in the military...
  22. Wow I missed alot of news being stuck in Basic for 10 weeks. Anyways, what the hell is this bullshit? Considering the location of the proposed building site there are really very few options that could be considered "fitting". There are some that could be sorta neutral...but this Mosque is much too close to being salt in wound even if you don't directly link it to terrorists. So what did they just say "ah fuck it we don't know what else to build here" or was this planned for a while? Here is a list of better ideas for what to build. 1. Useful buildings 2. A nice park for EVERYONE to enjoy 3. Something that isn't connected to any sort of religion so we can stop bitching already. 4. An anti-religion vortex and pulls you headfirst through your own asshole if you try to build a religious structure there or add elements of other religious from different eras to an argument especially if the standards of the time were much different than the standards we hold today. Personally I like the vortex idea...
  23. I have a new look that is totally my own...just kidding I wear what the Army tells me to wear now. Wow it is weird being on here...
  24. As long as people get an opportunity to rip on people in positions higher than their own they will ignore anything else that gets in their way...they are not forgetting the fact they are ignoring it or are probably excusing the action of the father because of his situation and blah blah blah...you know the drill.
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