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Everything posted by candyman

  1. A chance to laugh on the rare occasion where some weird dude pulls his pants and boxers all the way down just to use a urinal...at least I always find that to be funny...
  2. Well, truthfully if you want a clean house those are the vacuums to get... I keep falling asleep after Star Trek when the info things come on for Extenze or those other male enhancement drugs...wonder whats going to happen to me when I start going nuts...I really don't want to be living in a care home yelling about being chased by oddly shaped, vein covered wieners...
  3. Dude you are coming to Wisconsin? Damn, if you smoke buy ahead because its about $7 a pack here... Oh yeah I guess I feel hungry...a bit tired too... If you are gonna hit Milwaukee or Madison let me know I can point out where you want to go for "fun"...
  4. Meh...we just went from everyone smoking to everyone going on a "health" bender where they will rub, ingest, or pop pills of anything with "good" effects whenever they are told to...MUCH better that a bunch of people smoking. The social norms are changing as usual and sometime in the future we will find out that those norms "sucked" according to certain people so we will bring on some new ones which will follow the same path. Listen to the placement, do what you want, or take parts from both it really doesn't matter...just stop telling other people what is right and what they should do...
  5. So when are we going to start learning lessons here? When a president gets into office he is dealing with the problems of MANY presidents that came before him. Will he screw up? Yes he is a human and a politician so it is unavoidable. I would support the Tea Party openly but I am afraid that just like many well intentioned groups of old there are people out there that are determined not to let it stay on the path...they would be content to take ANY sort of opening possible to continue the growth of hatred and racism through their own twisting. That is how it remains...not because of the people that "are" but because of the people that push them to be...we all have the seeds they just need to be started by someone or something. Good job Tea Party opponents...if you accomplish anything it will be driving more people over the edge which will widen the ever growing barrier. I hope you feel good about taking a small fraction and feeding in the hate needed to swell its numbers. You thought you had a problem before and you are on the path to making it much worse. You are almost to the point where you cause anti-racist or anti-hate groups to just give up because in your blind stupidity you toss their names into the list of evil groups. I think its time for me to break out my skinhead gear once more and call my friends up...this is getting out of control...
  6. Oh so this is going to be another UN grab that will most likely turn sour at which point they get as much help as they can from America before they put the blame on us? At least our troops won't get butchered in a foreign market trying to capture people for the UN again...unless they come up with a plan to invade the Vatican...which with their IQ is probably option #1 right now. Should this guy get prosecuted? Probably...but unless you are a complete idiot it is best to stay out of this...I can see alot of people connected to this going on "vacation" for an undisclosed period of time just to avoid what I am going to call "the imminent clusterfuck".
  7. Now we can finally find out who exactly pooped in the urinal...
  8. What I really love about roller coasters is that you can get off after the whole ordeal and it doesn't get any worse...unlike this situation. Fight hate with hate...now we are finally stooping down to the level of retarded tribes/clans in Somalia and other countries like that. They assume that you assume so then they assume something but maybe this is all wrong because maybe they didn't assume and now your assumption made you look like and asshole so now you counter by assuming that they assumed you would try to trick them into an ignorant assumption and...FUCK! When you are yelling at someone that is also yelling, even if it is something bad or stupid, you don't tend to hear just how badly you sound like a fucktard because of all the yelling...so maybe shut the fuck up and watch the show. Actually all of this makes me very happy...maybe all the stupid people will finally find out why peace and all that happy fun stuff will never come to be...we are out for BLOOD and when we get it THAT is OUR peace.
  9. Yes. For one thing it says something about the country that they are coming from, for another it says something about some of the parents that are adopting...if you want a child to love then it is no problems spending the money, passing the tests, and waiting for a while to get a child.
  10. I would really laugh harder at this guy if it were not for the fact that I wish Cali would just slide off into the ocean...far fetched but possible and it would stop them from grabbing the auto industry by the testicles.
  11. Sounds like they have been taking notes from our government...it is much easier to push things through that way.
  12. At least my parents treated me well when they adopted me. This is really shitty...but I wonder how many of the stories have been twisted by a country that hates out ass? Not trying to take this realness away from this story...but I still wonder. I also wonder what the treatment of children that stay in Russia is...they don't have very good numbers at any age for abuse and life expectancy to begin with. Adoption worked for me an many others I know...but I also know people that didn't fare well at all...
  13. I also have a very high metabolic rate and that creates eating problems right away if you are not careful. I also was a wrestler in high school and in order for me to stay on the varsity team the whole year I had to stay at 135lbs which may not sound difficult with a high metabolism but it is. If you are going to help her, which you should but IN CONJUNCTION with a professional, there are many things that you can do. 1. Eating large meals to stretch the stomach is not going to teach the body anything good...it has move of a chance of taking her in another wrong directing. The doctors had me start small. A meal does not have to have a large main dish to be a meal. A salad can provide much of what you need along with some fresh fruits, bread WITH honey on it, plenty of water and a dairy product like cottage cheese. 2. Weight training is a BIG no-no if you are not eating right in the first place. If she doesn't have something to build WITH and to build ON she is going to hurt something. Just like the food it is a small start. Pushups, situps, flutter-kicks, mountain climbers, and the rest of the workouts like those are a very good start and for some people its all they need. With the right diet those workouts will not only bring her body under control but they will also give her the resistance training she needs to move on from there. 3. Care for her all you want but this is not a popularity contest. Now don't be harsh and force her to do stuff but you have to be firm. If you are going to help coach her through this, again with help from a professional, you must raise the flag of no mercy. You are not fighting her you are fighting something that is affecting her...it doesn't care if you hold her, speak to her like she is a poor victim, or give her comfort. In other words this is a situation that calls for you to be something like an army drill instructor...even though you do care about what happens to her you can't take any bullshit like "I don't like that cooking" until she gains your respect by making progress. If you like I have an eating program and a fitness program that the doctors in the area use...its actually the Army Pocket Physical Training Guide that they get copies of from the recruiting stations. Its almost like P90X except there are not stupid commercials and it is free...you just need to add motivation. It starts you off as if you are a resistant, sloppy, out of shape high school kid that needs to get his/her ass in gear...so you start with eating simple, yet effective meals, along with mild workouts and walk/run cardio. Even though I smoked and at shitty food for 4 years it got me to the point where I can run 5 miles, eat good and filling meals each day, and my muscles and in better condition the when I was wrestling Varsity in high school.
  14. I solved the problem...they gave me his documents and I know who he is so we can stop fighting... ...Asian...never woulda even guessed...
  15. Wow if you guys think that stuff was bad I should post picture of my friends farm...if duct tape and Vice-Grips didn't exist neither would most of the stuff on his farm...
  16. Story here...well kinda Has anyone else been paying attention to this? If so have you heard or the sticky parts that are being left out of the "feel good" reports? This whole thing is giving me and others that I know a very uneasy feeling right now. If you are going to investigate this make sure to look up the sticky parts with Russia, Israel, and you know those other countries like North Korea that are just trying to look hip in the world of large weapons. Also, take not of the types of weapons that are left out in a NUCLEAR proliferation treaty and take notice of how that affects things. I just wanted to toss this out there because for one thing it is a big issue...also because there is so much self hatred in our country right not that seeing other countries causing problems may help distract us for a while. C'mon...there is ALOT of heat in some of the current threads here so lets try to direct some of it elsewhere.
  17. Really pissed off at the person that picked the Indian place to eat...this is worse than when you combine hot wings with beer...
  18. I thought that I just always had a cold or allergies because my nose was always plugged up. Turns out it was a deviated septum that needed to be surgically repaired. Not technically a sickness but when you are breathing through nothing but two pinholes for nostrils it still sucks...and having it fixed with a hammer and a chisel is not cool either.
  19. Hmm...seems weird that such smart people have to make up stories to deface a religion they do not like...they should be smart enough to do something less abrasive or they could just say "I don't like it, its not true" and be done with it. I had kinda heard the story before in college but tossed it off as one of the many times that a teacher went out of their way to attack Christians, males, white males, and especially white Christian males. If it makes them feel better even Christians think that they are very smart and hold no grudges... Anyways, enough of this before a fire starts...and where the hell is Brother Maynard? He was called for over 2 hours ago...
  20. ...where in Christianity does it say anything about turtles? And what does that have to do with the planet's orbit?
  21. Well upon hearing my real name without seeing me many people already think that I am black...so whatever...
  22. Huh...so since my adoptive records are sealed I could be from Kenya too? DAMN! I could have gotten a discount on college this whole time and didn't know it... ...damn paperwork!
  23. ...I thought this was a secret or something right? Maybe she is just trying to start a fire again...or got confused on where he was actually born and defaulted to Kenya... Well at least we know that our president can run fast! (something tells me that might be in bad taste...but oh well)
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