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Everything posted by candyman

  1. It is probably as safe as the add on for BB guns that they make to shoot .22 short round out of...just clamp in on the end and the BB sets off the .22 round...don't want to be around when it does fire though...
  2. Good job trying to turn this into a black and white issue which it is not. The fact that you know 100 gun owners really means nothing because that is 100 people out of, well it doesn't matter since there is no statistical that would make it into a logical representation of a populace even if you considered statistics used on humans to be accurate. Go sit down and read the firearm laws that the Swiss have. And don't assume right away that my point is more guns mean fewer crimes. We have a major issue with guns coming over our borders and that is an unavoidable issue. You have yet to explain to me WHY any criminal would possibly go through the trouble of stealing guns from a home when he could just as easily get a weapon for cheap? For one he would not have to worry about serial numbers? If a criminal with half a brain makes it into my home I have nothing to worry about...I have my full brain at work, sorry. You CANNOT say that you are not making wild claims without proof...because you have not provided any proof. You also CANNOT say that you are not stereotyping...unless you use a different name for it. No crap they exist...there are alot of people that exist and you still have to proof one way or another that these people make up a significant portion...its like the people with no medical or scientific backgrounds that are putting specific numbers and "facts" on indoor smoking based on their own studies that include how their clothes smell and how they feel after coming home from the bar. Good, you know alot of gun owners and apparently are on speaking terms with a few criminals that steal guns and use them in crimes...you have plenty of people to run to if something goes wrong.
  3. Ummm...if we are going to be picky here then you are still wrong. A citizen soldier would mean that the person would have to be a CITIZEN in the first place. Even in the Reserve and National Guard you are a part of the Army, they employ you can do have the power to pull you into whatever duty they may need you in. You cannot have a Militia that is made up of enlisted soldiers...that is not what a militia is. No I guess hunting is not a good reason to own guns at all...someone could steal my clunky bolt action rifles and use them to slowly mow down a crowd of people that isn't moving very fast...that is if they could find the bolt which is hidden. In an age where the markets are packed with overpriced crap food you probably shouldn't fuck with the people that can actually find, kill, and prepare their own damn food. There is nothing wrong with moonshine and you don't eat the whole squirrel you just get the fat ones and roast the stomach...give the rest to the dogs. And if the shit really does hit the fan which it probably won't the answer is not...they are not there to protect you...you can cover your own ass as far as they are concerned. Now I am off to find the mysterious .22 shotgun...and a Beretta that doesn't function like a Beretta so I can actually shoot the targets.
  4. So you have seen car-jackings with pistols? Did you recognize the pistol as something that is commonly owned by "over half" of Americans? What exactly is a normal, everyday pistol? I mean to you that could be a Bauer 25 but to me that could be a Taurus Judge. Out of all the gun-owners I know, which includes many people, only about 25% of them have pistols...and most of those people have then loaded and WELL hidden. And since you are making so many claims here just where the FUCK did you get these numbers? PROOF! No I have not seen a car-jacking AT ALL but I never claimed that I saw a car-jacking with any of those weapons OR that a car-jacking would ever happen with those weapons. Wow...way to go on the EXTREME there and take what I said WAY OUT of context...you are just looking for a fight aren't you? Stereotyping the people that own firearms, making wild claims with NO PROOF, and telling others not to treat you the way that you are treating them. Serious question here...do you even know what a gun is or did you just go nuts on conspiracy packed youtube videos?
  5. Most of the guns that you get on the black market are not made in the US, are not used by government people, and are not shipped by any government company. The AK47 in any of its many form is one of the most common weapons when weapons are confiscated. Yes some people do own those in their homes but for the most part they are easily purchased elsewhere for very cheap. A gun kit for a fully automatic AK47 can be purchased online for around $250 and all you have to add would be a stock, receiver, or a barrel depending on the distributor. Government regulation dictate that when you put the kit together that it has to be 25% US made parts which must include the trigger mechanism that would convert it to semi-auto...but they don't keep good track of that since you could just order it and not use it. Also, to purchase a kit for a fully auto AK you don't need and special license or permit...you just need a drivers license that proves you are 18 years old. Then there is the Spanish CETME and its various clones...all come from the factory with a selector switch that puts them on full auto .308...ALL of them have this and you just need to take the gun apart and grind down the small tab that locks the full-auto option out and now you have a full-auto assault weapon that shoots a very dangerous round. It is probably just as easy, if not easier, to purchase an imported weapon including full-auto weapons as it is to steal guns...plus if you go in to steal one you better know exactly what they have, if they have ammo, how to operate it properly, and how to take care of the serial number that are not so obvious...the AK kits and the CETME rifles have their numbers ground out. I honestly don't know how many people keep their AK's, CETME's, MAC 10's, MP5's, and Uzi's in ornate glass cabinets in their homes. If they do I question where they got those weapons in the first place. BTW where did you get your numbers? Do you know cops, ATF, DEA, or military agents that have told you these things?
  6. Never liked the Sex Pistols that much...Cock Sparrer and The Business rank up there as better bands...and don't forget the Buzzcocks.
  7. SS is beyond help at this point so that kinda makes sense...but the income tax is something that everyone should pay. That goes for many other taxes because I HOPE that the money is going to the right places which in some cases it is. There has never been the option to NOT pay your taxes. The fact that there is no option, that you MUST pay something, and that the money paid in will go to help everyone really gives more ammo to the people that are yelling about socialism...there are more socialist countries out there that offer option out of paying if you don't want to.
  8. Well yeah it is a tax but they way its used it is pretty much a fine. Look I would love to help others afford what they need or even want but I don't have the means to do that. I know plenty of other middle class people that probably could afford insurance but they need the money for other things. There is a growing trend, and this is just speculation on my part, where the government at all levels is not only taxing you out the ass but they are controlling where the rest of your income goes whether you need that something or not. Maybe if we stopped dumping the pledged millions into the UN so they can toss is at a poor country and hope it helps we would not need to do this? Maybe... I am under the firm belief that everyone should be required to get proper maintenance on their vehicles because of all the problems, including bad emissions, that it would solve. However, I realize that even if I was in a position to make that happen it would be stupid because some people may not what that. Therefore the "program" would need to be changed so that if you want it you can get it, if you can't afford it we can help, and if you want nothing to do with it then fine but you will live with shame and not a bill. All that being said I will be in the Army soon so this healthcare argument technically doesn't involve me...doesn't mean it can't bother me though.
  9. Well if it could compete price wise to the average standalone system out today that would kick ass!
  10. So it is now a right to have to buy something or pay a fine if you don't even want it? Not trying to start shit because obviously if you are in the bracket where you can afford insurance you will most likely get it...but knowing real life everything won't go as planned...THEY may say you can afford it but maybe you really can't or you don't WANT what it provides. I go to rent movies that I want to watch and that I will watch...I don't get told I have to rent so many videos each month that I probably won't watch. If you aren't going to use something why pay for it? For all the minority groups out there that are striving to preserve and maintain their ability to act or think a certain way...this seems like a step backwards to me...not specifically for those groups but for the whole idea of living your life...
  11. Wireless connection with my computer would be awesome and I am sure that Apple would find a great way to do it...problem is price and dependability. I drive older models of cars because I don't trust alot of the wirelss connections and the fly-by-wire stuff...so I would probably go for more of a hard wired connection into a standalone system if anything. And yeah those hinged deals are crap...after a while you end up with a two piece deal that doesn't work but does look cool...although I don't think an Ipad would handle a barrier break and a few roll overs that well either...oops!
  12. Yikes! I would say that some of that applies to everyone and it all depends on the situation like who you are with and such. I guess I will find out for sure how sensitive I am when I get to Basic Training...but in recent encounters with DIs I have stood up very well. Oh yeah I forgot to add the stuff about my friends that are already in the military. I hate myself for saying this but I would like to see them go under an evaluation like this to see how they come out. With my buddy Travis I am sure that they would find that he has gone from sensitive to VERY sensitive plus a combo of other things which tends to happen when you watch an RPG come slowly at your head or if you have to use your knife on an insurgent during a house clearing...when he came back from that I found that in situations like loud, bright, and noisy bars he often curled up at a table, stared really hard at everyone, and stayed quiet until we left for another place.
  13. Hmmm...it would be nice to have a device like this connected to my vehicle to give me numbers...but I am not sure that this device would talk to my vehicle. I hope this sparks some sort of trend in the computer world to make more stuff like this. The laptop I have that flips into a notebook SUCKS and is pretty much only good for checking fuel trims and as a tray for when I am eating in the car...time for something new.
  14. I am currently repairing the vehicle...THAT HIT MINE! Yes the citation says it was my fault...but her vehicle logs show no application of the brakes or any deceleration or steering input...it also shows that she was going 37 in a 25...but I CANNOT use this in court to defend myself even though I have 5 witnesses that would back up my statements. BULLSHIT!
  15. This is nothing new...I mean how many plans go into action and start off with some people going for them and some people against them? I think it includes alot of bills. Also, are we cool to start judging Obama yet? I mean ever since the man stepped into office it seems that this brand new standard has been put in place of not judging things until, what is it 2 years before we can start making comments? I remember people going after Bush and some people didn't like it...but I don't remember anyone saying anything about a time restriction before. Its OK if people bash the bill or if they do not give it a chance...not many of us have the ability of wishing hard enough to sway politicians so I doubt we can affect the inanimate bill with our negative thoughts. I was taught at a very young age to accept criticism no matter how harsh because it could make me better...seems to be an idea lost of DC today...I honestly want to know if our rejection of the bill has made any Democrats cry. Edit to add: I COMPLETELY forgot to mention this too but...if it is too early for me to say that the bill will not work then HOW can you say that it will work? What it is too early for it to not work but it is so early that it could not possibly fail? That is true, it has not failed yet so I guess it works.
  16. I seemed to have missed the memo where "republicans" are the only people that can make threats, death threats, and threats about guns. Did we have to sign up for this somewhere? If I make a death threat and mention a gun will it be regarded as bullshit because I have not jumped on the republican bandwagon? I don't need a gun....I can just see if the Russians have any anti-tank dogs left lying around...
  17. Thats why I didn't put the full blame of the situation on the lack of spankings... Yes the rest of these points make sense...I worked at a daycare for a while and could not stand the fact that an 8 year old could swear like a sailor, smack some other kid on the head with a metal truck, and all we can say is "please stop". It is a combination of many things in this case...as it is with almost any other case dealing with badly behaved children. So many things that parents would do to teach their kids, which is their business, has become taboo for whatever reason. Saying that you discipline your children often draws the same response from people that you get when you say the word "profit" in association with your business or one that you are linked to...people have made the word evil and just assume that you are taking money from the poor or are beating your children with a bat and are forcing them into certain beliefs.
  18. I know parents that still spank their kids when the message doesn't get through...they have some of the most well behaved kids in the neighborhood. I don't really think you can put a number on spankings it just seems weird. Even though these are kids we are talking about I am getting sick of the fact that none of them have any fear of consequences now. I see kids doing stupid shit to someones property I am not gonna say anything, again, because they don't stop when you tell them to...they just throw rocks at your car now...and swear ALOT. I don't blame the lack of physical discipline on the fall of children but I think it ranks up there. Talk and non-physical punishment can only go so far with any age group and with both sexes...after that you go with the age old currency of blood...not actually drawing blood but still.
  19. Personally, I am going past the law and am referring to the basics. Yes there are tickets given for the wrong reasons...but from people I know most of them are given correctly. Look at how many people just let their cars fall apart even if it is just the exhaust of lights...driving hazard that impairs driving...they should get the 5-day that says get it fixed in 5 days or get a fine. Go watch a parking lot and notice the number of people that can't seem to handle parking between two lines that are wider than their cars...or the people that have no fucking clue that there are lines in the lot OR on the road. I am sorry but even though I may go 10 mph over the limit I still watch the road, traffic, pedestrians, and everything else I need to watch to stay safe. Its gone past the law is the point...the simple rule of not moving an inch until you seatbelt is on or your lights are on has gone out the window...people can't even handle manual transmissions anymore but they can sure as hell have bluetooth, dvd players, XM radio, and all the other shit the takes you away from driving. Here is a though...sell stripped down cars and make people EARN those option of their cars...maybe people won't drive like Ted Kennedy if they know that they don't get their airbags or sync system until a few years with a clean driving record. In my belief, and many other auto-engineers feel the same way, people are driving WORSE due to the fact that their cars are "safer"...and they are treating dangerous moving vehicles like offices or home theater systems. I want people to "level up" with their cars...they can start with a bare bones Geo Metro and earn good driving points so they can upgrade. Toss the law out of this...there are alot of stupid drivers out there and I can't cut that many coil wires by myself.
  20. This is our revenge...their food gives us the shits now we give them the shits...but our food is crappy...
  21. I think there should be some sort of rating system as far as what people can drive or not too. I don't care if you can afford something fast or something huge you need to be able to handle it too. It should be more intensive when you are learning to drive and it should be more intensive AND expensive when you get your license. Also, If you lose points you have to earn them back doing something other than sitting on your ass for a bit...like going back to driving school. However when it comes to driving I can be a little cocky. I have been pulled over for speeding about 12 times with no tickets. I also drive alot of track and consider good driving skills at the top of my list and tend to look down on many of the other drivers on the road...its not that hard to use turn signals, lights, seat-belts, wipers, or keep proper preventative maintenance on your vehicle and lacking those things I would like for you to be off the road.
  22. Heard about these guys from other militia members before but didn't know that much. Most people just called them the KKK but with a different name. Will there be an auction for their confiscated weaponry?
  23. Considering I won't get that much money back I will probably just spend it on things I take for granted right now when I get out of BCT...like greasy burgers and beer and maybe a decent stripper or two...
  24. Where did I say they should implement it after 2 years? 2 years was a minimum time for doing their prep work. Also, it SEEMED really scattered rather than going through different stages of revisions. And even though it has been since 2008 there is the fact that this really seemed like a rush job in the end. Yes the Republicans were being a bunch of stiff but when you are passing something this BIG and this IMPORTANT the last thing you need to do is prove something by pushing it through. We always say look at Europe...and as far as their setup goes we DIDN'T look at them...and they also went at it with a slow and deliberate pace. Yes urgency to pass this plan is felt by many individuals...but since this is for ALL of us, excluding the government, we should all be on the same damn boat before someone slams down on the throttle. Yes I did mention 2 years...but I never said that they had to go BOOM and implement it after 2 years. The whole system this bill deals with is a machine...and take if from someone that works on many machines taking your damn time is the only way to get things done unless you want to bypass some things and add the possibility for more things to fuck up. 2 years to get the bill ready...THEN they can go about the process of making sure it works with US and THEN they can go about trying to implement it. If this was a small revision on just a few parts of the system I would not have a problem with them putting it in with such a short time of working on it...and by a few parts I mean less than what is in the bill in case anyone feels like telling me how many parts I meant.
  25. I honestly do not believe that a bill this major should be able to be understood after watching a few videos under 10 min each. I think that the first year should have been spent planning and piecing together a bill using many different resources. The second year could then focus on perfecting the bill, getting opinions on it, various other things. Like I have said before this SHOULD HAVE taken more time considering the scope of it. THAT is one of the reasons I have a problem with this and I think it is why many other people have it...people had to have it NOW not so much to improve things but to prove that they could do things. I kinda put this in the "Quality vs. Quantity" area...YAY we have it but did they do everything right? Did they consider ALL the options carefully? Probably not.
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