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Everything posted by candyman

  1. Only done it a few times but it wasn't that bad. It makes it harder to shave but so does not using any shaving cream.
  2. Wow...that is amazing. Also, she has a nice head start on the people in D.C....she would be a nice addition to the House or maybe Congress...maybe even a spot on the Cabinet.
  3. NO! Then we you disagree with someone on an issue they can't resort to childish stereotyping!
  4. After years of people abusing the "take care of everyone" rule don't you think they would tend to do that though? No this new bill wouldn't really put a new and bigger strain on the taxpayer...it will just slightly increase the large strain that we carry already in the form of both taxes and those hidden fees that make hospital visits so expensive. You can blame the insurance companies all you want but that is not the only place where the problem is. Insuring more people isn't going to help that much either because there are ALWAYS holes...the reason people threaten to move to Canada or other countries is that their system of healthcare does help more people and is more socialized BUT it is more "please" help people instead of the grab your balls approach that we have taken on. Dude that sucks that you got turned down. I have had a few family member turned down and I also have an Uncle that works as an insurance agent that handles cases at the hospital. He doesn't like it very much because of just how complicated it is. Its black and white for some people but others have multiple guns pointing at their heads telling them who to insure. This is one area where the actual insurance people have less to do with the decisions that the various hospitals and government people that keep tabs on this do.
  5. Well most of the people I know that switched sides did so because Obama pushed this bill. NOT because they didn't want a change but because the healthcare bill was passed TOO quickly...he was rushing it through just so he could say that he got something done. A little more than a year is enough time to gauge progress just not the whole presidency. Making a legacy is not just getting things done...its doing them right...shit I can change the head gasket on my F22 in about 40 min but being a rush job its not a good idea. I worried that Obama's and some other people's intentions were not so much in the area of actually fixing health care...they were more worried about getting something done and getting attention for it.
  6. Actually supplying our troops isn't what raises the price tag. People seem to think our troops are paid really well. If you would check with our many agreements with the UN you will find why we are paying so much money. Basically, when it comes to the UN we are their wallet and their strong arm. We are not donating to Haiti because we are so willing to...we have a contract. In Iraq in Afghanistan the money is going to pay for food, building supplies, and military equipment for the people in those countries...all of which is either stolen or destroyed the the troops from Pakistan that Israel is begging us to go after. Honestly this Health Care bill wouldn't be costing so much money...if we were not already pissing billions into the hands of the UN and other countries that will still hate us just like before. And for all the other needless plans for the federal money that they are throwing at "good ideas" in various states...like those are going to be cheap.
  7. Yes Madison can have that effect on you. And to tell you the truth I was one of the very few people in class that actually supported what Israel was doing over there...everyone else said they were starting all the trouble...but that is for another thread. I would like to say that I would like to see some reform in the area of health care and in other areas. However I don't believe that this is the right course of action. I do hope that is this really passes that it will do some good. I also feel like even though we would like it right now because fast food owns us that something like this SHOULD take forever to iron out. We are talking about a huge chunk of something that is very important to the lives of many people and in my opinion it should take a couple years to get it right. Hopefully if it passes the next few years aren't spent perfecting it...not a huge "we won" party by the Dems. It is only wasteful spending if it missed the target or hits the wrong one...I will remain skeptical until stuff works out. So far I can say that this could go 3 ways although more are possible. The Dems could be right and everything will get better. The Reps could be right and this will make things worse. And the one I believe will happen is we will have slightly similar shit, different day and leadership. Usually we jump from one pile of poop into another that we think will be better.
  8. This bill still won't cover everyone... Also its gonna have more people to cover as long as people in the government seem to ignore the more urgent issue of rising unemployment! No wonder so many people can't get insurance...they have no jobs...well lets make it easy on them and give it to them anyways. And I am very sorry but I have to bring something else up here. So Obama has been in office for a while and all the way up until now people have told me and keep telling me that I cannot comment on his performance because he hasn't been in office long enough. However, when it comes to this heath care bill which hasn't even fucking passed yet people are making awesome claims about it while they can't prove for a fact that this shit will even happen. Wow...
  9. Yes I do know the difference...so the evidence is? You can presume in a court case but it is still innocent until proven guilty. You know someone that was planted? All it takes it the actions of one or two officers to screw over the whole image. And don't try to paint be as a cop lover because I really do not like them...however being a traditional skinhead I do not stand for total anarchy and still believe that some systems are needed. Dressing the way I do they have all the reason to suspect me of doing something wrong based on either assumptions or presumptions...but they don't...
  10. You basically just made an assumption there yourself...or are you exempt for some reason? Yeah...those damn crooked pigs always stop when I am walking to the bar to ask me if there is any reason for them to go in like a bar fight or underage drinkers...and one of those bastards even stopped to help us jump my buddies car! THAT FUCKER! I swear that they only issue extra long cables that actually reach to law enforcement people that normally use them to whip innocent people as they walk by... And Msterbeau...some of it does seem like bullshit but do you know how many people don't give a rats ass about anything on their cars? Shit, its hard enough to get people to change their oil at 6,000 miles even if you only have them pay you in a round at the bar...like they even pay any attention to their lights. I see so many cars with turn signal, plate, and rear/back-up lights out that I am starting to go nuts. Really it is not that hard, expensive, or time consuming to replace one of those lights. As for the tabs how many people do you think let those go? Most everyone I know has theirs ordered well before they need to be replaced. Yes, I am anal when it comes to vehicles but honestly the least people could do is keep things in proper order...some drivers a shifty enough and then you factor in them not paying real close attention to a machine that could cause serious damage... It is part of their job to pull people over for those infractions...and if they are on patrol and you don't want them to hit you for that make sure you have a crack dealer with you to distract them with something more important.
  11. Hehe one time I said it the fast way to get done with the cold and rainy PT faster and proceeded to get my ass chewed by my SGT for about 10 min...
  12. We already have security like that at the malls in Milwaukee. You have to be at least 18 to enter the malls without parental supervision. Pass through security on the way in and go through again on the way out. Weird? Yes. End of the world? No. Like I have said before if you personally have nothing going on that will hinder a passage through security then you have nothing to worry about. And no I am not saying that having nothing wrong will pass you through faster...you will just lose a few minutes of your time and they might see what is in your bag or car...BOO HOO! Submitting to a security search has nothing to do with draconian elements...nor is it intrusion since security checkpoint are usually in areas that you do not own and that someone wants to keep safe. So what I am supposed to protest some dudes searching my car which has nothing illegal in it yet the bouncer at the club can grab my nuts even though he knows I don't have a weapon? On a related note the Smoking Ban in Wisconsin has this AWESOME provision that makes sure that more cops come into the bars on a more regular basis. Wow, what a great use for the police force right? They will be checking alot of ID's over and over again and I can see quite a few problems arising from this. I hear alot of people bitch about the police forces yet...they are usually the same people that call for certain laws or regulations that not only rely on the police force for enforcement but they also increase the demand for larger police forces. I have been pulled over 12 times and I guess I got the few good officers that are still left...because you know all of them are evil and corrupt and its certainly not a stereotype. There is also nothing that says that the police must use turn signals...its one of those things that deals with all the lighting on their cars and how they operate. Look I don't love them either because they hassle me about my cars, which makes sense because they have "illegal" modifications, but it is not that hard to deal with them...they are like large babies sometimes and you just have to find out what makes them giggle. I do not really mean to "flame" you here dude...but I have come under the impression that security and law enforcement have fallen under the same curse that the word "profit" did...that is to say that no profit is considered good and if anyone makes profit they are evil...security and law enforcement have their place and DO work however its the whole thing where Humans react with Humans and we all the Humans mixing means a fuck-up is inevitable.
  13. Met someone today that actually knew what a skinhead was...he was an old rocksteady bass player from Milwaukee and is probably one of the few African-Americans I know that has a clue what a skinhead really is and I only know three others. Damn right that made my day!
  14. Damn I really didn't need to see all of that today...very disturbing and I hope some of those are altered... Natural tan is the only way to go if you are gonna do something...I get a good one every summer up on the roofs that are so terribly hot...never turned orange.
  15. Humans were used in the first test and humans were used in the second test...there is a flaw that will fuck up the standard deviations like nothing else can! With the amount of people in the world and the differences in each individual the test is also flawed in the number of participants. Its like looking at one tree in the apple orchard and when you see that it is good you declare all the other trees to be good. STATISTICS DOES NOT WORK ON PEOPLE!!! How hard is that to understand? Where were the people from? Were they chosen because they experienced common occurrences in their lives? Were they all from the same art class at some junior high? Were they all pranksters from various workplaces? Maybe some of them owned cats. Study flawed end of story. You can prove the fact that the limits were though were on humans are much different than we think but other than that there isn't much else that can be positively proved at all. Shit if this were graphed out it probably has 10 times the defective rate than the charts from the door panel data sheets we got from Ford! Did you really bite down on another stupid TV show? I don't care what test they are using...ITS A TV SHOW! Seriously, look at the people on all the other game shows...fucking freak fest candidates!
  16. I remember my teacher bringing these up in that stupid music history class...he though the band was fine but he kinda wanted to punish the ears of the majority of the class that couldn't handle learning anything about music unless it was current rap or current pop music. Honestly they are not that bad...they are not on my Ipod to be sure but the pop up on my computer on occasion when I hit shuffle...
  17. Yeah that pretty much explains it all. If you really took everything apart and into perspective, a daunting task and probably impossible, you would probably find differences...but not many and probably not anything that changes much.
  18. Ah my friends and I were talking about this around a bonfire last night. It is not so much that fact that we hate society and that it sucks...considering we are a part of it...its just that some elements have seem to have gone astray if that makes any sense. We believe that in current times we have lost more touch with the past that in previous generations. It is true that every generation takes parts of the old while at the same time shucking off parts that they don't like or want. It seems to us that not only have we tossed off much of what past generations had...we have also tried to wipe those things from out memory or maybe we have just forgotten. We focused on many current issues and how the same exact headlines we have to day are merely repeats of headlines of old but somehow we feel today that we are the only victims. Society doesn't just include the locals it includes the whole world but for some reason, probably because of the media, we feel that we are cut off. We even looked at the military aspect in society and it seems that after WW2 there was a wicked turnabout dealing with the military that has had nasty results since then...even old vietnam vets have said that they got more respect that the average soldier today. All in all I think society is the same as it always has been...its made from the human element so you can expect it to be good and bad since it bounces all over the spectrum. One thing I do think is wrong is that society seems more docile that in previous times although I can only speculate since I was not alive in previous times. No I am not going to say that society is full of sheep...however it does seem like society today would give up almost anything to someone that makes a "promise" to take care of them or make things easier... I also think that if you look at society in America there is WAY too much self-hatred going on...it is completely ridiculous and really has no basis when you look closely at the weak comparisons. We have made an art out of finding the odd behavior of a small group of individuals and turning it into what "all" of society is like...I fear that imagination has run off the the true picture of society which in all reality doesn't exist as it would be too difficult for anyone to paint.
  19. Any search and seizure done under the authority of border control agents is not unreasonable. It may be unreasonable to you but that is their job. I don't get how this is so hard to understand. What would the point of having border agents be if they had to ask people for permission to search for things? Well, they would probably get nowhere or they would at least get sued for being biased against foreigners. Do you know what happens at the airport when they want to check you stuff? They just tell you to give them your bag or to step over to the table. If you ask questions they tend to ignore you unless your questions get annoying or you start yelling in which case they probably will react. I hope this guy has a list of tips for next time he crosses a border or goes through a line of security...#1 is STFU!
  20. With security the way it is that is resisting. Seriously, if there is nothing wrong and you know that you have no problems just man up and let them do their shit...its what they are there for. If you know that nothing on your end is out of order it is just a speed bump and although it is time that you believe you should not have to take it is not the end of the world. This it their job and due to many law suits and various other legal actions their job is very difficult to carry out...the have gone though bullshit before and yes asking a question to them equals resistance. I have been pulled aside twice when going through airport security...both times it cut the time to make my plane VERY close. However, that is their job and it is not as easy as people would like to think. I was pissed but because of advice from others I just played along so that it all went smooth...it is not conforming, you are not losing rights, and you will not lose your soul...I compare bitching about this to bitching about having to place your order at the screen before you go to pick up your food at the McDonalds drive-though.
  21. I chalk this up as a really stupid joke...and I find it hard to blame Wal-Mart unless you have rock solid evidence that an employee did it. My friend works at Shopko and they get about one of these a week...it is usually an offensive comment to someone and people get pissed but in the end you just gotta ignore the stupid people. My favorite was when someone got on the mic, don't remember where, and said "Price check my balls, price check my balls"...oh man that is really childish now that I look at it...
  22. Yep that is it...unless that bastard is hiding among the camo series Bush cans...
  23. Same thing kinda happened to my uncle...but it was his chest hair growing into his under shirt and work shirt that he wore constantly for 8 years...
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