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Everything posted by candyman

  1. Bah all these people with rooms that they hardly ever use...My house would be as big as their garage and my garage would be as big as their house. They could have a bunch of dusty books and countless bathrooms while I have a trailer and a giant garage full of nice cars and barrels of straight oil so I can mix my own...and maybe a root-beer fountain.
  2. Why do people always pick on Wisconsin as a shitty Northwoods area? It not really that bad...they won't kill you...their dogs might and they might RAPE you but that is about it. We have contained the hippies and that is that...they all live in Madison.
  3. Single family house? Bullshit...you would lose the rest of your family for a week in that shit. Wanna meet the person that built this...and find out where the money he spent on it came from. Personally I would rather go out into the woods and build myself a house from the trees I cleared since it would be cheaper...unfortunately cutting down trees for housing is illegal in most areas.
  4. WTF? Food prep makes you a real man! Grilling meat is only half the battle...you still need side dishes!
  5. Oh boy my speakers need a relining job, since they are from 1978, and my sub enclosure needs a new vent system, cooling system, and better lining material...
  6. New law...just because you have the money to do it doesn't mean you can start a totally awesome band...you can only live vicariously through bands that you fund because someone that knows what music is recommended them. Wow I am so glad I am not at college anymore...people cranked Lady Gaga enough so that I couldn't drown it out with Cradle of Filth and I can only imagine that this would be 10 times worse.
  7. I'm guessing that his day job is either Mortician or Rapist...or both...and I though Gary Busey was the human version of Satan!
  8. Wow its just like all the stars in the sky...but we don't hear about all the drama that goes on in the galaxy...
  9. Sticking a subculture, and its people, into a political scene is pretty much just like saying that goths have to dress a certian way, act a certain way, and listen to a specific type of music. I know a group of self-proclaimed democratic punks that want more government control and all types of government help...yet they wear the anarchy symbol on all their jackets...FAIL! I will use punk as an example here. People didn't like what was going on in politics, music scene, etc...so they started their own shit...actually that was the skinhead movement but people don't understand what that is...punk actually went VERY political here in the states. Goth should be the same way...you are YOU! I hear people on here bitch about people stereotyping goths...and then they go on and stereotype Republicans, Democrats, and so on and so forth. If you don't want anymore stereotyping then saying that there is no such thing as a Republican goth is pretty stupid...unless your point is that goths are neither Republican nor Democrat.
  10. Shit I don't think they will let me watch this at BCT...
  11. Since he contained more plastic than my Ken doll I believe that they probably did put something downstairs...I wonder if his nose popped off during climax though?
  12. Don't get college kids in on this...2% of them that would take part would actually know what is going on while the other 98% would be nothing but sheep ready to cause a shitstorm. People that have a clear idea of what they are doing can go nuts...but the college thing is just not even funny anymore...
  13. And for the ICP discussion up there: I don't really care about juggalos and juggalettes that much except for the fact that they come and fuck up alot of the concerts that I am at. They started a huge fight at A7X, another at Cradle of Filth, another at Manson, another at WEIRD AL at Summerfest. They have turned into what I call a cancer of the concert system...they must be stopped. I don't know how things were back in the day...but its really fucking stupid now...
  14. I don't know if it varies by state but here in WI my friend was on unemployment for only 2 months before he got a job...they still kept him on it for 2 more months into the job where they then did an assessment of hit situation...just like they did when he applied for unemployment. If you really do need it that badly they usually keep you on for as long as you need as long as its not past the max unemployment period. I don't know what kinda job pays enough numbers to take you right out of unemployment but I am damn sure you don't start there.
  15. Notice this is NATURE doing shit here not us...she is just trying to shuck us off...
  16. It isn't even just Detroit. I worked at Autozone in Madison, WI which is "progressive" and "clean" and has "gotten rid of crime and drugs" and there were three times when people came up to me personally while I was outside to sell me speakers, other appliances, and pistols...all of which I assume were stolen...I do have to say that there were some nice pistols though. My boss told me it happens at least once a week though... If you wanna know how easy it is for someone to get an illegal FULL AUTO weapon I can tell you but DON'T do it this way. AK47's and the copied versions are all demilled, taken apart and the receiver or barrel is cut, and then they are put into bags and sold for about $200. You DO NOT need anything special to purchase these kits you only have to be 18 years of age. After you get the kit its another $100 in parts and you have a full-auto rifle that has no serial numbers due to the European demilling process. By law they must be 25% US parts which MUST include the trigger to switch it to semi-auto but that is not tracked as far as I know...at least not very well. The Spanish CETME is another more potent rifle that shoots .308 in semi trim but all of them and their clones come from the factory with the ability to go full-auto...you just need a screwdriver. This is the stuff that worries me because even the bills that just speak of control won't help this at all. If its not being controlled now no new "control" bill will help it...and an all out ban certainly won't fix this either.
  17. JESUS WILL BE BACK! And yeah just making sure you were not one of those people seeking "perfect"...I see alot of that in college...
  18. I don't think anyone has an issue with gun control. However, we already have hunters safety, you need a permit to hunt with a rifle and bows, purchasing a rifle (from controlled dealers) requires hunters safety and a background check, and so on and so forth. How can this be controlled anymore? I guess since ATF and the government can get their shit together with controlling illegal firearms and background checks we need further control...but I can't see that much else we can do. Most of the "control" they speak about isn't control...it's bullshit regulations that will affect legitimate gun owners and won't affect those that use them the wrong way.
  19. Where do I sign up to be the screaming jackass that contributes nothing to the band? As long as I get paid it doesn't matter how bad it sounds. I need a new subculture to hide in...I am not being protected well enough...can we bring punk back yet? It is definitely time to bring it back...
  20. Yeah at first I blew those off as just a normal Cali thing...but after years in Wisconsin I have never seen the students do this...they usually just go away after their bid at power fails but this time the went the other direction...I was starting to walk away already but then all that happened.
  21. Just a though but...I find people that look for toxic things in you to be toxic...so who would be toxic then? It seems to me at least that although there are people that really are toxic that certain people will "turn" someone toxic simply because they don't agree with them. I know people that with the help of this I could call toxic...but I usually just deal with them or stay the hell away from them. Pretty much everyone is going to be "toxic" one way or another...just pick your poison and you should be fine...if you want to wait around for the perfect person I believe Jesus said he would be back sometime soon...
  22. Story Thursday’s rally to protest budget cuts at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ended in 15 arrests and the detainment of the student government president. As part of the National Day of Action for Education Rights, UW-Milwaukee students gathered to protest budget cuts and an alleged pay increase to UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Carlos Santiago’s salary. The UWM Education Rights Campaign, which consists of students and faculty, held a demonstration to present the chancellor with a petition to give up his alleged salary increase before making budget cuts and raising tuition by 3 percent, according to Michael Raspanti, UWM Education Rights Campaign spokesperson. My favorite line in the whole deal...'“They said he was not available, but people saw him,” Raspanti said.'...yeah like totally! Who wants to go out to a protest against them when there are ice chunks and punches being thrown? Yeah well I went just to see what would happen because I would also like lower tuition costs partly because they have some classes I would like to take...and because my friends go there and invited me. NOT a peaceful protest by any means. The first 5 minutes were ok but after the girl that was let in to talk to the president came out she yelled something and EVERYONE bum rushed the place. The snowballs were not, as the media would tell you, the biggest problem. People in the front got trampled, three ambulances arrived to take people away, and the doors probably need to be replaced. For anyone else in the college system right now, or if you know someone, can you see this spreading? I mean with things in the condition that they are I hear many rumblings. My bartender told me that this will just be the start because it reminded her of things that occurred back when she was a student in the 60's. Also, fears or more riots aside, I just love how every college student feels that they own the world...that is the impression I got here and is also why I left the college system...at least the 4 year university shit.
  23. They are not but in some cases they get pretty close. A bill here in Wisconsin was being voted on and I was at the meeting in the capital where they were talking on the major points that should be included. I will try and list them here and will be leaving out the obvious ones like hunter's safety and required permits and certifications. 1. Each firearm will be taxed on a yearly basis...the tax money will go towards "training courses" and "prevention programs" 2. A registration fee on $50 per firearm that must be renewed each year...the registration card for the firearm must be with it at all times if it is in use. (I would owe $400 and I don't as many guns as other people!) 3. Ammunition should have a shelf life of no more than 2 months. 4. Maximum of 20 rounds of ammunition may be purchased at a time...no more than 20 rounds per person in the field and at the range. 5. LOWER THE HUNTING AGE TO 10...WTF? 6. Rifle ammunition not to exceed 180 grains...FMJ banned completely 7. No hand-loading of ammunition...the stuff is already expensive and taxed to hell anyways so whatever. 8. Firearm owners must have a log on each firearm and shots from those firearms...this one was not pushed as hard but it still was pushed. They can control things without making us pay more money. They can probably figure out a way to control firearms better without punishing those of us that use them properly. If I can't shoot anything more than 180 grains I am screwed because my rifle will not function properly with that light of a projectile. Hand-loading used to be cheaper and gave us an option to save money and shoot better rounds...but apparently all the gangsters are doing that now so we should not. Ammo with a shelf life of 2 months...hell even 5 months is not going to make any sort of difference except for more accidents because of bad ammunition. No they are not banning it but I have yet to read, see, or hear about a bill that really just focuses on control. Shit if it was just strict licensing, testing, training, and sales of firearms and ammunition most of us that deserve the guns WILL be able to keep them...but most of these people are going overboard with their "control". I don't think you have to remind us of the difference between control and banning...but you should probably tell the people making the laws...they aren't very bright you know.
  24. No it is not always paid by the employer. If it were I would be getting paid by the people that let me go and my friend would be getting paid by the company he used to work for. Unless they changed something employers, and regular people most likely, pay and unemployment tax. Unemployment compensation is based on federal law but is handled at the state level. That is why the feds have all the votes on this and make the decisions...then they pass everything off to the states so they can make it worse.
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