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Everything posted by candyman

  1. Fed up with failing to make the cut for every Japanese tentacle porn movie he tried out for in the last few years Charles decides to take matters into his own hands...
  2. I don't get why union people even complain today...even though I hate them we WISH we had something like a Union because they come and tell us that we now get a worthless retirement even if we serve 20 years and that the rest of our pay is getting messed up if we even manage to get promoted and all we get to say is YES SIR or else we will probably get chaptered.
  3. Union rep now fight for their money...not for the people they are supposed to represent. I know far too many people that depended on their reps in certain situations which ended with the company giving up more money...but it never got to the union members...they just got stupid "benefits" that didn't help them at all.
  4. Oh shit! My bad...sorry I just got off of a 36 hour duty shift so my basic functions are...not functioning properly right now. I was going thinking that the list looked funny I just didn't process it right now. One thing I would like to say is that even in the Dominican where it is bad I actually had trouble finding unhappy people. I still have issues with how the movement is handling things...not saying they shouldn't be there but they are seeming to take on policies that have killed other movements.
  5. But what do they get for it? Haiti is high on that list at number 8 but our group there had more people at the clinics than any other relief site...they also had to carry at least a 9mm pistol at all times because of the crime, pirates, crooked cops working for the drug people, and number of terror threats... I mean to me it looks like even if income distribution is better that doesn't always help things very much...give someone 75% of jack shit and what can they do with it? Statistics are nice until you apply them to real world situations and then it gets much more fuzzy. Not saying it is pure hell in all of those places or that the numbers don't count for anything but still...the Ford Pinto looked good on paper along with other cars but we all know how that went.
  6. Which country doesn't? Even in the Dominican Republic and Haiti there are a handful of people with Hummers and other brand new and expensive vehicles living in giant houses while rest of the people in the province have shit. It just depends on how the people react to it.
  7. I tried the coexist thing in college and it didn't work...humans aren't meant to agree in the way that people are looking for. They set standards and if you are not with them you are against them. Speak out one word that is ever so slightly different than their idea and you are the enemy. I was told to tolerate and look for the good but things I did were not tolerated for some odd reason that nobody could explain...but as an evil smoker I should know to keep my dirty DIRTY opinions out of things because my position on that completely negates everything else that I have to say. I am not ignoring the past I just have a different view...a means to an end that isn't following the same path as others. However, we lost our footing a while ago and some of our more recent past is going to come back to haunt us...kinda like Kennedy dicking around in the middle east did.
  8. I really don't see what this is going to help really. I mean a HUGE movement might work but the problem is that everyone wants to divide now. I'm not talking about the politicians I am just talking about regular jackoffs. I don't agree with Obama because I don't like his way of doing things so I MUST be a Republican, however I agree that weed should be legalized, but I don't agree with abortions...blah blah blah... Face it...we can't get along and get over petty little differences which leads to bigger differences which means none of these movements will work... I am not saying that I am in dire straights here but I have had more cuts to my shit in the last year that most other people and the same goes for my brothers in arms...the only thing I am trying to say with that is that you need to pick your battle and work shit out on your level before you even think of taking on the big boys. A nation divided will not fall...it just isn't going to go anywhere. The only things that are changed by large groups like this is not IF you get screwed...it is WHERE you get screwed. They will not roll over to demands or requests they will just adapt to something else that people won't notice for another few years where the same damn process will begin again. It is history...ALL of this has happened before...
  9. Looks like an Apple a day doesn't do shit after all... Too soon?
  10. Besides Bud I don't really think anyone but college kids drank those...ewwww Captain Tattoo is the shit...
  11. Maybe back in the day when any jackass could jump into a job and fake his way until he learned even the most basic skills...if they want to exist today they need to change their ways badly...
  12. I'm just an asshole...and I hate dating. On the opposite side of the "nice guy" thing is me...women want equality so I expect the woman to to as much in the relationship as me which usually gets me the "pig" title. Eh...
  13. Chainsaw bayonets...awesome in the game but didn't work so well on an actual firearm...I am still getting one for my M16 though
  14. I like Zombies... Multiplayer needs to change though. Games are not what they used to be. I used to love the way I could just buy a game and choose to play campaign mode or multiplayer with friends...
  15. I never thought they would crawl up their own assholes and come out of the other side! This is almost as stupid as some of the automotive related laws and regulations they have made...
  16. It makes me want to kill people with conspiracy theories... If alot of people die for whatever reason and people feel like they must mourn or remember for whatever reason...shut your fucking mouth! Remember it how you will...but around funerals, death, or memorials you need to watch your shit because anything that goes against the flow is about as bad as those Baptist idiots...
  17. Yep...force protection class and then nbc training next monday
  18. We didn't need anything out of Vietnam, Korea, or Somalia but because war, even if it is for the best reasons, became televised and people didn't like it...WW2 would even have been different if it would have been made more public. People see the heartbreak because of TV and cry for someone to do something...but then when something is done they cry out that it is awful and should stop. Regular people are saying that they don't want to sacrifice "their" troops...that is our decision to serve I will die in the fight for freedom for ANYONE! I am not going to say that war or something like it is the answer...but we have been trying that "talking" thing for a while and it did a whole lot of nothing. Red Cross gets ambushed all the time because it is "christian" so they make Red Crescent...which gets the same treatment. All the tons of food and supplies that get sent in are stolen by dictators or rebel groups and they NEVER hand it out to the people that need it. If anything is done to prevent those issues that groups kill their own damn people as an example of how serious they are... A friend on post got back from a tour in Somalia a while back, yes we are still there, and he has been there many times before. He is there simply to protect foreign civilians so the local groups don't murder them and take their shit. But we have this stupid mentality when it comes to helping...those groups making the trouble are doing some of the worst shit imaginable to their own people...but we have to be nice to them if we go to help.
  19. No they did have a unifying power around almost all the time...but when it turns out to be something like the UN then all that happens is a bunch of nothing. Seriously, most of the commercials where they ask you to help Africa should just have Yakety Sax playing in the background. People like us want to help but can't...to others that actually have the ability to help this is just a big publicity game where donations means big perks and fans. Rome was pretty much the last Empire the conquered large pieces of land...it changed after that. All you can do is step back and cheer for the rebels in Libya and hope they can reach their goal...the good news is that their goofy "leader" can't be found anywhere...
  20. Oh...they are getting plenty of AID(S) down there... Stupid celebs wanted to look good and help "fight" a disease...AIDS. Remember that South Park episode where they cure AIDS by injecting money into the bloodstream? Nah...doesn't work. We send them giant boxes of condoms...seriously...I saw them and they are huge. I'm sorry but I am guessing that 1 in 200,000 of them are actually used properly... Africa has an ecosystem perfectly suited for killing the fuck out of people living in it...but somehow adding genocidal warfare seemed like a good idea to quite a few people down there for some reason. Honestly, they have monster ants that can kill you and if you get away some dude in nasty undies kills your ass with an old AK and then probably snorts coke off of your nipples...
  21. There is no reason to fight this anymore. They are doing what is "best" for people and you better like it...
  22. Well damn this really couldn't get any worse...so I'm just gonna call this the start of zombies taking over now I just need to order alot of 12ga shells...bring it on you plastic, unsmiling motherfuckers!
  23. There are cuts going on right now that are much worse than this anyways...if you keep cutting in places where more jobs COULD be had then you cut most chances of them actually finding more jobs.
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