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Everything posted by candyman

  1. Far too long have we put emphasis on teaching education and life skills early...it is high time that we teach children the harsh realities of eating and then throwing it right back up instead. Hookers starting late have trouble establishing a client base and a very bad at arguing over price...I also find that early ebonics lessons and teaching them to fight the man before they can even do a simple math problem is key to success. Even though this is a news story and should be fine I am now constantly looking around waiting for a voice behind me to say..."why don't you sit down"...or just a taser and handcuffs...ahhhh I fell DIRTY now! WTF?
  2. I wouldn't see a problem either way. However, I have to say that I don't think it is likely to change because it doesn't seem to work in many types of music...if diversity happens then the music style typically changes and I am NOT calling that a bad thing. But like I said there is no big deal...music doesn't have a color...
  3. Yeah the only protest I ever went to where nobody fucked shit up was the smoking ban protest...but all of us smokers were trying too hard to breathe so we couldn't break shit. But seriously, I don't see any point in protests because you could just make a little wheel and spin a pointer to guess which stupid ending it will have. Basically, ever protest starts with a brief glimpse of the actual point and then they quickly cover it with a nail filled poop bomb and throw it at anyone that walks by. That is the other problem...if you are not with them then you MUST be against them so they will start shit with you...makes me sick sometimes.
  4. The only thing that I don't agree with is attacking the businesses of innocent civilians. Just because the common notion may be that they are evil and only out to get money (well they DO run a business) that doesn't mean that you need to hurt them all. Good idea but the actions need to be organized and focused otherwise they may lose support that may have been theirs and even some that is already theirs.
  5. Ummm...these have been out for a long while...and they have been using them for a while so someone is off of their game. I don't see the big fuss. None of these harm the people and I have seen far too many riots and "peaceful" protests where tons of property damage and casualties could have been easily avoided if you had a way to quickly take care of the assholes. How could you call it wrong if a crowd is dispersed with lasers that only blind you for a short amount of time? Or if you made people feel like they were burning so they had to leave? Or if you overload their auditory or visual senses? Many of these technologies have saved ships from pirates and have kept innocent civilians safe in foreign countries...not all American either in case anyone cares to make a point of that. The Taser thing could be a question sure...but the others aren't really creepy or evil or anything. And Tear gas is NOT the same as MACE so I don't know where they got that from. If people want to keep the tear gas and baton/taser combo that is riot control today then fine I can live with that idea...if you put yourself in that situation you should know that chances of things happening. As far as military application THIS IS WHAT WE NEED! How many gate guards have severe mental trauma because of how they have had to defend a gate when instead they could have used a non-lethal machine to keep people at bay. How many embassy riots could have ended peacefully? Declare it creepy if you want because the people that may use it don't give a shit...we can shoot bullets or use equipment it doesn't matter to us as long as the order is given.
  6. Because I am ARMY tired! Hoooah!
  7. Got promoted to VIP at the strip club so no rush to find a mate here...unless she charges less that is...
  8. Yes I LOVE Chrome...it has some issues with security sites like .mil addresses but then I just use the slower Firefox or IE to open those...
  9. Oh I wouldn't act on my own...just a suggestion...but I would really love to turn a meth lab into swiss cheese considering those people are not very likely to change their ways... And no I would be off to make cars "illegal" which is another issue that people seem to forget when talking about stupid laws...
  10. I need an old priest and a young priest!
  11. Well my Unit is going to be on Civil Defense this year...which is a very misleading name because our unit doesn't fight we just help to coordinate efforts. If something were to happen down there the current units there could call for our help. We already have US soldiers along the border. All we need is a big incident to spark the need for more troops. Hell, our boys are getting shot at on a regular basis but with the ROE we can't really shoot back...although the incoming fire is still really a joke at this point. The Coast Guard was doing its job well...if military units were created for the specific purpose of hunting down operations I would think that the rate of success would be higher. It is working for our allies so why don't we do it? Hell, the last foreign soldiers I talked to have a tradition of bringing back heads or ears and their own people support it because the see the drug people as evil...we wouldn't go that far although an ear necklace would be interesting. Most of the major drug trafficking and production is in allied countries or in ones that they control...many are already working on this on a small scale but I think it would be great to crack down and have a widespread effort so they would have nowhere to run to. And I would even go so far as to say that with much of the black market industry wiped out that is would provide a good base to start over and develop new policy. To tell the truth though I just want an excuse to shoot a few drug dealers at home right in the head...and kill a few other more slowly. I have met them and I know what they have done and when you hurt kids you do not deserve to live.
  12. Too many words...not enough blowing crap up with colorful explosives that are pretty dangerous......now go celebrate by blowing up squirrels with celebration crackers!
  13. I am a soldier of the United States Army trusted to protect our country in any way that it asks...and they only trust me with sparklers and snakes...bunch of assholes!
  14. I am not trying to "win" either really...this is just fun although I am being serious... You don't know how bad the military is asking for permission to take care of the border and violence. We already send people to border defense, who get shot at, and we send people with police or SWAT teams, who get shot at, and it has worked really well so far. The soldiers from the Dominican Army that we were with for a while do this all the time. Raids in their own country are down and so is drug use because they took over the corrupt police force and laid down the law with some gun play. Now they are branching out into Haiti and Mainland South America to conduct their own raid or joint forces raids... So how about that? Decriminalize but let the military clear house on drug distribution and production? After all, once it is legal those places and people are no longer needed...
  15. I know they did die off to an extent. However, look what is in their place now. The way I see it the gangs we have now are just as organized and have a much higher expansion rate and a deeper root system in their communities. Drugs are a big market for them and are just a part of what they do. While their hold on the drug industry may slacken I don't see it making enough of a difference with the way that they do business. Running moonshine was risky business...but putting up these labs is a whole new ballgame. Even with population numbers and such the rate today is higher...and so is all of their boasting and bragging. They have my hometown by the balls and the same with the town around where I am stationed...which includes and area where cops and soldiers get shot. What I am saying is that while the scale thing might drop off it will be too long before it does. These people are not going to go away like I said before. They have made a profession of this...hell some people have made damn submarines to run this shit. They have also gone up against our military forces far more than any group has before...it was mostly local law enforcement and FBI. The scale is too large and they have their hands in the pot too deep to let this go without it getting horribly ugly...
  16. But these people run a huge business on it...like really insane shit. After prohibition ended did gangsters die off? Bread and grocery store items have never been on the black market like drugs and hell even weapons. There have been many industries that were born of a need and then they died off when the need for them did...but even if this were to become legal would the need really die off? They would offer cheaper prices...higher dosage...no restrictions on anything that would clearly come off of a regulated product. Fucking prescription drugs and plastic surgery are both legal but people are always going over the line and getting themselves killed to save a little something or get something that is otherwise restricted elsewhere... This black market for drugs isn't a rabble by a long shot. Nothing is going to dissipate it for years short of dropping a nuke on them when they all gather for a meeting. Whole towns are slave to this shit. These people aren't just going to say "oh they don't need us anymore...I guess it's back to working at McDonald's and male stripping". These people ARE the market and they kill for street corners and territory and are obviously not above killing anything related to the government...so what happens when legislation passes that tries to "take their corner"?
  17. How do you expect the black market and the violence to go away? The "people" exist just for this purpose! They know nothing else and have damn well proved that they will kill people in broad fucking daylight just to make an "example"...even fucking pregnant people! In some countries it has kinda worked sure...but look at the market we provide vs. what the others did. We wouldn't just be pulling the rug out from underneath them...we would be chopping half the damn house down! And even if we got a good handle on the situation and provided a market...what would the regulations be? Look how many normal, everyday products we get that are faulty and/or "laced" with something bad. Not to associate the drug market with just shifty people but...who is going to stop them? It is all well and good in some of these places that have done this but a small scale test group usually works with humans...add everyone else and the same shit starts to happen all over again. Now I don't hate drugs...I don't do them but I don't hate all of them. I just don't see this ending well either way. I don't even see things getting better with full legalization other than the fact that you won't get arrested or fined for drugs anymore...but you will still have an underground market hell bent on killing people actively or passively and then you will add in the whole thing where the government, which WILL regulate the system, will be hunting down the underground market in a CONTINUING war.
  18. It won't work here the way it worked everywhere else. We are bombarded from all directions with drug shipments and worst of all we have a bloodthirsty, and I mean bloodthirsty, group of people on our border that seem hell bent on murdering anything they see fit while they get their drugs though. I have no problem with people that smoke pot as long as it isn't synthetic crap...and there are a few other drugs that I don't see as "much worse". However, greed and self satisfaction have done far more damage than our "war on drugs" and it will stop anything from changing. Right or wrong we let the cancer spread too far and now it does what it pleases without any remorse...do what you want but I have already helped a few dealers in my town pay for their crimes buy letting words slip...and so help me if I find one that sold to kids I will end him in the worst ways possible... Also if people bring up the cigarettes and alcohol thing I have something to say on that. Those two things are slowly being destroyed too. Insanely stupid taxes hikes...horrible restrictions in unfathomable places. In this world if you are not in charge you need to remember that if you want yours you have to accept that others want theirs too...and people need to help each other. The "I can't have it so neither can you" argument may seem childish but that is how this world works unfortunately. I am considered evil for going into a bar to drink and smoke by some people...if those people want their own thing then they can go fuck themselves. Sorry for that rant...but I almost had to punch someone out for that yesterday...
  19. This is from the show toddlers in tiaras...which should scare you no matter what or at least make you worried. This clip was slowed down to the PERFECT speed though and...well just watch it. Ewwww
  20. I blame the government for ugly monuments...and cat barf...
  21. I am serious it is there fault...shit they are my "boss" and with what they make me do I am required by basic human law to have porn... Shit...I blame the government for making me a little more insane every day...
  22. I blame the government for all the porn they put on my computer...
  23. Because I am in them...and I have better things to do that be someones bitch...
  24. Wow...I am going to buy some of that now...works alot better than fluffy things and advertising how your clothes will smell like a fresh mountain for hours....
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