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Everything posted by candyman

  1. Because people think they have the answer and pretty much write off the lessons taught through history for some reason...maybe because we are "more advanced" today so we can do it better than they did before. I do get in quite a few political fights...but those people are never going to change and if there is mud being thrown between two sides I gotta jump in the middle of it...and throw more mud. Your political views don't really matter because in the long run nothing will change...
  2. So what does it cost for someone to say...put on some power armor and go all fallout on that bitch? They gotta have some political prisoners left over for me to shoot and I KNOW those bastards have a laser pistol somewhere...
  3. Taking pictures with a cell phone tends to have people holding them at weird angles so I think that might be part of it...or you wanna show some cleavage...
  4. What I think would be a good thing to do...but maybe not...is have more organization. I see THAT as a major factor that is crippling efforts in other areas. How, well...again the military comes into play. Love it or hate it the military has great response to these types of situations...I mean look at all the recent disasters around the world...and with our resources we are able to get up and running in very little time. And then comes the private sector. The soldiers here in the Dominican Republic were there for that and worked with our military and alot of what they did was try to get supplies in for private charities and such. None of them asked for help. Their shipping got lost, stuck in ports, and if it got the the shore then there was the problem of people stealing it and then actually getting it to where it needed to be. Now, when we set up our dental and medical clinics here a few private organizations asked to help...and they helped a ton especially with donations because, well, nobody actually donates to our relief efforts really...we sent stuff in for the entire Beyond the Horizon mission with is in multiple countries but nobody ran any sort of add except for a newspaper in Alabama. I doubt that all those magazines, TV stations, and major newspapers missed all of that and a few of the assholes called and said they couldn't run it for some reason or another. If a private party runs under the military wing for relief efforts they lose nothing. They get to operate in any way that they feel like operating...but we handle their supplies and would provide power if necessary...as I am tasked to do in the upcoming mission if necessary. Voices and money are great...but in a crisis you can't expect things to go smoothly if you don't have a plan of action. In war the military won't work with you...but in relief efforts the door is wide open and if you can help you can ride. It happened with Katrina...the reserve unit here was tasked to help with evacuation but they mayor on New Orleans left the plan too long. They waited with convoys all the way through and the engineering group ended up having to salvage what was left of all those empty, formerly running buses that were provided for evacuation. That and other situations give me the feeling that either people don't know about the help...or the are unwilling to accept it in that form for some reason.
  5. Yes awareness can be a good thing. However, the last thing they need is a song for them done by a bunch of celebs who really don't donate shit to the cause. I am about to go on a "mission" when I return that is in support of Homeland Security. If we told everyone about it what do you think they would say? Would they be pleased? Its all Engineers, Signal, Medical, and other helpful groups but people don't see that anymore. They see a "waste" of money and stuff like that...Katrina really didn't help the image of the government coming to help even though the help was basically told to fuck off until it was a little too late. My opinion...let it stay silent. The people, you people, are donating to the cause enough. It isn't really the money at this point because it doesn't cost that much extra for a carrier group to run its water purification system since...well...they always do anyways. The military doesn't need donations to open up medical sites and get more supplies. Nor do we need anything extra to run many of our vehicles. Using Africa as an example I will say that being aware of the situation and throwing money at it is just treading water at best. These people actually need help and they are getting it. I would also like to point out that once again NATO has failed as it has YET to make a decision on sending forces in numbers that would make any difference at all...we are really the only nation besides Russia that has the amount of equipment and manpower to get anything done. Yep...Russia is helping too...
  6. Well if I helps we have a fleet over there that is helping and they are doing as much as they can. Who cares if the media isn't covering it! That doesn't mean that nothing is being done about it. Shit, it keeps people out of the way if it isn't an issue. I mean some people might even throw a fit if they knew who was helping... From what my buddy says things are getting better...but water production is still low and the fleet only has so many pumps so the workload is kinda heavy...which would make it awesome if other countries decided to help.
  7. Awww...was this your first time on Cracked.com? That website is hilarious with everything they talk about...and they are creepy in their accuracy. I am pretty sure that me and most of my unit have read through just about every article, topic, and photoplasty that they have on the site. Read their topic on Kesha...it made me cry a little... And why the hell did my font change without my approval?!?! Shit the Cracked writers are right...computers are taking over!
  8. Don't get me wrong I have met a few decent ones on occasion...but not nearly enough to make me think better of their kind. Most of the seem to come to concerts just to start shit...working security for a venue I had to drag quite a few of them out of the place while they rattled off gradeschool insults and use the "n" word more times than I care to think about. A friend of mine went to the gathering once to see some bands he liked and he was disgusted at the behavior. If half of what he described was true then I would much rather attend a nazi-skinhead Oi concert wearing a pink dress. Sure the idea behind the logo is nice and if you strip down the very basic values it is ok...but then again the same could be said for violent gangs, extreme religious groups, and Starbucks. All I see is a misguided group perpetuating insanely lewd behavior while making it a goal to offend as many people as possible and wearing face paint. Cudos to most other subcultures but this...thing...has gone too far. All that being said I vote that the DGN logo should either be Mr. Death, will post a pic later, or else the wonderful face of Gary Busey to show that we can cover every level of insanity that exists...
  9. Amazing video...but then again it is very easy for me to type shit with a straight face. Ugh...never met a Juggalo that could even make me think of liking them...always forcing themselves into shit to cause trouble. The Hatchet man can go hang himself for all I care...oooh tattoo idea!
  10. Sadly they cannot be stopped...they clearly state in a video that "we don't die" which I think means that they don't die...but they still don't know how magnets work so...
  11. Thank you... And yes I only buy the best with your tax dollars...and the Army only buys the worst with them...those snack you are seeing are the best things I have eaten down here besides goat so yeah...
  12. Me at work...this is your tax dollars people!
  13. Like I said it was the strippers...they can pull anyone into the shit.
  14. Usually the band name gives it away...I mean they all seem to follow a pattern with clothing, hair, violent colors, and horrible names... Here they can start a band like this using the name of the mission I am on when I get back home...Operation Vibrant Response...sounds stupid, but it catches the minds eye at which point it will reveal itself to be a bunch of zelda clones and will skull fuck you with whatever music it is they play...
  15. It is a military star card meant to help me out on post so...yeah I guess they don't take those. Stupid cards...for starters I was just going to finish off the $40 goal but shit I gotta find another way. Maybe if I stuff dollars into my magical USB3 port because it seems to be magically talented... Keep it man...more people will donate that way. For instance people like me but instead of not being able to donate they will because they can use paypal.
  16. Alas I have no paypal because it doesn't work with my card...otherwise part of my bonus might keep you afloat for a little while
  17. That map works very well indeed...even I didn't know my exact location in the Dominican Republic but now I do...this place still sucks though
  18. It could still be...but I am easily sidetracked on this deployment/mission. You see the Army takes away decent food in good portions, much needed sleep, and pretty much everything else including porn and women and your mind goes apeshit.
  19. No...but he has a disguise that keeps his true identity hidden from Gore. It is like a Romulan cloaking device though...if you just scan for greenhouse gasses you will find him to be a large source...
  20. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well, that would only happen if they mixed in the super mice thing...and maybe the jellyfish monkey just to top it off...hmmmm
  21. Well I mean for a certain situation. Even if it is just a group for science some local "hero" will leak to the press that they bred with regular cows...which will start a frenzy. However, if it is only a very tiny percent of human dna...the best they have so far is 99.99 percent cow and 00.01 percent human...then I probably would have no problem eating it. But I see something going very wrong being a slight possibility...
  22. Well I do understand that changing the milk in a genetic way is a good idea if we want to gain anything from drinking it...I am just concerned about beef containing human dna and then the smear campaign that the super vegans would run...
  23. Yeah I was reading cracked.com which is strangely a good place to collect weird, but on track, information when I stumbled upon some alarming experiments that actually happened and are still happening. Besides the super mice which would basically make HALO almost a damn reality, minus the alien thing, they had a thing about researchers in the Netherlands splicing human dna and cow dna...and it worked. Supposedly it has something to do with a protein that we naturally create but only in small amount...unless you add us to a cow in which case more is made and can be used for "good"... If you want to know about something good that President Bush did....well, he fought against that pretty hard...making super corn is one thing but DAMN! And then we have China...and because typing down Chinese stupidity would take ages you should just read THIS... One of the reasons I bring this up is because of the many angles of debate around the subject. I mean...where the fuck do you start?!?! If the protein works then...that is good? The fact that we stress drinking cow milk really bugs me because it is from another animal meaning everything in it is meant for a cow and not a human...so drinking milk really doesn't do all of the things that they say it does. Sure it contains all of those things that they claim but they are in a form that we don't process...however cheese is the shit so I can't really bitch too much. Another thing that Cracked mentions is the fact that alot of people will not eat tuna simply because it might possibly contain a very tiny amount of dolphin...so what the hell are people going to do when their beef might contain a little bit of human dna? This could create something terrible...the super vegan...yes I made that up but I fear it. This is almost as alarming as the fact that there are more world ending outcome possibilities from the LHC than helpful ones, zombie pigs, and jellyfish monkeys...and those flies that have giant sperm which I probably didn't need to add but I did anyways. Although I did mention the super mice I will let that one fly for a while because despite the horrific effects it would have on your body if would also make you a quickly regenerating stud when it comes to sex...worth it? Probably... Holy shit...after typing all of that I realized that either this could be a good thread or these stupid 24 hour shifts the Army has me on are making me insane...
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