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Everything posted by kellygrrrrrl

  1. If they don't ask don't tell.... just kidding. tell the truth....it will help your blood pressure, anxiety and heart problems. White Lies? Still a lie. Sugar Coating? Well, thats being tactful......I'd rather it be tactful and full of sincerety than to be "called out" or harshly awakened....you know? I'm sensitive. I'll cry. A lie is a lie, the truth is fact, and the fact is, this is truth.
  2. If you love me let me free If you love me let me be Love me but hate me not I'll be gone and soon forgot I hope you nothing but the best I hope your soul does get it's rest I wish you something I don't give I wish you love wherever you live All my life I wander alone now the reaping of seeds that have been sown
  3. Honsetly? Well, Mike isn't one to want to go with, most of my friends have no interest, and Mike isn't to fond of the idea of me going out and getting wasted with a bunch of people HE doesn't know....and refuses to get to know... Plus, I won't go alone, I will not walk in Detroit alone, I am broke, and I've only been once, so it's not like a big deal to me. I'm not oppose to going, but it is an ordeal for me.... Just complicated. The one time I went was because I knew Brenda was in town. Mike was pre-drunk from the wedding we were at prior to, so it was easy to get him to come with....
  4. No I will not swim in raw sewage with cuts all over my skin..... thats unsanitary... But I WILL swim in a tank of piranah's with slices of ham tied to my feet.....
  5. I was browsing random local forums, and I liked the folks.....I think I've been around for what 2.5 years now? something like that......... Yay! DGN!
  6. Why did I rush off I was scared and confused see now I pay my dues
  7. Wondering If I should speed things up? Or slow it down....... Lifes Short, Run Faster!!!!! RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN
  8. Oh crud....I'm out of my Mocha mix. Damn
  9. Nah....Florida is full of the blue-haired....
  10. I'm pretty quick you know..... I mean I thought you actually wanted to go to Florida.....not "FLA" Front Line Assembly
  11. is "oontz" suppose to be a bass beat? Just wondering!
  12. Contemplating the next chapter of my life
  13. No, that was me again.....when I accidentally stubbed my boob on a loose nail on the back of the couch.
  14. I though for sure you'd know by now it was me...... I got really excited when you started using the kitchen utensils....esp the cheese grater.
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