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Everything posted by kellygrrrrrl

  1. Its a miracle!!! You've just witnessed an act of God Phee..... Are your hands bleeding?
  2. I hate to be the one to tell you Phee, those ain't eggs...... :erm They are actually raisins.
  3. yeah.....except instead of pearls, it woudl be teeth!! MUCH more classy!
  4. ooohhhh......I want a tooth necklace.
  5. oooohhhh I found this new powdery stuff called "Latte Creations"......for coffee.. Moch. 1 table spoon of said powder, add one packet of Splenda, and splash with lots of half n half....and MMMMMMMMM WOW!! Godd stuff! I had to do a chemistry project to fnid the perfect combo of powder, creamer, and splenda, and there it is!! perfecto!!! Enjoy!
  6. Owch.....I have a hard enough time with the water exiting the nostrils....
  7. hmmm... I wonder what a Peanut butter & dingleberry jelly sammich would taste like.... I wonder if it is crunchy? All the unanswerable mysteries of life.....
  8. ever actually what? wipe front to back?
  9. Thanks Odims! Irish setters have way too long of hair, and it's kinda wirey..... I'll take boiled poodle please!
  10. doo doo doo Hi! I need coffee....I'M WAY too lazy to make it, but I will. Whats happening geeks?
  11. Good Afternoon Freaks! Hope all is well! Whats all this chum talk? Can I pur it down my pants please? I like the feel of fish bones and guts on my skin!!!
  12. My thoughts aren't dirty....they're just dusty! Good Mournin Freaks and Geeks! How have things been?....I've been in hiding for a bit! Just trying to get my shit strait and get it together!
  13. wow...that SO went over my head!!! You gotta understand this about me..... I do not get stuff....a LOT...too much!
  14. wow...that SO went over my head!!! You gotta understand this about me..... I do not get stuff....a LOT...too much!
  15. THIS is your basis for such comment? I'm suprised you hadn't figured that out sooner!!! LOL!!!!!!
  16. Listening to Blind Melon, that one song with the Bee Girl - at gun point........well, paycheck point anyways.... so far and counting, 6 times in the last hour..... :doh
  17. Oh YAY!! It's actually letting me post!!!! :peanutbutterjellytime
  18. *opens mouth to catch urine* OPEN WIIIIIIDE!
  19. thanx jeenee, yoo arr smart i will heed yor adviys...and eet my huzbend...
  20. high heeled Flip-Flops - of course.....spluh..... I have another kweschun..... Dear DGN Genie: What should I have for dinner tonight? Love, ~Kelly
  21. No no no...you DO NOT and I mean do NOT want these kinds of details...... besides, if your the all knowing, then YOU know!
  22. If this were the case, magical genie oh wonderous blue hair, I'd probably be really raw and sore right about now.....so yeah....I guess I would ask them to stop......cause there's whole lotta them, one was old and bastardly, one was a 15 year old girl....and then one was just a big fugly oily mutha.....
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