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Everything posted by bean

  1. I swore I would never post here again, and I haven't been on here in ages, but as an old and formally active member here, I wanted to put in my two cents. For reasons I would rather not get into, (and aren't appropriate here anyway), I can't support this place. And that is based on FACTS, not opinions, not gossip, but cold, hard, facts. I also got tired of the drama, and there was too much negativity for my taste. It felt like I had been transported back to high school. It got to the point where I simply lost interest. I met a lot of great people here, and I have many fond memories, but the time came when I needed to move on, so I did. Peace.
  2. If you can stomach the south, there are jobs in our field ++and they pay more than up here. If I could stand the heat, the accents, and the ass backwards attitudes, I would move there, but I can't so I have to hold out for Hawaii or the west coast.
  3. I'm Glenn "Quick witted and dextrous. You're loyal to your surrogate family and take risks on their behalf, risks that would intimidate others. You're confident in your ability to plan and execute complicated schemes because you can think on your feet to get out of the unforseen scrapes. Although you value what you've got, you yearn for something more in terms of a relationship."
  4. The "I'm going to kill myself" threat is straight up manipulative, abusive bullshit. Don't fall for it. I was in an abusive relationship with this guy once, who threatened suicide when I tried to break up with him. I stayed with him for another 6 months, and he continued to be abusive. He threatened suicide again, but it didn't work on me, and we were done. He's still alive today, no attempts were made. Making someone feel like shit, or threatening them, or stalking them, or calling 100 times a day, showing up at their home randomly, is not love, or even like. That is an abusive, unhealthy relationship. You deserve so much better. I hope you know this. Here are the signs of an abusive relationship. Not all of these have to be present for the relationship to be considered abusive. Your Inner Thoughts and Feelings Do you: feel afraid of your partner much of the time? avoid certain topics out of fear of angering your partner? feel that you can't do anything right for your partner? believe that you deserve to be hurt or mistreated? wonder if you're the one who is crazy? feel emotionally numb or helpless? Your Partner's Belittling Behavior Does your partner: humiliate or yell at you? criticize you and put you down? treat you so badly that you're embarrassed for your friends or family to see? ignore or put down your opinions or accomplishments? blame you for their own abusive behavior? see you as property or a sex object, rather than as a person? Your Partner's Violent Behavior or Threats Does your partner: have a bad and unpredictable temper? hurt you, or threaten to hurt or kill you? threaten to take your children away or harm them? threaten to commit suicide if you leave? force you to have sex? destroy your belongings? Your Partner's Controlling Behavior Does your partner: act excessively jealous and possessive? control where you go or what you do? keep you from seeing your friends or family? limit your access to money, the phone, or the car? constantly check up on you?
  5. bean

    Things you love!

    my husband my cat all cats my friends sleep candles hip bones collarbones hot showers in the winter cold showers in the summer showers in the dark music dancing watching others dance art reading a good book good poetry laughing until I hurt coffee hot chocolate incense nice smelling perfume/essential oil velvet silk flowers forests the Pacific Ocean my car creative projects make-up thunderstorms the way everything looks after a snowstorm
  6. My semester is over! Now I need to find an internship.
  7. Add another +1 for FC. I like that there are a variety of topics on this board. There are some things that I like to read, and others that I don't care for (so I don't read those). I'm glad that there are the play nice rules so that this place doesn't turn into some juvenile shit storm. There are very few that seem to have a problem with the play nice rules, and the ones that do have a problem tend to break the rules. I'm sure there are other boards out there were you are free to be a dick as much as you want. Go there.
  8. Thank you to everyone that attended. We had a great time and were happy to share the day with you!
  9. Psycho can never stay away for too long before she rears her ugly head again. You'd think after just coming back from yet another vacation she'd have something better to do. There will come a day when she will no longer have the privilege of contact, then she will have to find someone else to harass. I truly feel sorry for you, that you put in this much effort just because you're pissed off that he wants nothing to do with you or your insanity.
  10. When I first started working for my current employer, I covered up my tattoos. Once I proved myself as a good employee, I stopped covering most of my tattoos. Nothing has been said to me about it, but I know it would have when I first started working there, because the owners and some of the other workers are rather conservative. I cover my tattoos up when I see clients, and I plan on continuing to do so because I am aware that some people have preconceived notions about tattoos and the people that choose to have them. Plus, I don't want my art to influence anything that goes on in session. Therapy is about the client, not me, so that part of me stays private. I agree with what Torn wrote. Companies have the right to have their own policies. If you don't like it, don't work there. Does it suck? Yes, but that is the way it is. There is another aspect to all of this too. It's all how you present yourself. People generally look more negatively at someone who has tattoos and acts like a pompous ass, than someone who is pleasant, but also has tattoos. On the nice person, the tattoos aren't really even noticed. On the asshole, the tattoos add to the dickishness.
  11. Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!
  12. I would have a party with all of my friends (who are my family). I would call everyone that has helped me through hard times, or has just been supportive (if I wasn't able to see them in person) and thank them. I would sit near the lake (I would prefer the ocean) and write poems. I would snuggle with my husband and cat, in silence, and wait for the end.
  13. Rescheduling my eye doctor and chiropractor appointments was a great idea.
  14. Just found out that there was a murder last night 1 block away from where I live. I think I'm going to start carrying a weapon.
  15. That's where my issue comes in. What if I decide to get a PhD? Then my grade will matter. Luckily it didn't matter that much for grad school (for the school I chose to go to anyway), but yeah. We're no good for ourselves or others if we are comsumed with stress and pressure though, right? Except that we must be perfect at all times, so the whole being Zen thing gets in the way of that. We know we are smart and capable.
  16. Thanks lady I'm the same way though. I was freaking out in supervision last week when she told me that basically the highest grade I can have by midterm is a B. I'm still mad that my GPA is a 3.62. It should be higher. But I keep telling myself that in the end, it doesn't matter THAT much, and that an A is still an A (whether it's a 3.6 or a 3.8), and it's not worth the stress and madness obsessing about it. Right? RIGHT?
  17. I know..me too! Damn it. I've been avoiding Mexicantown though because my ex lives there and I don't want to run into him.
  18. I think my gallbladder is causing my other issues and the little fucker needs to be removed. Fuckity fuck fuck.
  19. I'm really tired and sore, and I don't want to go to class tonight, but I'm still in a pretty good mood.
  20. Xochimilco's is awesome! Plus, it isn't sushi. I don't like sushi. It makes me gag.
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