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Everything posted by bean

  1. I work with some of the laziest people on the fucking planet, and I'm stuck doing extra work because of it. Fuck this shit. I'm going to be looking for another job.
  2. It is, you're right, and I think the threat is ridiculous. I guess what my point was is that the response to that being "Draw Muhammad Day" is also ridiculous. It's not going to solve anything. All it will do is cause more tension. It's not worth it, in my opinion. There is already too much hostility on this planet in the name of religion. Besides, the Muslim extremists are not representative of all Muslims, now are they? I know many people have a problem with Muslims, so they are an easy target.
  3. The Draw Muhammad Day is stupid and immature. It reminds me of the antics of the little asshole bullies on the playground when we were children.
  4. You Scored as Hedonism Your life is guided by the principles of Hedonism: You believe that pleasure is a great, or the greatest, good; and you try to enjoy life’s pleasures as much as you can.“Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!” Hedonism 75% Existentialism 65% Justice (Fairness) 55% Strong Egoism 55% Utilitarianism 45% Apathy 35% Nihilism 30% Kantianism 20% Divine Command 0%
  5. If CC changed, it wouldn't be CC to me anymore. I've been going there since 1998, and as phee wrote, I have a lot of memories there. I go there to see people that I wouldn't normally get to see. I like that it's dark in there. I've never tripped. My car has never been broken into or stolen there. Like LMLC wrote, the bathrooms are nasty because people are nasty. I don't use the bathroom while I'm there. I know what the temperature is going to be like in there, so I don't go when it's ungodly cold or hot outside, unless I really need to dance, then I just suck it up and deal with it. As for people complaining about the drama? It's been there since I've been there, and it's been there long before then. Who said you need to be involved in it? There's drama all over this board, and I don't see too many people complaining about it. I generally like the music, though there are nights that I'm just not feeling it. CC will always be a home away from home for me. A place where I can go and feel comfortable. Necto is okay, but it just doesn't have the same feeling for me; it feels like any other regular bar to me, except that sometimes it plays music that I like. CC feels different, and that is why I like going there. I used to go every Friday and Saturday for a long time, but with work, grad school, responsibilities, and getting older and needing sleep, I can't go as often as I like anymore.
  6. Nervous that someone is doing something that they shouldn't and this thing will lead to ruin. I will be mad as hell if that is the case.
  7. I'm annoyed that I can't enjoy having my windows open when it's nice out because of one loud neighbor and his loud, bratty children.
  8. I have a widescreen monitor too, and the new view is smaller than before. It doesn't take up the entire screen anymore.
  9. Feeling powerless, she climbs the tower, bites the wire, and she is electrocuted.
  10. I love my GPS, even though sometimes it gives me really fucked up ways to get somewhere.
  11. Thank you. *hugs* You can do this. And that last line...yeah
  12. I didn't ask to be born, and you never should have been allowed to have children. I didn't think it was possible, but you are even crazier than you were a year and a half ago. My class this semester is going to be a lot of work and I have to deal with this shit on top of it. I'm so grateful that I have such a wonderful and supportive husband and friends.
  13. Getting a 4.0 in my class was worth not knowing my grade at all throughout the semester. I continue to maintain my "A" average in grad school!
  14. I just got my grade for my class: 4.0! A perfect score.
  15. I stopped at 2 too. The jump from 4 to 2 was ridiculous and I'm not going through that again to go to 0. Plus, my second hole is at a 6, and if I go any bigger with either of them, they'll bump into each other, and I like how they look together right now.
  16. I feel like I got awesome sleep last night. I can't remember the last time I went to bed so late and woke up so early, and felt this refreshed. I feel like I want to know my grade now! The anticipation is killing me. I feel like the absences have been a good thing. I feel like I have to do the drive of doom today and I can already feel the anxiety building. I feel like next semester starts on Monday and I'm happy that my book for the class is only $45. I feel annoyed that we were not invited, even when we take the time to invite. Unless I wasn't told about it by him. Then if we were, I retract my statement. I feel like the eternal is too hard on himself and he needs to stop it. I feel like I should go clean the house now.
  17. You can't help people who aren't willing to help themselves. It's doesn't, not don't. Use apostrophes please. I want to know my grade now now now now!
  18. Cigarette smoke is probably the healthiest thing everyone breathes in while at City Club. In the summer, the scent of B.O. will be more noticeable without the smoke buffer. Back on topic, I might be there.
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