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Everything posted by bean

  1. Mine do that too. I have to wait an hour or so after waking up to put on eye makeup. It's seriously annoying.
  2. I work in a field where I deal with people who get mandatory referrals for failing drug tests, and I've gone to several seminars on the topic. Drug tests can detect marijuana in the system from second-hand exposure, BUT the person who analyzes the test can tell the difference between second-hand exposure and if the person being tested actually smoked it. It doesn't matter if you were locked in a closet with 10 people, each smoking their own joint. You would not be considered to have failed a drug test if you were tested the next day in such a situation, unless you smoked, then well, you would fail the drug test.
  3. Some people are all about anger, hostility, and hypocrisy. Monday meetings suck. Where is the warm weather?
  4. Happy that this semester is over. Happy that I get almost 2 weeks off before my next semester starts.
  5. The eternal wasn't the one that started this thread. Or were you commenting that he didn't comment on the title of this thread?
  6. If I can find 2 more references for my paper within the next hour and a half, I will be going.
  7. Oh dear lord, I'm older than the cable dude. I'm soooo ooooold! And um, is there cable yet?
  8. Antidepressants come with a warning that suicidal thoughts can occur. Any psychiatrist or doctor that is worth anything will bring this to the patient's attention. The problem is that when suicidal thoughts occur, patients will often ignore them and will not take the steps necessary to get help. As far as Xanax goes, again, any psychiatrist or doctor that is worth anything will factor in alcohol use before they consider prescribing the drug. The problem with that though is that patients will often lie about their alcohol use, or will continue to use alcohol even though they are told not to. People who have a history of addiction should not be prescribed this drug. Neurontin is generally prescribed for some types of seizures. It is also sometimes prescribed as a sleep aid. Neurontin is rarely prescribed for schizophrenia, and when it is, it is in addition to an antipsychotic, and only when other medications don't work. Neurontin has little to no abuse potential. People who respond poorly to these medications, or abuse them either have some other sort of disorder going on, or are abusing drugs and/or alcohol, which interferes with the medications that are prescribed. As far as Chris Benoit goes, he was known to abuse steroids, which increases testosterone in the body. When he died, he was found to have 10 times the normal amount of testosterone in his body. Increased testosterone = increased aggression.
  9. bean


    Thank you, sir. I'm terrified of bees, too. I scream like a little girl when they come near me.
  10. bean


    I feel that way too (about myself, I mean). I also feel like the only reason I get invited to stuff is because my husband gets invited, like he's the one eveyone wants there, and I'm just the crappy accessory that just happens to come with the really cool thing.
  11. bean


    I forgot about clowns. I'm terrified of them.
  12. bean


    I'm terrified of driving on the expressway at night because I'm afraid some animal is going to run across the lanes and I'm going to hit it. I'm mostly afraid of hitting deer. I've almost hit them a few times, and there was one time when there was a dead one in the middle of the road that I almost hit.
  13. Alot is not a word. Stop using it. It's "a lot." Notice the space between the "a" and "lot." Crawling up your boyfriend's ass every 5 seconds is not going to win you points. If anything, it's going to make him run away from you. One more week of class. Then I get a break for 1 week, then my spring class starts. Is it your mission in life to be an asshole to everyone all of the time? I think you suffer from a personality disorder. What goes around comes around. Everyone is sick of your crap.
  14. More thoughts, less yap. Suppress, suppress, suppress.
  15. Sleeping in until 2pm and then watching brainless television shows for awhile.
  16. I'm glad you were able to formulate a response. I tried, but I couldn't stop screaming at the screen.
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