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Everything posted by bean

  1. I am so fucking tired, I want to cry. I still have another 45 minutes of work, a 90 minute drive ahead of me, and will likely have to put up with being disrespected and listen to whining and other assorted bullshit. Oh joy.
  2. I take this way. it just makes more sense to me. After you get on W Davison, you're going to get all the way over to the left as soon as you can, so you can get on S Lodge, which is on the left. You will then get off at Bagley, which is also on the left. Follow the road until you see The Leland. You could also take I-75 South, to I-94 West, where you face certain death in having to get over all the way to the left immediately to get on S Lodge, and then get off at Bagley, following the road until you see The Leland. Oh and I might be going on Saturday, not that anyone really gives a shit
  3. Got some great news today that I've been waiting for for awhile.
  4. That sounds like it will look really cool once it's done. I can deal with punch to the ribcage pain. I just don't know if I want something that will have to be cut out of me if there is a problem or if I tire of it at some point. Hmmm.
  5. I am Red/Green Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.I'm both instinctive and emotional. I value my own instincts and desires, and either ignore or crush anything that stands in my way; planning and foresight are unnecessary. At best, I'm determined and fierce; at worst, I'm headstrong and infantile. Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz. I've never played Magic, but I like quizzes
  6. That would be awesome and extremely entertaining to watch/participate in. Limit as to how many people you can challenge. 5 is a good number, actually. I'll PM the other stuff at some point.
  7. I hope that today will be better than yesterday because I've had my fill of bullshit.
  8. I've recently started thinking about dermals too. I have a flower tattoo at the top of my cleavage that I think would look snazzy with a gem in the middle. I have a high tolerance for pain as well, but I don't deal with piercings quite as well as I do with tattoos. When I get a tattoo, I doze off sometimes. When I get pierced, I always get a little anxious. Then again, a dermal isn't exactly like a piercing. Plus, I'm not sure the shop my tattoo artist owns even does dermals and I really really don't want to go somewhere else because I have serious issues with people (strangers, new acquaintances) touching me. I also think I need to research the whole thing more anyway. Gah!
  9. My absolute favorite was Mosh Pitter because it was really entertaining to watch. I think there should be a limit on arm wrestling. I also have some ideas that might help making judging go more smoothly, but I can just PM that to you guys if you want.
  10. Exactly. I agree with what both of you wrote. I kicked that idea around in my head too.
  11. I have the same issue. Whenever someone is upset about being alone, I don't understand it. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, but I love being alone too. But...*hugs* to KatRN. I'm thinking today is a pile of suck, but that's typical of a Monday.
  12. The pictures I saw that were included in the article seemed fine, but I find this piece disturbing: "In a photo not affiliated with Vogue, Blondeau poses topless on a bed with a young male playmate propositioning a pillow fight. And in another, she wears hip-slung jeans and no top with beaded necklaces covering her would-be breasts." That is not appropriate. As for the other stuff, most little girls have walked around in their mother's high heels or put on their make-up and clothes, so that's not really a big deal. What bothers me is that society stresses the importance of looks too much, and that you have to wear a gallon of make-up to look good, or that you can only be considered attractive if you look a certain way. I get that looks are important, and everyone finds different things attractive, and some people are just fugly. No problem, but I think society needs to back off on the idea that one's looks are the most important thing and start promoting intelligence and behaving like a decent human being. There are way too many ill behaved, stupid people running around and it's just going to get worse. I'm not saying that beauty shouldn't be promoted at all, but there needs to be some balance. I agree with Chernobyl that males should be encouraged to take pride in their looks and make an effort.
  13. Eeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I was planning on going, so I can give you a ride there if you want.
  15. Is there anything in your papers about you going back to your other name? Mine said it. That will make things a bit easier. If not: They changed things. You have to go the the social security office first and apply for a new card with whatever official document has your name on it. They give you a letter stating that your name is changed, which you then take to the secretary of state to get a new license. And yeah, you have t contact every biller to change your name. They all have different things you have to do to change your name, so it's a pain in the ass.
  16. Today's good mood was ruined by hurtful words. I want to disappear.
  17. 1. My purse, because it has mine and my husband's car keys, the house key, my work key, my cell phone, cell phone charger, credit cards, bank card, driver's license, medications, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, nail clippers, nail file...and so on. 2. Either the photo album of our wedding/honeymoon, or the CD and camera that has all the pictures. Whatever I could get to first. 3. My binder of poems.
  18. This thread is so old that I was still married to my first husband when I created it. I now officially feel old. Oh how times have changed. I now have that "respectable" job and have to be to work at 8am every day, so I start getting tired around 11pm-12am every night. I have found though that I tend to wake up around 2 or 3 am each night and have to fight to fall back asleep. I also recently took time off of work and quickly reverted to my old night owl schedule. And why am I awake right now? Who knows.
  19. I stayed because I thought I deserved it, and I thought I wasn't worth anything better. I lived in a home where, on a regular basis, I was told I was worthless, ugly, and stupid. I believed it, and so I thought I deserved the abuse from my partners. He was charming at first. He had me hooked right away, on him, and his drugs. It started with verbal abuse, but quickly moved to physical and sexual abuse. He had me convinced that if I left him, no one else would want me because I was ugly, stupid, etc. I started dating him when I was 15 and didn't leave him until I was 18. I stayed with him even after he did one of the most horrific things someone can do. But he had the drugs, and I thought I deserved the abuse because I was such a horrible person. No one knew what was going on for those first few years because he wouldn't hit my face, so it was pretty easy to cover up the bruises and burn marks with clothes.The final straw was when he locked me in the trunk of his car for almost 2 days. He and 3 of his friends beat me and shoved me in the trunk. As I was lying there, bleeding and going through withdrawals, something clicked in my head. I didn't leave right away after that because I was still afraid, but I knew I had to do it. And a few weeks later I did leave him. The people I dated after him were emotionally abusive, and a few of them would hit me from time to time, but it was nothing like before, so i felt like things were okay, until something would click in my head and I would realize that what was going on wasn't right. 5 months after I married my ex-husband, he had a breakdown and tried to kill me. Long story short, he was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia after that incident. I stayed with him 2 and a half years longer than I should have. I stayed because I thought people would think I was a horrible person for leaving him because he was mentally ill. That wasn't why I left him. He wasn't the same person after he had his breakdown, and he often wouldn't take his medication, so he was verbally abusive when he was off his meds. I didn't sleep much those 3 years, and was constantly afraid that he was going to try to hurt me again. My drinking had also gotten out of control, though I didn't realize until a few years later that the relationship led to my alcohol abuse. I'm in a wonderfully normal and healthy relationship now and while I'm still working on building my self-esteem and feelings of self-worth, I know that I deserve to be treated the way I am treated now.
  20. I started playing violin when I was 10. I taught myself to read music. In middle school, I was taught how to play the viola and then taught myself how to play the cello and string bass. I later taught myself to play the bass guitar, which I have since forgotten and will need to teach myself to play again. I still have my violin and bass guitar, but I really really really want a cello, but a good one is really expensive. I love the sound of the cello and I always felt calmer after playing something.
  21. If we have enough money to go, we could go on Sept. 25th (he has to work on the 24th most likely).
  22. Succubus, Spawn of Satan (aka: Old Man Loving Whoreosaurus-rex) is at it again. Hopefully the cunt got put in her place this time. And no, I am referring to anyone on this board.
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