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Everything posted by bean

  1. I stumbled across this site many moons ago and posted some poetry. The eternal became friends with Pomba Gira, and she told him about this site. After many months and many dramas, he took an interest in my poetry and PM'd me about it. We chatted back and forth via here, then went on to phone conversations, then we eventually met. I've never connected with someone as quickly as I connected with him. I was all nervous and giggly, which NEVER happened with me. He domesticated me (I think I kinda like it ), and here we are, many moons later, and things are still awesome! I'm thankful that I met him, and I'm thankful for all of the great friends I've made through here.
  2. bean

    Thank you, dear sir.

  3. I have always been the one to end the relationship. Sometimes I would end a relationship when I started getting serious feelings for a person, so I would bail before I could get hurt, or let my emotions loose (thus losing control). The other times I ended a relationship after gaining the courage to leave an abusive situation.
  4. ~ What piercings do you currently have? -Ears (several), ears - 2g & 4g, tragus, septum, lip ~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why? Nose (both nostrils) - I got tired of it belly button - didn't like it nipple - it migrated and I didn't want it to work it's way all the way out labret - the jewelry fell out in my sleep and I couldn't get it back in monroe - same as labret ~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet? no ~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)? No ~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts? I have always felt like they were to enhance the look of an area, though I feel that more so with tattoos than with piercings. ~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children? I got my nose pierced in 8th grade, which apparently was against the rules. The school threatened to suspend me if I didn't remove it. I refused to remove the piercing, so I was suspended for a week. Someone started a petition to allow me to keep the piercing, which was signed by over 200 kids, but, of course, it did nothing. I still managed to keep the piercing and had it until I was 26. ~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites? I have plugs in my ears, and a hoop in my tragus. I usually wear a small stud in my lip, especially if I'm wearing a circular barbell in my septum.
  5. I haven't seen my father since I was 6 years old, but after spending quite a bit of time searching, I found him (I think. I haven't decided if I should try to contact him or not). Spend time searching online. Start with what you do know and go from there. Good luck, and don't give up. Tszure, I think this is a wonderful idea and I hope that you get tons of contributions!
  6. bean


  7. I agree. I feel the same way. Especially the last part. The more I think about it, reproducing may not be a good idea. At this point I find more negatives than positives. I value quiet, time alone, freedom, and my sanity way too much.
  8. That would be pretty awesome. *ponders* The idea that someone's value is based on having kids is stupid. In general, getting preggo is not that hard (I know there are people that have trouble, but I'm saying in general), being pregnant and giving birth are unpleasant, but not praise worthy. Well, I don't know. Squeezing a watermelon out of a lemon sized hole voluntarily is...something. That would be like congratulating someone on owning a dog or something. I'm not impressed by child-having. It would be like being impressed that you got a haircut. Accomplishing things, being intelligent, being a decent person. Those things deserve a pat on the back. You know what Chernobyl, what goes in the vag DOES count.
  9. If it means anything, I think it's awesome that you've accomplished all of that. Especially at your age. A lot of people your age are not that together. I often forget how much younger you are than me because you are so mature and have your shit together People shouldn't be praised for popping out units. They should be praised for raising them properly. There are so many horribly behaved children these days. When I was a kid, me and everyone I knew would have gotten our asses beaten for acting the way these little shits act nowadays. If I ever talked back to my parents or told them no, I would have been all done. The eternal and I have talked about having a kid together in a few years, but I'm really not sure. I know I would be giving up some things that I really value, like sleep and being on my own schedule. I also need time alone and quiet every day, and that would be gone if we had a child. I kind of go a little crazy if I don't get time alone. I don't know. It's something that we will have to think very seriously about.
  10. But, I'm bean and I do bean things. I'm part of the bean organization and that makes me super cool. Bean bean bean bean. Because I'm part of bean, I can only talk about neutral bean things. Bean bean bean. Bean. Bean.
  11. I'd be interested. As a side note, we need people who are focused on the task at hand and not just promoting the "me" show and yammering on about "me."
  12. bean

    Happy Birthday!

  13. Thai: 1. Siam Spicy in Royal Oak. I usually get my food with medium spice, and it's fine. At this place, medium melts your skeleton. I can barely take it, and I can handle spice. 2. Orchid Cafe in Troy on Rochester & Big Beaver is really good too. -------------------- Troy Deli, which is in the same complex as Orchid Cafe has great sandwiches. 5 Guys Burger and Fries is awesome.
  14. I would ask your supervisor specifically what is missing now. It may not be a meds thing. Or, you're on the wrong meds, or too much. What many people fail to think about is that different meds work for different people in different combinations and doses. Often someone will give up after one medication fails. People are often over medicated because they don't tell their doctor that they are over medicated. The Doc isn't a mind reader and he or she isn't going to know how the medicine is affecting you unless you tell them. Oh and people who go to their primary care physician for psychiatric meds. They don't have nearly as much knowledge on that sort of thing, so you are likely to get prescribed the wrong medication. People need to learn to go to a psychiatrist for that kind of stuff. Then there are the things that don't require medication. People need to learn coping skills sometimes, but it's easier to just take a pill. There is another problem with people thinking that they don't need therapy and just want to take meds. That's taking the easy way out, imo. It's easy to pop a pill. It's fucking hard to bear every messy fucked up crevice of your inner being to someone and then work your ass off to change whatever is fucked up. Kat, if you want to be an advocate, fucking do it. Don't let stupid shit hold you back. Fucking do it. Once I graduate and am licensed, I'll be advocating the same thing right there with you. If someone doesn't like it, to hell with them. You care about the clients, and there needs to be more people like that out there.
  15. It just occurred to me that I don't have school on the 22nd, so that would be an excellent night to go.
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