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Everything posted by bean

  1. I agree with you completely. I am concerned about the direction we are heading. For example, the company that I work for is looking to do more phone counseling. I get that it is more convenient for some clients, but I think that so much is lost when you do therapy over the phone. You're missing out on body language, facial expressions, and the over all presentation of the client when you don't see them in person. I rely so much more on a person's body language than what they say most times. I reserve my "hugs" for people that I would actually hug in that given situation, and I "lol" when I really do lol. Technology really has started moving people away from speaking to each other and instead, texting. It is so hard to read tone in text.
  2. I think many people do not put themselves in another person's shoes and tend to go with their unconscious biases, stereotypes, prejudices, etc to form opinions. I think empathy still exists, but to me it feels as though less and less people possess this quality. I think most people aren't aware of their biases, and they don't really bother to question what they believe and just take whatever has been spoon fed to them. Some people think what they think because of what they've been raised with, what society tells them, or what their peers believe, while others develop their own thoughts. Complexity varies from person to person. Some people are very simple, while others are very complicated. I think every person on the planet has their own purpose in life, and it is up to him/her to make the right choices in life to fulfill that purpose. I'd like to believe that because I have a hard time thinking that life has not purpose or meaning. It's a preservation of self, because if we have no purpose, what's the point of existing?
  3. I had a dream a few nights ago that I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I kept say "no" over and over again, hoping that it would change it to negative. The eternal busts into the bathroom and is angry that I didn't tell him I was taking the test. He sees that it's positive, grabs the test and storms out of the house. He's walking down the street, and I follow him. All of a sudden, he throws the test across the street. He then has a smile on his face and asks me if I'm happy that I'm pregnant. I tell him that I don't know. He asks if we are going to keep it. We discuss the different options while we are walking down the street. I tell him that I have to go to the bathroom, so we walk into a restaurant and all of my coworkers are there. Then I woke up. I had a stomach ache when I went to bed, so I'm sure that is where that dream came from, lol.
  4. Hugs to you too, and everyone else that posted. I still have a few trauma reactions that I haven't been able to shake yet. The sitting in the back of the class one is huge. I get to class ridiculously early to make sure that I get my seat in the back, and I panic a little if I'm running late because I'm afraid that I will have to sit in front of people. If that happened, I wouldn't be able to focus on class because I would be worried that someone was making fun of me or looking at me and criticizing everything that is wrong with me. It's stupid, I know. I just can't seem to shake that one. I did it all through undergrad, and now I'm doing it in grad school. My mother and step-father were the ones to pick on me. I'm an only child. I think what keeps me going is that I do remind myself constantly that I've made it through hell, so I can make it through whatever is going on now.
  5. I was teased horribly starting in first grade. I was overweight, and I didn't know how to take care of my curly hair, so it was always frizzy and puffy. My parents were also very poor, so I wore Salvation Army clothes. I would get called all kinds of horrible names every day, and I sometimes was pushed around on the playground. This continued on, and in 4th grade, I got braces and had to start wearing a bra. The teasing was even worse then. Boys would pull on the back of my bra as far as they could and let go, which hurt like hell. At that point, I didn't want to go to school, and when I went to bed every night I wished that I wouldn't wake up in the morning. Right before 5th grade, we moved. I continued to get teased for being overweight, having bad hair, braces, uncool clothes, and now, severe acne and for playing violin. I was also weird, and would get made fun of for what I said. I remember that I liked this boy, and he told me that if I did his homework for him, he would like me. I did his homework everyday for a few months, and of course, he told me that he didn't like me and that I was ugly and fat, and that no one would ever like me. Kids would throw snowballs at me when I was walking home from school. They would throw pencils and shoot spitwads in my hair during class. To this day, I have to sit in the last row in class, because I'm paranoid that someone is going to fuck with me. When I got home from school, I was bullied by my parents. I was made to feel worthless pretty much every waking hour of every single day. To add to things, one of the bullies lived behind me, so I never went outside when he and his bully friends were outside. The teasing let up somewhat in 7th grade. I learned how to take care of my hair, the braces had come off, my skin cleared up, and I lost some weight. I was still called ugly and made fun of for not wearing brand name clothes and shoes, and there was a group of 8th grade girls who threatened to kick my ass almost daily. At the end of 7th grade, I started rebelling and doing things that most of the other kids in my grade weren't doing. I was hanging out with older kids, and I felt accepted by them. In 8th grade, I was smoking, drinking, and got my nose pierced. More kids thought I was cool, so I had more friends, and wasn't made fun of much in school. I was still afraid to talk though because I didn't want to say something dumb. At home, my parents would constantly criticize me because of my looks, and other things. In high school, I was goth, so the preppy kids would make fun of me. I was called Elvira because I had long black hair, and some of them called me a witch. I started hanging around the stoners and was getting high all the time. During my sophomore year in high school, I lost a lot of weight and was super skinny. I had huge boobs, and was nicknamed double D's. I also looked older than I was. I was getting a lot of attention from guys, which was nice, but then some of the girls would call me a slut and spread horrible rumors about me. My home life was torture. I attempted suicide when I was 17. I was made fun of for that by the preppy kids, who would tell me that they wished that I had succeeded.
  6. If this is legit, it means you're being served with some sort of civil lawsuit. Whoever filed the lawsuit can send whoever to "serve" you. When you get served with it, you have a set amount of time to "answer" it. If you don't answer in that period of time, the person who filed whatever against you will automatically win whatever they are seeking. I would still be careful though. It could be some kind of scam. Obviously, don't give out any of your information.
  7. You are a fraud. You are an abuser. You use others and you don't care if you destroy them. You did this to yourself. I have no pity for you. You can't fool everyone forever. When they see the real you, everything will go down in flames. You say you want to share your true feelings about how they disgust you. You should take a good look at yourself first. You disgust me.
  8. I took Spanish all through high school and in college. I forgot a lot of it, but I want to brush up on it. I also want to learn to speak Italian.
  9. There are people that still care. I don't read much of anything on here anymore, but I know that on Facebook, people respond to what you say because they care. I don't respond because I don't like repeating myself. *hugs* As for me, I'm feeling tired, so I'm going back to bed.
  10. But, it was pinstripe, and under $7. How could you not buy it? __________________________________________________________________ In other news: hahahahahahahahahaha! Wow, um yeah. I don't understand how people made it out of high school without learning to write properly.
  11. I started getting grey hair when I was 25. I don't have much of it right now, luckily. I've been dying my hair since I was 14, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon, so the grey is not a big deal. Grey looks good on some people, and others, not so much.
  12. Deleting the whole thing was probably the better idea, because trying to explain it is pointless on people like you.
  13. Bullies look for people to pick on. They also enjoy tormenting their victims and really see nothing wrong with their own behavior, claiming that it's the victim's fault. It's really sad and pathetic that a grown adult can't take responsibility for their own atrocious behavior.
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