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About xM3RcUrYx

  • Birthday September 9

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    angel of death

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  1. Rocky and I loved your costume!!!!! we thought you should get a prize for being hilarious XD
  2. would like friends.

    1. TronRP


      Greetings and Happy Birthday :)

  3. apparently it's been moved to the Filmore. Not sure about the drinking tho :/
  4. I want to go!!! and I might even have Tuesday off... I haven't been to a club in a million years :(
  5. It will happen. Doxie said that at worst it will happen without beer.
  6. I will be working all weekend so I will already be in disguise as a cashier. If not I will be a dirty hippie, or just a regular punk-ass kid. (In contrast to my every day life, when I am a very respectable young lady.)
  7. maybe I'm being really ignorant but I don't think that if we stop writing offensive words on peoples hands our drink sales will improve in any long-term way. I'm inclined to believe that the people who are excited to have inappropriate things written on them and get completely shit faced because they don't have work the next day are the ones who buy the most drinks. If it were up to me I would draw hearts on everyone's hands. The rest of the city club staff thinks this is pretty lame tho and since I'm not too particular I try to keep them entertained. They would probably go for hearts or something cutesy before they went for "21" tho.
  8. I will ask Sibyl about it. I never pick the word, just write whatever Rocky or the bouncers pick. Maybe I will start drawing flowers on peoples hands....I'm not sure why it's usually offensive. Rocky told me that it was "tradition"... but as many people tell me, I'm not old enough to understand city club. Bill also gets cranky when it is a long word or an illustration. Wrist bands are most definitely not in the budget. I should start a thread for word suggestions.
  9. You would be surprised how many people do that. I just don't understand why I'm the only person in the world who can go into any bathroom (even the one at city club) and wash the sharpie off my hand. I figure if I can get it off that quick why is it so hard to get off in ten hours? It's no big deal to me if you want an X as long as I can mark your hand. I do get in trouble for not marking hands at all, but I can mark as many X's as I want.
  10. lol every time I sit down and start to crochet I just think about how much of an old lady I am. Crocheting for fun is one thing, but going to the club to crochet? that's pretty strange. I only do it because with my current work schedule its the only time I have to work on my projects. I can't remember the last time I went to a club just to dance and have fun!
  11. My friend AJ has tickets. I'm not sure how she managed to move that fast, but she was a girl on a mission I suppose.
  12. Yep :D Thanks The lobby bar just re-opened, and I don't think the lab is going to re-open anytime soon since no one has been talking about it. I am thinking about doing goth night on Wednesdays after eleven at the lobby bar and having some specialty drinks you can only get when I'm there, but we shall see since again, It's dead quite there right now. I will be there this wednesday around eleven trying to figure out how to make it more interesting, since apparently alcohol alone is not enough.
  13. I will be there all night :)checking your IDs.
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