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  1. Ok, you people aint plan on fucking these cows right?
  2. Sorry buddy, but these ladies are attracted to my poo here. You need to find a different territory.
  3. We're you really at CC this past saturday?

  4. Ice queen, care to go on a date with me? I have vanilla ice's album "to the extreme" on casette.
  5. Thats right darque! Bitch's these days all be thinking that there shit dont stink......Let me tell you mine sure as hell stink though.
  6. I know what you mean, its always my shit bucket and I.
  7. Those damn fancy restaurants keep kicking me out because I have to bring my shit bucket with me.
  8. My boogers that got crusty in my nose.
  9. Lets just say theres a reason why its considered "exit only". However I DO give a rim job to a chick though. *winks* In case of diarrhea squirts I have to have a bucket prepared so I dont have to rush to the bathroom.
  10. If she dont want me then hey thats fine. At least im still available for all you fine ladys! Oh, and I would also like to mention that im highly experienced in gaming, such as WOW. I have over 5'000 gold in that online game im willing to offer.
  11. Its ok, I already had to tell a few people on here so that they know that in order for me to attend at certain events I have to be prepared with some TP.
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