alaska, alternative lifestyles, art shows, arts and crafts, beads, bed&breakfasts, being a pirate, being barefoot, blogging, cats, cherrie, concerts, cooking, crochet, dancing in the rain, dogs, dreamcatchers, dreamsmud, festivals, good boyfriends, gypsies, handmade goods, hippies, journeys of mind, journeys of the soul, maine, making new friends, marijuana, marshmallows, meeting new people, music of all kinds, my friends, my irish heritage, my native american heritage, haunted houses, hairfalls, fashion design, egyptian mythology, vampires, werewolves, zombies(!), cute boys with tattoos and body piercings, body modification, bdsm, d/s, fetish shows, makeup, being the cute fat chick that i am, nomads, old people, painting, photography, poetry, roadtrips, silver jewelry, sleeping under the stars, snakes, soapmaking, spirituality, the desert, the mountains, travellers, travelling, treasure hunting, wolves, writing