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Everything posted by Ebolamike

  1. Like advocating a mass suicide in another country. we remember Jim Jones and his brand of Kool-aid or should we say"Kill-aid"
  2. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m167/jo...6/fat-woman.jpg
  3. someone's going to be enjoying a bubble bath tonight
  4. Much better,after letting out that sheet ripping,varnish stripping fart that built up in me.
  5. One of my best friends hardly ever if at goes on here anymore,I have noticed alot of favoritism on here and bannings as well,hope things get better for ya.
  6. Ever since I joined I noticed on this particular thread that only and mostly the twenty somethings are the ones getting hooked anyone in their 30s 40s and 50's are SOL must be an age thing,who knows considering I could care less,I prefer to hangout with ppl 40 and up anyway
  7. Also those 49 cent little packages of lunchmeat are good,also known as "skinny meat"
  8. Wondering which moron will win the election,either way we're fucked
  9. Like purging then pinching off this huge 2"dia. log
  10. Pantera,Suicide Note Part 1 and Part 2 ***Part 1*** Cheap cocaine, a dry inhale, the pills that kill and take the pain away Diet of life, shelter without, the face that cannot see inside yours and mine When I'm hiding, when I need it, it lets me breathe, for our handle on this life, I don't believe this time Would you look at me now? Can you tell I'm a man? With these scars on my wrists To prove I'll try again Try to die again, try to live through this night Try to die again..... Forever fooling, free and using, sliding down the slide that breaks a will Mothers angel, getting smarter, how smart are you to regress unfulfilled? It's a damn shame, but who's to blame? When I'm hiding, when I need it, it lets me breathe, for our handle on this life, I don't believe this time Would you look at me now? Can you tell I'm a man? With these scars on my wrists To prove I'll try again Would you look at me now? Can you tell I'm a man? With these scars on my wrists To prove I'll try again Try to die again, try to live through this night Try to die again..... ***Part 2*** Out of my mind, gun up to the mouth No pretension, execution, live and learn Rape and turn Fret not family, nor pre-judged army This is for me, and me only, cowards only Try it Don't you try to die, like me It's livid and it's lies and makes graves descending It's not worth the time to try, to replenish a rotting life I'll end the problem, facing nothing, fuck you off, fuck you all Tortured history, addict of misery, this exposes me for weakness is a magnet - watch me do it Don't you try to die, like me It's livid and it's lies and makes graves descending down Why would you help anyone who doesn't want it, doesn't need it, doesn't want your shit advice when a mind's made up to go ahead and die? What's done is done and gone, so why cry?
  11. Whats sad is most couples look at single people as worthless,likes its mandatory that you must be with someone to receive respect,whatever.
  12. Most women would rather go out with total losers,people who have been in and out of jail and court.its a "maternity thing"or someone who is a freeloader louse most of them hate nice honest people.just my thought. I do not mind being single,dont need the problems
  13. Like slashing my wrists,mcdonalds sucks,along with the management.
  14. Off white,somewhat stained,probably from wearing them for over a week,and turning them inside out every day,but thats what happens when you run out of drawers,and need more.
  15. happy,just got out of work a half hour ago
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