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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. Well I have 2 crushes one already knows.....and don't really need to comment on that the other one iam still not saying but prick know's who she is fuck man prick know's to much about me kinda scary anywho....hard to tell what her feeling's are though she's a big flirt but its hard to tell if its just flirting or what hmm?
  2. awww *hugs* you know who will hopfully come around....as far has the crush's thing iam with ya..hard to tell if ur crush likes ya back so i second ya *le sigh*
  3. mmm monkey eggs i hear those are A MAY ZING scrambled
  4. hey whats up cutie!!!

  5. sore but other then that iam grooooovy
  6. tired sore sleepy....but my damn mind is to awake and id just be tossing and turning....body is tired mind aint...fuckin hate it arg
  7. +1 iam kinda on the fence though i do like someone but not sure how they feel
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