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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. hope u get rested up soon man lotta people are glad to have ya back and new people are anxiouse to meet ya...are u making any special trips to CC soon id like to meet you as well
  2. YAY good for you darlin hope some good karma comes your way nice to see there are great people out there
  3. mmmmm Hoegaardens best wheat beer i ever had...as far as ski pants i have snow pants i dunno if its the same thing if so i can check to see if i still even have em as far as hat iam doing iam making cookies and watchin frosty the snow man cuz my lil cosuin is already n the xmas movie mood
  4. i didnt say i liked friends i just did the joey imitation personaly i thought friends sucked a big fat floppy donkey dick
  5. (dose the cheezy joey voice from freinds) heeey how you dooooin?
  6. <=========single it sucks but eh iam gettin over it hopfully not for long
  7. there ya go thats what i was going for instead of asshole i should have said jerk or bad boy
  8. belive me good guys exist there just a rare breed theres a lot of good guys on dgn its just like finding a good woman its hard as hell plus some people arent just ment for one another even if both of them are good people themselves
  9. is a very inteligent and kind hearted fellow also one badass goat
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