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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. oh do you now sir....shes not a red head so Kat was wrong there she recently made a new post....that is all
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ptOv1mGm8
  3. i think i was just violated by a airport security guy i think i need to play the crying game when i get home
  4. hmm....id say doing my fire thing at Erotica a few years back did my fire breathing in front of like 150 people felt good what was you're most depressing moment?
  5. oh you know who she is :-P Raev even told me ya know her.....shes on here....and shes on FB....shes an older gal....very purrty.....smart as hell....and funny as hell :-D
  6. i agree, i think everyone has became comfortable enough with everyone else that we all know its harmless fun even if it is harsh comedy the stuff Slogo, LoS, pRick, Spook, HunHee, and TWB have teased me about is funny, harsh at times but all in good fun....
  7. everybody does :p glad ya dig em

  8. i'm going to drink more beer
  9. well since its you being roasted wouldnt it be up to you and LOS picking the other roasters as well? and how many would it be...isnt there like usually 4-6 roasters including the host?
  10. i think the person being roasted should pick the next victim as well..so if Slogo decided to be the Roastee in turn he should be able to pick the next victim for the hot seat
  11. id be more then happy to do this...sounds like a fuckin blast
  12. i haz one and only Raev and pRick knows who Muahahahaha
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