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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. confused as fuck trying to understand females
  2. shut up halo iam half retarded and cant spell good
  3. bored thought id finally start writing agian
  4. damn iam hella jealause i got the shaft and wasnt able to be in the show
  5. lmao iam not hard to please really just give me a nice girl that will flog me regualry with a nice every now and then and can hold a nice conversation and not ask if its chicken or fish if were eating tuna sandwiches
  6. so unfortuanatly i was unable to preform in the show due to confusuion and i was failed to be told that i was needed saturday and not friday so it sucked also instead of me gettin the free pass i was told id be getting i had to drop money on ticket which didnt bother me to much but it was the princible of the matter i guess but i did get my gimp ass flogged and spanked a few times which left its mark across my back and ass and chest which i did obviousely enjoy but i was a lil disapointing not to be there saturday but it was none the less
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