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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. you rang!!!!????!!!

  2. whooo only a few more hours to go cant wait for the new one ^_^
  3. after the lions were the first team declared to lose every game in history....is when i stopped watching...Wings are were its at Its called Hockeytown for a reason
  4. electing G.W. Bush back in the day making all these 3D movies fruit cake panties not legalizing pot bailing out the big 3 to many times the justice system when it comes to certain cases ( man gets caught with 10 pounds of pot dose 25+ years....man trys to molest a child gets 5+ years) telitubies barny the dinosaur the wiggles
  5. i think, ill be home monday or a few days later pending on my mode of transportation
  6. ok...I'm not one for animie but this is pretty fuckin cool
  7. its ganna last for one season....read in USA today that it was such a big hit there having 13 episodes :-o
  8. my ego's bruised.....i just got called ugly by 2 chicks in under 5 minutes....damn..
  9. that sounds amazing as well....if i so happen to fall at home and have a week or so off i would love to join....eating on the road and inside a hotel room sucks...."Cup-O-Noodles" "PB&J" and diner foods take its toll after a while..
  10. Josie: ewwww omg look at the nasty as pillow at the door way Myself: eww dirty titty pillows! Josie: Oh My God whats that smell!? Myself: City Club Freshness
  11. YAY you havent seen you're Kinder Suprise in a looooooong time :-P
  12. i think theres prolly only one man in UFC that truly respects the sport and enjoys the MMA and that would be Anderson Silva....that man is a god in the ring....well two men that respect the sport i think GSP has much respect for MMA as well...
  13. munging is the wrost of all....makes Cleveland Steamers look Vanilla >.<
  14. Great Job Tryp keep goin man... sounds like you're doing great
  15. LMAO The Lebron James technique and the cute kitty technique and JUSTIN BEIBER LMMFAO his fuckin head popped right off LMAO fuckin mint berry fuckin crunch
  16. first off....HOLY SHIT Nightgaunt said fuck....I have never seen nor heard him swear.....:-O second i agree my lucky bastered ass had to wait 90 days when i got my insurance (i dont have it now) but whatever insurance my work had SUCKED....i was laid up in the hospital bed a few months ago for a few days and i got a bill stating that my insurance only covered the doctor seeing me and my meds...NOT all the FUCKING tests they did and blood they drew and piss and shit they collected oh FUCK NO....just the Doctor seeing me ONE FUCKING TIME....to say "Jesse you have __________ were ganna put you in this...feel better soon" and then wrote my meds.... and now like a fucking mortgage or car payment i'm paying off a hospital bill >:-( yea thats a little fucking ass backwards eh? i forget who's signature it is but someone has a saying on here in the far east when you're sick you dont pay the doctor, only when you're healthy..... and then America fuckin wonders....why is everyone so sick how come no one is getting better? how come? why? cuz we dont fucking help the people that need it god damn it thats why
  17. it needs to hurry up and be the weekend so i can go back to Michigan
  18. ZOOOOOOOMGGGGGG I CANT WAIT ONLY HOURS TO GO.....UGH.....IT NEEDS TO BE LIKE 10PM NOW!!!!!!! i have no idea what the goth kids are ganna do :=( cant wait though...I'm Stoked :-D
  19. agreed, however i know its hard to say rather then do...and even though i have toooooons of actual wrestling experince and as much as id like to get into MMA II'm ganna have to get my ass in shape...and even if i was a heavy weight, and in top physical condition....and i KNOW sparring with Brock would make me better....i prolly still wouldnt wanna....cuz i wouldnt wanna get Powend
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