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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. the knock came from the mail man, now im gonna be a brother.
  2. trollin me eh? :-P did you have plans or anything for after said tolling?

  3. no worries, your ok, it took a minute, its just hard to figure out sarcasm threw text sometimes, but from what I gathered I got an idea of what ya meant.. sorta.. lol.. from what I gathered if your interested you'll let the person know.
  4. *not related to anyone on the board* But FUCK YOU dude, for real, just fuck off, ain't my fuckin fault you messed up, you left early, you got behind the wheel fucked up, you called me to leave to drive, and were gone when I get there, so who's fuckin fault is it eh?
  5. well if that's not sending a mixed message I dunno what is.. i'm so confused
  6. dose that mean I gotta change my approach or do I gotta try to swoon you some other way LOL :-P
  7. oooooh aren't you clever.. I try to flirt and and you come up with a nice lil quip.
  8. lives 12 hours away but would be worth a 24 hour drive, and is cute as a button... yea a bit to cheesy I know.
  9. hey, I noticed you noticing me, and I just wanted to put you on notice, that I noticed you to.

  10. you know.. I'm older than you.. :-P just food for thought..
  11. I feel odd about this but, at times I'm incredibly happy being single, but one or two times outta the month I just get all "emo" depressed and want a cuddle friend, but not so much a relationship, just someone I can pickup for a date every now and a again, have a nice romantic evening, and whatever happens happens.. odd.. yea I know..
  12. Hungry, sore, tired, not excited for Monday, only 2 and a half weeks to go until this job is over, weeeee ^_^
  13. I think when I come here to ND to work, I'm gonna find myself a wife, ND is BOOMING with beautiful foreign women.
  14. aw don't you look just like a lil poodle skirt cutie pie, arent you lucky i'm 12 hours away >:-D
  15. Ideas eh... how about... Titties..
  16. Like 10 pound bucket of hot feces being crammed into a 5 pound bag.
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