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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. I KNOW RIGHT!!! Slogo's ganna be like that one bitch on Maury that had 87 dudes up there and pretty much had her own season on Maury i believe it took a year and a half before she gave up and said screw findin the baby daddy
  2. yea they look a lot a like *shurgs* the only real difference i can see is in the smile
  3. me and LoS had a baby so did me and Slogo and me and pRick
  4. hows that song go he likes her, but she likes him, and she likes someone else ya just cant win...haha yep that would be it.... I cant complain to much i suppose.... I mean i get to spend time with a beautiful girl that i have a lot in common with and are intimate as often as we can be...but there's nothing more to it then a sexual attraction and some common interests? ugh...as foolish and ignorant as this sounds...i don't think all i want is a FWB. *sigh*
  5. all he wanted to do was stick his spoon in her pudding and she wouldnt let him...bitch deserves it
  6. some may agree i think a lot may disagree but a GOOD majority of the time a man becomes friends with a woman cuz its a safe step to further something down the road possibly kinda like a waiting game of sorts perhaps...Phee is a smart man he may better word this then i can...there are obvious friendships between a man and a woman that are nothing more so I.E. one of them is married or both, or one of them is gay etc etc.
  7. Shamu went crazy....>.< not being a smartass but it said on the news that it twas Shamu that was responsible....
  8. I think that i have a serious issue with NOT being happy about just having a FWB and wanting something more and a few male friends looking at me like I'm crazy and remarking "dude you hang out get laid and she goes home" " WHY ARE YOU BITCHING"?!
  9. 5'10 5'11 somting like that either way shes a good head taller then me
  10. oh indeed Marc....eviedntly her being 5'11'' makes me her midget parsay her words not mine
  11. i has one to ^_^ marc got to meet her last night as well as Slogo and Lilly and LoS briely beore she yanked me off to a dark corner not that i'm complaining....
  12. seen a lot of cool as people there that night...twas a great night indeed...btw Lilly that wasnt fuckmerunning that was just my friend Jessica, undless like marc said fuckmerunning was there and we didnt see her...*shrugs*
  13. awe shucks... shit id love to be head of security but alass i dont yell at people for standing in one spot for 45 seconds to give someone a hug or say hello or for having a good time and laughing a lil to loud (yelling yes) youll see me turn into a douche bag for yelling...*gasp* gimp a douche no way...but for real the clubs already loud enough you dont need to yell like your outside inisde voice please..
  14. OH YEA..Ice Queen Flogged me in front of onlookers very fun ^_^
  15. HA don't worry i won't side note: what bouncer was it...can ya atleast say what he looked like?
  16. I had a great night myself for a change instead of feeling like a lump on the door i had a lot of fun hanging out with Slogo, Lilly, Spook, Tasty, Night and Tszura, Pomba, Storm, pRick, and Tyger got to hang out with my freind Jessica during break that was a good time even though the asshole Dbag tourist have some HUGE fucking balls to clearly see i work there (hence i was the one patting them down) and then try pushing me or moving me to the side to try to feel up a friend...yea...not ganna happen also got to hang out with the lovely *Siren* for a part of my door shift which was a pleasant surprise. OH i also got to meet a film producer wile speaking with Slogo and he is intrigued by my penis (in a non-homosexual) way and wants me to be a stand in or a adult movie maybe LOL anyway, that is all
  17. last night was really fun hung out with Slogo and Lilly and sky. bought a lovely piece of art got drunk...caught a bunch of condoms from hustler that the girls were throwing into the crowd. as well as a hustler t-shirt and a beanie...got my portrait drew my a really funny van gogh puppet had my picture taken with Kat the midget entertainer as she called herself. had a picture of me and slogo and lilly taken....very very fun night
  18. Dante's Inferno video game commercial aired during the superbowl
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