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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. hell yea one big trap...we need calix in plain view holding puppies and candy and have the rope, lube other essential items hidden so she dosent know whats cumming...Marc, Gimp, Tasty, Spook and Der Nister...damn thats a lotta dudes
  2. MARC!!! MARC!! open the damn sliding door this one wants in!!!
  3. noooo see puppies kittens and candy marc i think she might get in
  4. climb in the damn van first...we also have puppies and kittens!!!!
  5. ill be there...i have to work that night
  6. HA and marc has a creepy old van too....i can always hide inside with the others and offer you candy as we drive by...
  7. Happy Birthday hopefully someone other then me can rub yer bald head....i owe ya a nice drink next time ya come in to CC
  8. ooOOooH i might be able to make this
  9. So, i went to see the new movie Daybreakers last night (ok film) and about 1/2 way threw the movie at a really quite part almost silent i heard a woman yell as loud as she could "omg did you just F**ckin spit on me half the audience turns around to see a girl from what i could barely tell was probably in hed mid to late 20's slug another dude in the face. then a a girl sitting net to said dude stand up and slugs the girl in the chest, a guy sitting next to the girl that was spit on stands up and then slugs the girl in the mouth that hit his i;m guessing girlfriend...well half the audince got up and left poilce arrived 10mins later as the fight carried on...(i myself turned around and watched the movie cuz thats what i went there for) rip the 4 fighting people apaprt and drag them down the stairs and out the door...all i gotta ask is where did having class go...who seriously spits on people anymore let alone slugging members of the opposite sex?
  10. ive tryed these...i dont much care for them...i think they taste rather funny to me....
  11. drew 5 cards. 1)Lose 10,000 experience points; draw again. The payment and draw are mandatory! damn it 2) Gain the service of a 4th level fighter. The hero will join as the character's henchman and loyally serve until death. The hero has +1 per die (18 maximum) on each ability roll. Disco! 3)Gain beneficial miscellaneous magic item and 50,000 experience points. Roll on the MISCELLANEOUS MAGIC TABLE (III.E., 1.-5.) until a useful item (other than artifcats or relics) is indicated. The player gets experience points for this as well. SCORE! 4)Enmity between you and a devil. Hot anger, jealousy, envy, are but a few of the possible motivational forces for the enmity. The devil is usually of the Greater sort, possibly even an Arch-devil. The enmity can never be satisfied, save one or the other is slain. Shit! >.< 5)Lose 1-4 points of intelligence, you may draw again. As indicated, the mongoloid countenance causes loss of 1-4 (d4) points of intelligence immediately. They are lost and cannot be regained (although points can be restored by other means). The additional draw is optional. damn >.<
  12. i drew three cards. 1)One of your henchmen turns against you. When this plaque is drawn, 1 of the character's henchmen will be totally alienated and forever hostile henceforward. If the character has no henchmen, the enmity of some powerful personage -- community or religous -- can be substituted. The hatred will be secret until the time is ripe for devastating effect. 2)Lose 1-4 points of intelligence, you may draw again. As indicated, the mongoloid countenance causes loss of 1-4 (d4) points of intelligence immediately. They are lost and cannot be regained (although points can be restored by other means). The additional draw is optional. 3)Immediately lose all wealth and real property. As implied, when this plaque is drawn, every bit of money (including all gems, jewelry, and like previous and valuable treasure and art) and all real property and buildings thereon currently owned are lost forever. FUCK! Gimp got the shaft on this roll
  13. thats pretty cool ill look up the prices for copper and the old tymeie looking leather what have you
  14. any other help from anyone would be good to....id appreciate it the stuff spook gave was helpful
  15. ugh i wanted to be there...but in a giant fluke which is very rare work ran late....on a friggin Saturday got off at 5pm got home around 545 shwoered and figured it twas to late...have to catch the next shoot if ya guys do one
  16. all i gotta say is and *MAN HUGS* you friggin rock....
  17. ah...well would you happen to know any crafters....i know thats a possible long shot but anything would help?
  18. so lately i have been more and more intrigued by steampunk fashion i have found sevreal websites that i am more then happy with clothing wise I.E. coats, jackets, hats, boots, jewelry and such...but i cant not for the life of me seem to locate any of the copper steam punk masks such as these....now i know they will run a pretty penny for them for they are crafted very well and look beautiful i was wondering dose anyone know were to buy one??
  19. i fully agree with Rev. the man wanted to die...why not grant him his wish? execute him...i was watching the news early this morning around 7am today was his arraignment, they said he is obviously going to go to trail...and if if he dose get convicted which i'm guessing is a 100% guarantee just off the top of my head...he will serve no less then life in prison...which i'm guessing he wont last long in Detroit prison
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