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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. I don't know anyone into BDSM or anything like that.
  2. Absolutely not, there is no dry humor or sarcasm on this site :-p
  3. Helped put me back together after my top blew off *and I agree "old school women from the 1920's-1950's" oooooh boy
  4. I like the first one and the last two, *fans self off*
  5. Awesome! I think if Burrich invites me ill be able to go, my work season will be over
  6. Ya, had I not been roped into this North Dakota, I'd love to catch some fish and shoot stuff.
  7. :-( whys that? I hope ya feel better, I've only got to meet ya a few times but youre a pretty kickass dude. I hope to run into ya again.
  8. Well I shoulda said "new" faces to me, haven't been on here in awhile, but.. all I know is they joined last year in the beginning of October eu
  9. Trying to figure out how these cute new faces found DGN...
  10. true story. another 14 year old with a shaggy mop top will come along for us to bitch about :-P
  11. ya that seems ludicrous, awkward isn't a huge deal, hell a LOT of people on this bored are awkward, and I can't imagine guy's makin fun of ya, you seem really sweet and kind, and being beautiful doesn't help either :-P
  12. Lol, damn that was a fun ass weekend

  13. BULLSHIT you do don't scare me, work on it! :-P -full metal jacket-
  14. Sooo many Smileys, XD X-D :-D :-))

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