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Everything posted by vampvonramm

  1. I'm back muthafucka's!

  2. oh well we found ppl with gas money, maybe i'll see ya there
  3. Being gang raped by horses wouuld suck quite a bit!
  4. Anyone need or giving rides from around flint to necto? Me and my frriend need a ride, or if ppl have gas money we got a car?
  5. I was babysittin so my friends could go....but they are takin me to necto soon in return so its cool...
  6. Bored...tired....back hurts like hell!!!
  7. sick....cold or flu maybe.....dammit! this sucks
  8. .....snowcones aaahahahahahaha....?

  9. i wouldnt mind goin sounds awesome!!!
  10. sittin here hungry...thinkin bout food yet too lazy to get sumthin...LOL
  11. I just went thru breakup from a 2+ yr relationship in which i had a kid with the girl, my mood would be worse but I am with a wonderful girl I've known for a few years
  12. bein single can be fun look at this emoticon...LOL
  13. My mood calls for a whole new song im in a shit mood right now!
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