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    DF Shel
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    Music, writing, dancing, running, cooking, starving, and having the biggest mental breakdown I can have.
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  1. thanks for posting in my thread about the clothes. I REALLY appreciate it!!! :)

  2. Hahaha I could use an Venti Chai then
  3. Oh cool I will go through my closets and my sons closets next weekend and give you two a shout. I've got bunches of jeans he doesn't fit into, and clothes that are constantly getting too big on me. I'm always saving them simply because I tell myself I will donate them and never do, and I can't see throwing them away the landfills are full enough I will run them all through the wash and bag em up. They'll be wrinkled...I don't iron as a rule ha I do have a very pretty silk dress that just doesn't work on me that you can have as well
  4. Avoiding housework and contemplating a chai run
  5. I am damned tired of being depressed.
  6. Black If not for saving my friend from suicide these last two night, I'd be headed down the same road.
  7. <3 None, I just finished working out, I must have full range of motion don't you know
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