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Slept with ghost

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Everything posted by Slept with ghost

  1. I'm actually leaving my room to go to this. The smashing pumpkins started off a small tour in detroit at st andrews in 98 or 99 btw.
  2. The kick ass movie being made just 2 years after the comic started only makes me question what the hell is taking the Hack/Slash movie so long to be made even more.
  3. I think the best way to view any amount of music is that everything sucks. It's all a bunch of shit and I can't make better music myself because every note ever written, played, recorded, hummed or even thought of sucks. I don't give a fuck if I like it you like it fuck I don't even care if brings world peace all music is total and absolute rubbish and that's all there is to it.
  4. The type of people you run across are different between xbl and psn.
  5. Yours. Its witty and doesn't have any filler(420,666,313 etc) My tag is sleptwithghost which is a play on the placebo cd sleeping with ghost but seeing as how placebo never broke out in america everybody thinks I'm a necrophiliac.
  6. Give it 2 weeks and you'll start to feel like all us other poor saps.
  7. Meh. Every book to movie translation removes things but this somehow managed to keep things in while removing any chance of people knowing what said things are unless they read the book.
  8. I plan to go alone. Its only proper for any self respecting loner to do so.
  9. I just got it and had to turn it off. I'll finish later but so far I'm rather let down.
  10. Zombies have always had they're place in the sun. Even if the statement about them only having Romero movies was true said movies would still be held as classics over twilight dracula 2000 or the long list of crumy vampire movies.
  11. Burnout paradise and Resident Evil 5. I finally got around to playing Bioshock and was not let down at all.
  12. I'm hardly a grammar nazi nut the recent trend of what being spelled wat bugs the hell out of me.
  13. Good thing I got here just in time to make a post after the lame joke about peoples taste was made. Back on topic though placebo, AFI and the birthday massacre all have new cds coming out this year that I'm looking forward to.
  14. Fuck it who wants to build a machine that makes anime and video game characters real? Then again they would probably just run off too.
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