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Mouf Breathah

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About Mouf Breathah

  • Birthday 08/14/1979

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    I'll neophyte you! The first rule of neophyte club is you do not talk about neophyte club.
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  1. And then at the bottom Harry says: "...well if you're into statuatory, that is."
  2. The other third are liars.
  3. I happen to love football, drinks, and mexican food so OBVIOUSLY I would love to go some Mondays! This is right in my 'hood too. Tonight I'm working OT but normally I'm out @ 7:30 so I'd be mobile around 8:30. What time is the happy hour deal??
  4. YES! This was the #1 place I was going to list if nobody listed it already. This place is THE JAM! Gourmet quality food in a diner atmosphere at a reasonable price. What more can you ask for?? A smoking section & beer maybe, but, whatever. I tell everybody I know about this place. OH, and if you guys like hot sauce, they make their own. It's called "Spot Sauce". It's carrot-based. I know that may sound odd but, it's friggin awesome. The sell it too. I always keep a bottle in my fridge. Their menu is not that big, but, everything... seriously EVERYTHING on the menu is awesome. Oh, and I totally wanna steal the painting of the scientists burning the ant.
  5. I used to work for a mortgage company on Lahser & Evergreen. A few times a week we'd hit up Shield's for 4-beer-lunch. lol. I miss that place.
  6. My girl and I love this place too! Last time we went there they were hosting a private engagement party and they still served us! The party there was off the hook. People were being carried around on chairs, music was blaring (kinda sounded like house music mixed with middle eastern). People were gettin 'faced! Obviously this is a rare occaision, but, yeah. Chicken shawarma FTW!
  7. I know what you're trying to say here, but, a movie over 80 years old is not a good basis of comparison. Society has changed so much since then. What film makers were pushing the edge with then doesn't hold a candle to what they are now. Not only that, but, what exactly determines what makes up a vampire? Up until this book/movie it was a vicious lust for blood, fangs (front two, canines, or a whole grill full & retractable or not), and the inability to go into direct sunlight. Whether you want to add things like sleeping in coffins, super strength, flight, morphing into a bat, the ability to seduce anybody, fear of garlic, crosses, & holy water, stake through da heart, etc etc... that's one thing, but, to take away the basic staples of what makes a vampire a vampire is just silly. What do you have left? A junky with super strength. Not a vampire.
  8. I think the real question is, and this could be a deal-breaker, is there any vampire baseball?
  9. Hey, old ladies need haircuts just like everybody else!
  10. Haven't read the books. Don't intend to. Reading/Not reading a book does not qualify/disqualify a person from seeing a movie. You see, I'm neither female, teen, nor mormon, yet somehow I found myself watching this movie. I felt it would be a good idea to accurately represent the film so that other people expecting an actual vampire movie could at least get a heads-up before investing hard-earned time and money. I'm assuming you didn't make the movie or write the book(s) so there's no need to appologize to us because we didn't like the film (even though it was pretty funny). Of course, if you would like to give me my $9.50 back, I wouldn't stop you.
  11. In addition to the list of stuff Phee already mentioned. I think it's a must that I mention some more things: 1.) There's a full on game of Vampire baseball. Yes. You read that right. BASEBALL! Ohhhh.. Wow. You can hit the ball really far cuz you have super vampire strength. Bitchin! 2.) "Hold on tight, spider monkey." The main vampire actually says this to the female lead when they're about to go tree climbing. (Yeah. Apparently since vampires can go outside in the daytime they like to climb trees to check out the view...) 3.) Intesnse staring... And it's bad. Half the time you can't tell if the people are trying to hide a boner or if they have to take a shit. Maybe both... Either way, this movie is full of it. So much so that if you cut out all of the scenes where people are just staring at eachother and not speaking you could save about 30 minutes of your wasted time. So, yeah. This movie was a piece of garbage. It's a definite waste of $9.50 and 2+ hours. If you truly enjoy vampire movies do not go see this turd. You will want to stab yourself in the heart.
  13. I play metal guitar & bass. I rap. I scream. I make beats. I own a keyboard. I can't sing. I like to be offensive. I played the recorder in elementary school. I can play the shit out of the triangle.
  14. I'm sure it's great but what's the verdict??
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