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Everything posted by Tacohitts

  1. Two Books that are on my top favorites Its somewhere at my parents house Use to read this in the waiting room at the dentist when I was a kid,very alternative at the time,have not seen in several years
  2. I'd rather be single and happy than be with someone and miserable,LOL!!
  3. I really really hate people who like to purposely mis interpret,slander,and assume!!
  4. Its all about corporate greed,and it seems America is the only country in the industrialized nations that has this problem,I have always hated corporate greed and always will.IMO corporations need to stay the f--- out of politics all together.f-- fortune 500 corrupt corporations!!
  5. With the way most American woman act,I'd rather stay single.
  6. This is also a big problem with alot,any who watches the biased media 16 hrs a day,I know I don't and I know others that don't either.there are other sources to get info than to resort to the media on TV,and no this is not directed at you its directed at sheeple who believe in CNN and Fox News. If George Carlin was still alive he would make the best news broadcaster,because there would be humor along with it as well.
  7. Maybe its better you "presume" because you might be wrong,basically the only way to decipher people is to watch them when your out and about,just go to any random Wal-Mart and you'll see and hear how people really are.and btw did it ever occur to you that there are random crimes against people who have never done anything to anyone?
  8. You know I really like how you like to ass-ume,btw have you ever heard of self defense since people gang 20 against one??,and also where does race have anything to do with it,I posted a link,I did not write it!hating most of society is nor racist or illegal,not yet it isn't,I have seen bs people do in the past several years.I do not go to start trouble,but with most people today,you have to watch your back.
  9. Just to test the violence in American society Just wear a shirt that says"Assault me,I dare You" or "People Suck" always have my re-bar with me who remembers that idiot that got caned in believe it was in Taiwan for vandalizing property and thinking because he was American that his sh&% didn't stink
  10. Let me guess you have a problem with people bashing?!mostly bashing the close minded garbage thats ruining everything,and making it unsafe to even sit on your porch and enjoy a smoke.LOL!
  11. LOL!! let the truth speak for itself,f*&^ the media opinions on why we have problems with people here in America,post yours. http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/14189.html,be careful you might get assaulted for exposing truth about society,(sarcasm)
  12. Remembering when those signs said 1953 on them as well
  13. Staind is nothing but whiny music,overplayed commercial radio bs,and their remake of Tool's "Sober" really blows as well,could not believe that was ever even allowed.
  14. Very well said,to me dating is more like legalized prostittution.
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