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Everything posted by IsleofRhodesEnt

  1. First, go watch "No Country for Old Men" and you'll understand the referance to "swinging dick"...hopefully. Secondly, while you COULD build a firearm from scrap metal, the question is WOULD you? Would most of America bother to have a fire-arm in their homes if they had to assemble them from scratch? Fast food was technically developed as a "last resort", as in you don't feel like cooking, or are on the road, etc...but now, Fast food is just a part of our life...and look what it's done, despite my personal stand that "hey jackass, no one put a gun to your head to make you eat 4 $1 menu burgers in one sitting". Fast food is not a healthy way to live, and enabling people to own guns easier isn't an healthy way to live either. You think all those child-related gun based accidental deaths would have happened if their parents didn't have the gun in the first place? Introduce a violent product into a household and violence/violent ideals will prosper.
  2. *sigh* ...and here we go enabling every swinging dick to carry a lethal weapon.....great...thanks.
  3. awwww...you didn't add that the feds evicted the Kilpatrick family from their Texas Estate, about the exact same time they put a freeze on their assets. Mrs. Kilpatrick is broke as a joke.
  4. There is a sign up somewhere in Cincinnati that states there is a $100 reward for any information leading to the arrest of person or persons caught in the act of MOLESTING BIRDS or committing Vandalism. I find it amazing that BIRD MOLESTATION and Vandalism are only $100 offenses, as well as being equal to each other in monetary prizes...
  5. Last movie I watched: Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Anytime you can get Mr. T to do voice work in a comedy movie...it should happen!!!!
  6. actually...I'm not...but the fact is that the police didn't have the right address, regardless, nor was the proper procedures followed. If it was YOUR little girl...and they pulled that kinda shyt at your house...while the guy was NEXT DOOR instead....would you be "well...honest mistake....no harm...well..my little girl is shot...but you did EVERYTHING right....so" yeah...no....
  7. I thought maybe it was Dickticus?? Cockulator??? ...wait....were they filming "When in Rome, fuck all the women"??? or was it "A Night in Athena"? sorry....kinda had to.....
  8. Interesting and this is one of the most detailed accounts, by police, I could find. Police recount what happened Also...there were TWO A&E film crews following SRT around, "the First 48" and a crew shooting for "Detroit Swat"..I find it likely that Fieger has a tape from A&E. Problem is, wheither you like Fieger or not, we will never know what happened until the video is released. I do have a question though: In a house where you KNOW there are children, why in hell would you perform a raid at 1 AM????
  9. yeah...guy they were hunting lived upstairs of the house NEXT DOOR!...people in the house tried to tell them, little girl pops in a window to see what was going on (she was napping), and some jackass pulls a trigger from shock. Now, I have never been a cop...I have had no law enforcement training...but I could have sworn that they were trained to IDENTIFY a target first, give an order to freeze, THEN shoot if ness. None of that happened. Guy see's movement and fires...good job.
  10. From what I hear, is that the struggle didn't happen till AFTER the shot was fired. Also, the shot was fired from OUTSIDE the house....The police lied pretty much about everything...but what really gets me, is that it was the WRONG house in the first place....the house they wanted was next door. I PRAY that Fieger eats the city alive this time, because it's a HUGE set of stupidity and what seems to be improper training that led to this.
  11. The part that is really biting Bing in the arse is the fact that it's not "some guy" with a camera, but an accredited film crew with years of experiance in this kind of work. The Mayor of Detroit Vs. A&E who owns rights to the tape...yeah....Bing losses.
  12. "Kwame Kilaptrick will be off the Compuware Corporation payroll at the end of the month. We don’t have any choices. It’s an unfortunate situation, and we feel bad for his family, but our hands are tied." it's a great day to be alive!!!
  13. So when are we gonna have a "Kwame got slammed" party??? what I really love...is that as soon as they heard...Compuware FIRED him...LMFAO
  14. It wasn't "Some guy". It was an A&E film crew that was with them filming the "First 48". The episode had to do with the exact crime they were there for. It's not their fault. Bing is a moron thats siding with the cops because Fieger is gonna make the city eat crow, and in this case, it needs to.
  15. So lemme get this right: because YOUR police force screwed up and it got caught on tape, your idea of reforming to prevent further incidents of this problem is to blame the CAMERA CREW???? Umm....the Camera Crew didn't pull the trigger, jackass.
  16. It's not water vapor exactly...it's Nicotine vapor. And yes, they are technically still illegal, because they have not yet been approved by FDA, which means their not fully legal, which makes them illegal. It also means that anyone stopping a "minor" from buying one cannot legally do so, yet. Welcome to the next stupid lawsuit, if anyone is quick enough.
  17. *shrugs* well, lets be honest...another mandatory shut-off switch may or may not have worked. I'm not saying they shouldn't have it, but from what I understand, there was a line of problems that caused this, not just the switched. Would an extra switch helped? probably. Would have it been a definate solution? never know. What if the had the extra switch and this still happened? what would we have said then? If anything, this will put some stuff into effect where Oil companies are going to go over their systems alot more, because it will cost them more to clean it up then to fix it. hopefully
  18. the actual idea came from the writer/director talking with some people about how he would like to sew the mouth of a child molester onto the anus of a fat trucker..and viola!!...The Human Centipede is born. The sequel is to include a chain of 12 people...which is insane.
  19. So..I ran across this the other day when looking for upcoming movies...and WOW The Human Centipede Trailer There is a sequel planned for this movie already. and if you missed out on whats happening in the trailer...watch it again.
  20. True...his foot is in his mouth...and I personally do expect some kind of sabatouge of the rig. However, I do like the fact that the goverment came down and said "Hey, BP....your paying for ALL of this...bottom line." Can't hate the responsibility being on them for the clean-up, etc.
  21. no...I don't think they will prove WORSE...but I don't think that they'll be much better either. High rates of Nicotine, which these provide much more nicotine then normal cigarettes, can raise the risk of mouth cancer by quite a bit. also, while companies are SAYING that you have to be legal age, considering that it's not Tobacco, there actually IS no legal age to purchase these. They are an un-approved product that has no tobacco, and the legal age bit applies only to tobacco included/related products, which this is not. The companies can deny the sales of this product IF they choose to, but they can legally sell it to minors as of right now as well.
  22. more on the E-cig, from the FDA interesting read pdf file from FDA now....In know that we all have issues here and there with the FDA, but I would at least like final testing before people go wild with these things.
  23. Not kidding May 22nd, NY/NY I had to do a double take like you wouldn't believe.
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