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13th Floor Productions

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Everything posted by 13th Floor Productions

  1. I just finished "The Time Traveller's Wife" for a book club but I wanted to read it anyway. Once my finals are over, I'm picking one of the great Russian novels. Any suggestions?
  2. I'm eternally on the search for a group of girls who want to dress up as the Sailor Scouts so I can cosplay as Tuxedo Mask. I'm also determined to do Lupin III one day. I've never seen anyone else do him right. Their suits are always way too baggy. They forget he was from the '70s, so his suits have a tailored look.
  3. Someone may have already mentioned this but there always seems to be some fat guy who shows up to anime cons as a scantily clad female character. I guess that's funny in the frat house but it's just creepy to me.
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