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About Anthemocide

  • Birthday 10/18/1989

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  • Location
    Westland Michigan
  • Interests
    Boys, HAlloween, Horror movies, poetry, City Club, and more to come...
  • Referred To DGN By:
    DGN PArty at city

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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. Greetings and Happy Birthday :)

  3. if any one can or has a lead lemme know aim: reverendivory
  4. Hmmm I dunno whether or not I wish to divulge this info or not but I really wanna see this... it's really a guilty pleasure for me Confessions of a shopaholic
  5. AWWW, but one thing no offense and don't ask how I know this, but "liken" is actually Lycan
  6. I think you either a just missed it or B it's still in michigan because I just went to see an AWESOME screening of repo last night and synedoche ny was listed in the sign.
  7. Damn!!! The closest I just got was I saw repo last night... and two characters were there one of them being bill mosely (otis driftwood from devils rejects, house of a thousand corpses, and croptop from texas chainsaw massacre 2) I got his signature and a pic too! once my friend uploads the pics!!
  8. Like the avatar pic. Very Steampunk.

  9. HAs any one heard of Coraline!!!! it is Very VERY amazing looking in 3d too and not lame I mean mind blowing the commercial was played right before my bloody valentine!!!! http://www.coraline.com/?__source=ggl|cora...|Coraline_Brand watch the trailor
  10. I have a movie recommendation For psychobilly FAns!! it's relatively old news but I've not been on here that long and decided to divulge this info *inhales deeply* "trailer park of terror" not only does it have amazing psychobilly music in it but it really does have the feel of the scene, a lot of dark humor, and fucking awesome make-up affects on the "ghouls"... So dust off the stnad up bass and gauge your shotgun!
  11. YEahhh... about that ... What I'm really looking for is a quality american Original... horror movie a classic more or less I've been finding a lot of the lower budget movies slightly more entertaing frankly... I absolutely adore "trailer park of terror" any fan of psycho billy what so ever needs to see it!! Lovely bones? And I do actually await the new HArry potter movies as well... but what happend to the Hobbit ?!?(yes I'm a lord of the rings fan) And apparently they're going to fuck up one of my favorite movies ever!!! : hellraiser * shakes head* As for Wolverine origins... all I have to say is ... good... it needs a little bit more of an edge to it then then the initial X-men trilogy.
  12. awww thank you soo very much!!

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