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Everything posted by aponia

  1. megan is really hot and a hell of a kisser more of a tease though
  2. reading about ghb laced toys that came in from china marketed torwards 4-9 year olds. kids get to have all the fun.
  3. happy birthday

  4. happy birthday mofo, i hope you feel better soon

  5. didnt combichrist play on a goth cruise in the bahamas some where and at the end of the cruise they had this big masquerade ball. i cant remeber which cruise ship-company lets it happen it's a yearly thing though
  6. of course i know im special. tee hee hee

  7. awww i got it in english and japanese. 私は特別なのですか?

  8. thank you very much my dear

  9. are you going out tonight?

  10. were practicly neighbors

  11. i got all excited till i saw what it was, now if it was a martini....
  12. hanging out in the er, i just wanna go to bed
  13. how about women not wearing male boxers with out pants in public, could you look more trashy? i think not
  14. the more pictures you keep posting the more i have a orange crush on her, actually i think i'll get one
  15. why you so pretty lady???

  16. i love the fact on your kinki kitty web sight you have the tokyo decadence/sisen flyers up. that makes me happy on soooooooo many different levels. feb 5 in chicago sisen spins.

  17. jesse you caught me in fact i do have a crush on you
  18. когда в России оно вы в реальном маштабе времени?

  19. your interests are pretty hardcore, i only hope to take my self to that level one day

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