yes we were... but withing the group we respected each other a great deal.. that is what WE were all about!! We helped each other, never insulted each other and even thought we were rejected by many, we tried to never do the same in return. Within us there were many different kinds.. the ones that enjoyed the music, the ones that enjoyed the arts, the ones that enjoyed the style..some of us wore the dark clothing ... some did not.. it was more a lifestyle than a style in itself. If that makes any sence. (sorry english is not my first language). But i guess that what I am trying to say is that no matter what aspect of the goth culture we were involved in we helped and respected each other. That is not so common anymore, within the culture there are soooo many clicks, and soooo many groups that attack each other I feel like "goth" is no longer the culture i grew up with.. is just one more click. I do consider myself goth, and always will be.. but unfortunately i don't think the terms hold up to the ideals it did in the past. Maybe I am way to old and idealistic.. but i do miss the "freedom" that being goth brought to my life at one point!
oh.. and maybe i found the other post insulting because to me the word "rejection" has always been and insult.. i might be wrong.. who knows... but growing up in a country were i could not even understand the language for the first 3 years I might have become a little ubber sensitive about rejection and acceptace.. (and acceptance is what i had always found wtihing the goth culture) until recently
if he did nto mean it as an insult I am sorry...